"Natural" treatment based thinking

"Natural" treatment based thinking

It’s bad enough that there are lies being spread on how to effectively heal your body, with pharmaceutical drugs, and trying to treat a problem that cannot be treated, because most problems that we face regarding our health require getting to the underlined issue which is cleaning and repairing through detoxification. We are definitely a culture of trying to add on things rather than focusing on nature’s cure which is fasting and eliminating the underlined problem which are obstructions the block the flow of energy that create a state of disease in the body. It’s much easier to cover up a symptom even by using natural methods which really aren’t natural, when it comes to understanding the simplicity of chemistry and how the body reacts to it. Most people don’t want to go through the difficulty they may face when detoxification takes place. When you truly start detoxifying your body, on a fruit based diet with herbal botanicals, you will experience symptoms, that may be unpleasant temporarily. It’s either you endure through the process, and understand that these are acids coming out of your body, or you could go to the supplement route, and try to treat the problem with enzymes, supplements, probiotics, and find a special protocol that will help band aid the problem but never really get to the underlying cause without true elimination when it comes to detoxification. You cannot effectively heal yourself if you treat even in a natural sense, you will have to return back to the problem because you didn’t eliminate the cause.

Supplements do not solve the problem, they may cover up a symptom, but you have to understand that the symptoms are caused from acids, and you have to remove the acids from the body and that’s going to take detoxification, and supplements do not create detoxification, the raw living foods such as the fruits, berries and melons and herbs will pull obstructions from the body, allow the kidneys to filter out these acid waste, so that you could get to the underlying cause of the problem which are acids dehydrating the body interstitialy and blocking the flow of energy creating a state of disease in the body.

Supplements suppress, and actually slow down detoxification, probiotics provide temporary discomfort, but actually create more fermentation in the body which could feed the fungal family which is why people get overgrowth of candida. Digestive enzymes can over stimulate the pancreas, and make it so that you can no longer digest your food if you abused them and take them to for too long, mineral supplementation can throw the body out of balance because we must understand that depending on the species design the body only requires a specific amount of minerals that are in that perfect ratio in the whole food that the species is designed for, so taking too much of something could over stimulate the body and overstimulate the endocrine glands, such as the adrenal glands which are responsible for producing minerals and allowing the body to utilize them in the first place, so over-stimulating them with supplements that are high in minerals can actually cause a problem down the road, and it’s just another waste of time and money trying to treat and mask a problem that must be fixed through the process of elimination, which is the simplicity of holistic and natural food In it’s raw and living state like nature intended it.

You don’t ever want to mess with nature and isolate something, because you want to treat a problem, nature did not make a mistake, and whole foods are always the best solution when it comes to providing your body what it needs in the first place, but you must understand that the compromises of why your body is out of balance, is not because you’re lacking a specific nutrient and you’ve created some kind of disease deficiency, this is allopathic thinking and should not even be a concept in the natural health movement. You must understand that it’s the trash and the terrain and the environment in the body they create deficiencies, so when you take

out the trash through detoxification, you will remove the acids and mucus that are creating the imbalance in the body causing the “deficiency”. When you fix digestion, absorption, utilization, and elimination, through regenerative detoxification in it’s simplicity, then the body will come into balance and you will be able to get what you need from the whole foods, without having to supplement with an isolated nutrient, made in the lab, that was not intended for the body in the first place. If we’re going to say let thy medicine be thy food, and thy food thy medicine, we must understand what food is, and it’s not an isolated supplement, or a dying and fermented food, it’s a juicy ripe fruit picked off the tree, or a wild crafted produced herb that’s grown from the soil not tampered and structured and manipulated.

Most people don’t want to take the balanced route, because they want to try to rush the healing process. You cannot rush the healing process if your doing it the wrong way, because then you will have to return to the problem down the road, and that’s why I’m going the balanced route and just removing mucus and acid forming foods, eating foods im designed to eat which are fruits, berries and melons, and using whole organic and wild herbs, for my medicine, and doing 16-20 hour intermittent dry fasting, is all i need for my body to go on and heal itself the natural way. “Deficiencies” will resolve themselves over time, and the goal to overcoming them is to get your kidneys to filter out the sewage waste that has been stagnant in your body since utero. Less is always more, but it’s fear and propaganda the cripples us and makes us think we need to add more because we may be missing something, but it’s like I said it’s blocking the flow of energy with mucus and acid forming foods that create the problem, so when you remove them, the body will come into balance all on its own without having to enervate with supplements, mineral supplements, probiotics, digestive enzymes, specialty enemas, and all kinds of complicated protocols, to try to drastically eliminate a problem that could simply just be dealt with by pursuing a lifestyle of returning back to the garden and that’s the fruits, the berries, the melons and the herbs.

Fruits are very aggressive and expose underlying issues in the body, and most people can’t get that concept down, because they are motivated through treatment based thinking, so when they go back to cooked food, or start taking supplements, they start to feel better temporarily, but then usually the problem comes back down the road, and they have to start from the beginning all over again, and just allow the fruits to Be an effective tool to aggressively pull out obstructions, and to just tolerate the symptoms and side effects while the process takes place.

