No hope for healing outside of nature

No hope for healing outside of nature

What is healing? Is it managing symptoms ? Or is it reversing and maintaining a healthy body, so they don’t come back? The second one sounds right, and outside of nature, there is no hope for healing.

Sounds pretty black and white right? Yep because chemistry and physics rules creation, and nature is simplistic! The body can become so damaged and the kidneys can lose filtration for years, and the lymph system can back up in frightening ways. Your lymph system stores your cellular waste, and acid waste, and your bowels holds your digestive waste, and even there is microbe waste that takes place in the human body, such as fungus, yeast, parasites and worms, and don’t forget the environmental waste like heavy metals and the like.

The body becomes a human trash can, and If you never take out the trash, you can’t bitch about your health problems. You need to stop creating the problem, and you need to maintain a proper ph balance, and homeostasis for the body to get rid of this trash. Hydration and alkalization creates an anionic environment, and acids, and sewage create a cationic environment (corrosive)

What hydrates and truly alkalizes the body? Is it dead cooked foods? Is it dead animal tissue? Is it useless isolated supplements? Or is it a consistent diet of mainly fruit, and raw tender veggies? Truly the only alkaline foods that are in nature, are fruits and vegetables, and sorry but all the gurus that say cooked veggies, and other “alkaline” grains are alkaline they are wrong! Because understand that true alkaline chemistry hydrates the body, and cooked foods, and especially starches, dehydrate the body!

Keep it simple my friends, and stop trying to find excuses that cooked foods will not hurt you, some may not sting you to bad, but they don’t move lymph, they don’t hydrate the body, they don’t promote kidney filtration, and endocrine gland function, they don’t have the electromagnetic energy to activate neurogenesis, and to clean the and repair the adrenals glands that control the autonomic nervous system, and a clogged up GI tract, means lymph backing up in the head, which compromised and causes dysfunction to the central nervous system. Starches and animal foods clog up the GI tract, and this is why most people are constipated on dairy, meat and grains!

If you want to find hope in your healing, then stop suppressing, stop trying to manage symptoms, and get over vanity regarding your physical body, because when your in nature’s repair shop, you may get skinny, you may feel weak and tired for a season, but when you get rid of the trash, which has been building up for decades, it takes time, and believe me your loaded with mucus, fungus, yeast, molds, metals, chemicals, Mucoid plaquing, and many are dealing with hardened lymph nodes, and hard stones all throughout the body, because they have been on the wrong side of chemistry eating proteins and processed foods for years, addicted to the pleasures of man-made “foods” and now your in a lot of trouble because of it!

There is hope in nature, there is hope with setting up the right environment for the body to heal itself, and if you get your bowels moving, your skin sweating and your kidneys filtering there is nothing you cannot heal!

The AMA has nothing for you, but more acids to damage cells, more anti-life drugs (antibiotics) to kill bacterium, which you need to properly break down metabolic waste, steroids and hormones which put a hit on the pituitary, and adrenal glands, and then your body stops making them naturally, and you run into dependence, and all kinds of problems, you become a zombie and slave to the establishments, and nature is not even a thing that is connected to you in the slightest way.

If you take their drugs, you saturate your physical organism under artificial lighting, WiFi, radiation, and the like, you never get outside in nature, and see the sunshine, and never move your body around so that it can function properly, you stop working out, and complain about not having muscles, and dealing with weak joints, and you never find your spiritual balance, because you have become a slave to others, and you become dragged around like a ball and chain around unconscious beings necks, and you forget about how important you are, and you crash your adrenals, become extremely anxious, you don’t eliminate properly, because you can’t under stress, and you wonder why you’re not healing quicker then you desire?

Natural healing is much more than just eating fruits, taking herbs, and fasting! You need to change your environments, and follow the sun, and get outside in beautiful nature, shut off your mind l, and all the chatter, stop thinking, became the observer, and surrender to the present moment, and you need to repeat every day, and have that mustard seed of faith to move mountains!

It’s hard to heal in Babylon no question, but you can if you learn to surrender to you, love you more then anyone else, and surrender to the God within, and manifest power, victory, and abundance!

You can clean out your physical body, you can clean out your emotional and spiritual body as well, but if you don’t get rid of the negative jobs, relationships, and people that obstruct your life and bring you down, then it’s understandable to give up on this lifestyle of regenerative detoxification, and natural healing, because you can put off your suffering for another day, cross your fingers their drugs, and treatments mask your symptoms, so you can “manage” your suffering, and dependence regarding negative surroundings, but understand that there is no cure outside of nature, and lives are short-lived when we disobey mothers nature’s laws!

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
Views: 563
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