There is no accountability in this AMA killing field and there is no real learning regarding the causative factors of why humans decline in there health and why the body degenerates.
Don’t be a victim!! Turn to nature and turn to the truth and it’s not found in the medical world because they turned to money rather than compassion for human life and if they did they would wake up and understand the basics of chemistry and how that affects the human vessel and they would start to understand the function of the lymphatic system and how this system gets compromised in a negative way and it’s fork to mouth and it’s that f**king simple!
If they cared about human life and had real compassion to help people in a suffering state then they would do whatever it takes to stop the deaths from Occurring because they sold their souls to pharmaceuticals which are Pharmakeia which is a part of witchcraft according to the Bible and I believe it to be true.
Look at what these chemical “medications” are doing to people’s brains the behavior and the side effects!? It’s taking away control regarding rational thought and being one with instinct and intuition. The human’s intuition wants to connect with the earth, nature and raw living foods in nature.
The medical community sees clearly the deaths taking place from these chemical drugs and lawsuit after lawsuit and this continues to go on! Don’t be fooled by the fancy degrees on the wall they don’t say anything because if they meant anything then humans would be healing under there care but instead they are greed constipated with insurance companies and masking suppressive drugs they refuse to wake up and see the evil that comes out of disrespecting nature by Administering poison to their patients!
This is righteous indignation because I care about humanity and I want to help humanity find answers to healing naturally in simplicity and educate them on how to avoid pain and suffering because with Discipline and awareness it can easily be avoided!
The medical field is all about shutting down the natural production of the body with drugs not understanding the severe consequences that come out of this when the endocrine glands shut down and the eliminative organs. When the lymph system backs up and you shut off the body’s natural steroid production you create a nightmare down the road for you clients when you can easily educate yourself on detoxification and understand that most of these problems are elimination problems and acid stagnation in the body due to acid ash diets and acids forming chemicals that enter the body by mouth and by skin.
The 3rd leading cause of death in the world is medical errors and Pharmaceutical drug side effects.
Don’t give your money to this killing field and don’t waste your time trying to figure out health problems that are labeled with mysterious diseases that don’t have a cause and the diet “plays no part” syndrome!
Respect chemistry regarding what you put in your mouth and on your skin and you can avoid the corrosive blowback that comes from the acid side of chemistry that’s found in foods such as, grains, beans, eggs, meats, dairy, and cooking oils. If you adopt a raw food diet based around fruit and you get your kidneys filtering and your skin sweating and your bowels moving properly then you won’t create tissue dysfunction from not eliminating acids that damage cells.
Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!
Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian
If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?
Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:
Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:
The Mangotarian @ YouTube: