If you spend quality time arguing and fighting with people it’s ego and pride that is holding you back and most of the time this defense mechanism is from not listening. If you want to project and you want to state your facts before you listen you can’t learn anything because you’re not being considerate to the person in front of you regardless if they are right or wrong.
If we listened better and we prepared our hearts from a place of understanding we would not only be more effective with reasoning but we would avoid a lot of unnecessary fights.
Man do I know what it’s like to argue!? I have a lot of fire in my chart so a younger me was all about projecting and getting my “point” validated. If you didn’t see it my way I often would allow my pride to become very disrespectful. It’s not that I am not tempting to argue and rationalize with silly business it’s just now with the heart chakra open I want to be effective in love rather than to be known in my ego.
Who cares about what you know, love is understanding and listening shows you truly care about reconciliation. You are what you focus on so if you focus on arguing, being critical and judgmental then that’s what you will be it’s that simple.
Most fights come from a place of misunderstanding and the biggest one is not communicating effectively. Our pride and ego would rather be silent from the fear of being hurt and most of the time that silence is a lie because regardless of the outcome you are only hurting yourself in your silence and you will never grow if you continue to put of the inner work today for another day that often never comes because pride and ego is a poison and poison lingeries and is hard to get out once it comes in.
Consistency, commitment, and communication, and connection are the keys to your success with yourself and with others. Don’t be silent and don’t suppress emotion just learn how to communicate and to be vulnerable and you will avoid a lot of heartache. Learning how to communicate better is to simply to open your mouth and communicate more and to breath and listen before you respond. If you are afraid to be uncomfortable then you will always be an anxious person because anxiety is bred from a lot of suppressed emotion and silence.
Be committed and be consistent and you will grow and learn love and we are here to love and connect because we are reflecting the same source and to honor these soul contracts we have to learn to listen more and to speak less.
Don’t waste your time fighting because you are only fighting yourself. Instead of trying to rationalize with people that choose to remain fools listen anyways and act accordingly in your wisdom. You are not a slave to toxic behavior but you also don’t have to waste your time trying to build with a deff ear either so walk away and come back when you can come from a place of love and understanding and if you are listening, loving and being patient to reconcile and the other party refuses to build, then walk away and give your energy to other people but remember conflict can easily be resolved when you listen, communicate and you come from heart space of love and vulnerability rather then from a place of pride and ego.
Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!
Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian
If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/
Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:
Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:
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