Detox Miracle sourcebook page 143

Health is very simple, eat within the scope of your species, eat your foods fresh, ripe and raw and unprocessed, as all other animals do, rest and get plenty of sunshine, clean your body out of all toxins, including chemicals, heavy metals, antibiotics, excessive hormones, excessive proteins, unnecessary mucus, destructive parasites, pesticides in the light. Basically, alkalize yourself with your diet. We humans have the highest neurological development of any species, and fruits are the highest electrical alkaline foods on the planet. I have seen fruits regenerate the nervous system when vegetables did not. Use herbs to rebuild tissue and promote tissue function. Use freshly made fruits and vegetable juices as power supplements to your diet. Added superfood complex or blend to your diet to enhance deficient foods. A superfood as its name implies is one that contains some of nature’s most nutritious and energetic foods, like royal jelly, wheat grass powder, and Alfalfa powder and a capsule, pill or powder form. If you do all the above you will see your body kick into action. It will clean itself out and rebuild itself, regardless of the disease you may have. I’ve never seen a case of any disease that did not respond to this program. Every person I have worked with has greatly improved, and in most cases their disease conditions have been entirely eliminated. Always try. I don’t care how advanced or a mobile you are. I’ve seen complete spinal cord separations repair themselves after years in which the patient was almost completely immobilized. I’ve seen the body realign and reshape itself from various deformities. If you follow nature’s law, you will find the power of God and nature is unlimited. -Robert Morse ND-

The more you keep trying to treat a problem, you must understand that the term treatment comes from the medical field, and there expertise is not to cure, and get to the underlying cause, but rather to suppress and mask the symptom. You must be careful in the natural world, because unfortunately this concept has come into the naturopathic community as well in regards to probiotics, digestive enzymes, mineral supplementation, and vitamins, they act the same way as pharmaceuticals, except they don’t create the amount of side effects that the pharmaceuticals create, and nobody dies from them, but they also don’t get to the underlying cause of the problem, and this could only be done through true regenerative detoxification, and that’s by aligning your body back to nature and eating foods Your designed to eat in their holistic and natural form, and keeping things simple and creating the detoxification process, and if you focus on that, you won’t have to spend your hard-earned money on useless supplements, and trying to find some temporary relief, when finding relief is eliminating acids and mucus forming foods and that’s just by simply changing your diet to a raw living food diet, and making fruits the base of your diet, because they are the detoxifying foods that nature has created for you. If you’re still focusing on treating like getting enough minerals, and the vegetables you must understand that your species really isn’t designed for vegetables, because you’re not a herbivore species, you’re a frugivore species. When you eat vegetables you could feel better, because it slows down the detoxification process, and the fruits accelerate this process. People complain on the fruit when they’re trying to detoxify their extremely toxic body, and also feel better when they add more vegetables, it’s not because the vegetables are clearing up a deficiency, but rather the vegetables are slowing down the process of detoxification, because they do not produce the energy and electricity of moving the lymphatic system like the fruits do.

If you don’t think that fruits, herbs, and dry fasting is enough to heal yourself and you need more than that, it’s only because you’re not trusting the detoxification process, and understanding that depending on how toxic you are, it could take longer than you expect, going through these healing crisis when the body starts to realign itself and heal at a cellular level. It’s also extremely important to understand that when you start the detoxification process, you don’t want to keep yo-yoing back to foods that don’t promote detoxification, you want to do your best to push through the process, so that you don’t lock in more acids or create more in the process of trying to eliminate them. You want to be gentle on the kidneys, and when you start detoxifying on water rich raw and organic living foods such as the fruits, you will start to repair and regenerate the kidneys, so that you can eliminate the cellular waste through the lymphatic system. When you yo-yo from this highly energetic diet that promotes healing, back to certain cooked foods this could cause damage on the kidneys and overburden them, and make it difficult to filter properly, and then you get frustrated and blame the fruits when you return back to a fruit based diet, thinking that the fruits are causing the problem, but it’s really just your body and poor choices that created the problem.

Keep it simple my friends and just understand what true naturopathy is all about, true natural hygiene. True naturopathy will always align itself with nature and not structure the chemistry of the food that nature provides, that means supplements, mineral supplements, vitamins, digestive enzymes, probiotics, fermented foods, and everything else that the so-called naturopathic community is using to try to heal people but unfortunately are wasting their time. True naturopathy does not change the chemistry the structure of the food in order to make it beneficial for your body. Nature did not make a mistake but people have. Fruits, berries, melons and herbs, and allow your body to fast and rest, so that it could accelerate the healing process which is a fasting state. Simple is more, and adding on can be suppressing. If you don’t keep it simple, and you try to rush the process, and you float around like a feather in the wind, going from one protocol to another, and even being manipulated by your doctor with blood work, and exams, and thinking that you need to do procedures to fix your body, you will only create more frustration, less results, and you will be crippled with fear, and you will not find your wellness, and peace of mind. Nature is the answer, and eating foods that your species is designed for is the answer, if you just focus on this simple thing, your body will realign and heal itself naturally. Understand again you are a frugivore species, not a herbivore species, not a starchivore species, not an omnivore species, and definitely not a carnivore species. Your design for ripe, fresh juicy fruits that fall off the tree!

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:


Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:


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First published: 7 years ago
Views: 780
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