Nature is the best "protocol" for healing

Nature is the best "protocol" for healing

For those of you that have chose the natural path to heal your body, may come across conflicting information on how to effectively achieve this. There will always be somebody that will come along and say they have the special antidote, and the most effective way to “treat” your problem the natural way. And some will even make promises, and how they could effectively help you to carry this out, quickly and agressively, with special modalities, such as supplements, digestive enzymes, probiotics, specific therapies, and so on. Anybody that promises you quick and effective healing, doesn’t understand true cause and effect. You cannot force the body to heal on your terms, let alone you cannot treat a so-called disease or deficiency that simply doesn’t exist. Anybody that says they have a natural protocol for healing, and coins your problem with having a disease, or deficiency, doesn’t understand anything regarding health. There is only two sides of chemistry that being acid and alkaline. you cannot treat an acid-based problem, you must detoxify the body and eliminate these waste through the lymphatic system. Adding on probiotics, supplements, digestive enzymes mineral supplementation, and having a specific ratio of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, or specific amount of vegetables to help clear up a “deficiency”, because fruits simply cannot effectively produce the results you need, do not understand true naturopathy, let alone the foods that your designed to eat, and will only help you to mask your symptoms temporary afor you to return to them down the road.

You could only remove acids that are stagnant in the lymphatic system, the sewer system of your body, by consuming chemistry, that has the power to move the lymphatic system, and that’s not (JUST) jumping on a trampoline, doing specific lymph drainage therapies. Best method is consuming chemistry that are found in the fruit kingdom, that have the electricity, and the astringency, to move the lymphatic system that regenerate the kidneys, to eliminate these waste that suppress the body from its natural function that create the symptoms that you have today. The disease and deficiency thinking, will get you nowhere, because your problem has nothing to do with this, it’s due to a backed-up lymphatic system from years of abusing your body with prescription drugs, chemical additives in the foods, and eating predominantly acid, and mucus forming food.

What happens is the kidneys shut down, the lymphatic system gets backed up, and you express symptoms because of it. Any kind of so-called deficiency, or sensitivity you have, is only because your body is too backed up with acid, and that’s why your unable to consume raw foods anymore without feeling a side effect or symptom. Going on a special protocol with a bunch of supplements and procedures to heal step by step and some kind of science formulated strategy, will not get to the underlying cause of the problem. You have to detoxify your body, and adding on a bunch of things doesn’t encourage detoxification. A matter of fact it’s true fasting of not consuming any chemistry that really allows the body to heal drastically and effectively. You want to consume food that creates hydration and energy, and you also want to allow your body to heal naturally, by getting out of the way, and not over-consuming chemistry, that is very difficult for the body to process, utilize, absorb, and a simulate, and this is not being supplements, minerals, food you’re not designed to eat, even though there “Raw”, and doing therapies that innervate and shock the body, when the body just wants to rest, and that’s the best way to eliminate waste that have been stagnant in the body over a lifetime of abusing acid/ mucus forming foods I repeat!

Even though raw vegetables, are not mucus and acid forming doesn’t mean there are good option when it comes to an efficient way to bring energy to the body that will allow it to promote healing a detoxification. Vegetables are definitely an option for somebody at first that is coming off of a standard american diet and that are used to eating very dense and high-calorie concentrated foods, and may need some satiation when it comes to savory and for balance (not detoxing).

Raw vegetables do not move the lymphatic system, and do not promote kidney filtration, and there also very difficult to digest, making the body spend too much energy on digestion, rather than focusing on being able to put its energy towards healing the interstitial spaces, by removing the acids that block the flow of energy that create the symptoms that your expressing today. When animals in nature need to heal, they usually get their healing the simple way, and that’s by fasting, drinking a little bit of water and allowing the body to rest, or not consuming water or food for a certain period of time, until the hunger and true desire to eat comes back. When your chronically sick, the body will naturally shut its desire off from wanting to consume food, because that’s its natural signal telling you that it wants to heal, so adding on supplements and minerals and specific foods, with a body that just simply wants to rest and heal, will not get you very far when it comes to getting rid of the problem you may be facing.

Also the whole worry about specific calories, and minerals, when the body wants to lose excess amount of weight, so that It can rid the body of toxins it doesn’t want to hold onto, is another distraction. If you get too skinny on raw living foods high in nutrition, it’s simply because the body is trying to heal itself from malabsorption, from all the abuse on the lymphatic system, and eating foods that have blocked the small bowels absorption pathways, with high starch, dairy, and protein promoting food, that create mucoid plaque in the body, causing an interstitial state of acidosis.

Focusing on chronometer, when it comes to getting a specific amount of nutrition that has been designed by people that have no idea what foods were even designed to eat, let alone understand that these chronometers were designed for a complicated species that doesn’t exist, because there is no animal in nature, that would have to eat food to meet their so-called nutritional requirements that they push, because there’s a specific amount of nutrition in it’s perfect ratio that a specific species can only utilize properly in order to create health.

The standards that we put on nutrition is a little ridiculous, that chronometer encouraged foods that our body is not even designed to consume, because we don’t have the anatomy, the physiology and the digestive tract to properly digest, absorb, utilize, and eliminate the by byproducts. We need to stop worrying about getting a specific ratio of nutrition, and just simply start eating the foods our body is designed to eat, and we will get all the nutrition we need from that food. You cannot even absorb and utilize nutrition, until you clean out your lymphatic system that is backed up with acid in metabolic waste that suppresses the body’s ability to even use the nutrition that your trying to find. Humans are frugivores species, designed to eat predominantly fruit based diets, that being 80 to 90% of their calories from fruit, but it’s not the calories that are going to fix your problem, it’s eating foods that are designed for you to eat that promote the body to heal itself, and to find the energy to start healing itself. When the body is so focused on trying to digest and utilize foods it’s not designed for, it’s very difficult for the body to rest and heal the way that nature designed the body to heal.

We need to get our minds off of treatment, and deficiency based thinking, simply return to a diet that are species is designed for, which will promote the most detoxification as well, and utilize holistic natural, wildcrafted herbs to bring enhancement to damaged tissues and cells, and keep it as simple as fruits and herbs, and just allow the body to purge the toxicity that’s uncomfortable, get through

the healing process that takes place when the body wants to get rid of these by products that have been stagnant in the body for many years. If you get too skinny, if you start looking deficient, it’s only because your eliminating acids and mucus from your body, and when you eliminate acid and mucus from your body you’re not going to look like a runway model, so you have to get used to getting ratted out before your body will repair itself until you can look healthy again. So wasting your time on supplements, minerals, a specific ratio of fats, carbs and proteins, is going to be a waste of money, and doesn’t get to the root cause of the problem. You need to detoxify your body, and detoxification the true naturopathic way is simply eating holistic real living foods such as fruits, berries, melons, and using the herbal and botanicals that target specific damage glands and organs, that do not cause side effects, do not over stimulate and innervate the body, and are simple foods found in nature, that God has put on this planet, to be medicine for the human species, and all the other species in nature also benefit from these herbs for healing.

The best protocol for natural healing, is to go with nature, and true nature will be eating foods are designed to eat, fasting, meditation, and getting outside of your mind, and just allowing the healing process to take place on its time, and not trying to force nature to work for you, because nature will never work for you, when you have not obeyed her laws from the beginning of conception. Let nature have its course, with healing your body, and the best way to allow nature to an accelerate the process of healing, is getting out of the way, and just simply eating food Your design to eat, and not trying to stuff your body with a specific amount of nutrition, and calories because this will actually suppress the body from healing. Everybody wants to know the specific foods, they need, and the certain amount, and a specific time of the day to eat because, we’ve become robotic complicated creatures. Just simply eat when your hungry, stop when you’re truly satisfied, and eat fruits that are in the sub acid, and acid categories, and it doesn’t matter which fruit it is just make sure that it’s fresh, ripe, and organic.

If your extremely toxic, and can’t handle the aggressiveness that takes place when you remove, stimulating foods that suppress healing, you may need to add in some green juice for a specific period of time, until you can handle the power of the fruits, because they detoxify and want to eliminate obstructions very quickly, and that’s why people run into serious skin problems, experience chronic fatigue and chronic pain, it’s not because the foods are causing the problem but it’s the body revealing its chronic state, because it’s finally trying to heal and eliminate the acids that are suppressing it.

Green juice will allow the body to detoxify at a moderate pace, until you can handle all fruit for rapid detoxification. Instead of wasting your time on deficiencies, and treating your problem, focus on getting your kidneys to filter, because it’s filtering out these acid waste that allow the body to heal. The simple protocol for healing is eating foods Your designed to eat, working your way up to fasting, taking specific herbs that nature has designed to help enhance the glands, organs, lymph and nervous system, and waiting for the results to take place. If your kidneys are filtering, and your bowels are moving, you are healing.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 7 years ago
Views: 679
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