Overcome drug and alcohol addiction on a fruit based raw food diet

Overcome drug and alcohol addiction on a fruit based raw food diet

Coming from a past of doing drugs and drinking alcohol, I understand the struggle, and the mental and physical addiction that comes with drug and alcohol abuse. Nobody ever told me that changing my diet could be the most successful recovery solution when it comes to addiction, and I think that it’s should be the main solution taught at every rehab, however there is no money to be made when the cure can be had from your own home!

Alcohol and drug addiction is not a “disease” this is mind confusion, and just modern day language that was taught, because that’s the culture, and society we live in today. Everything is a so called addiction, and disease, and not much is taught regarding how powerful you are, and who you truly are. You are the very imprint, and awareness of the allness, or infinite consciousness.

When you remove these mind, and brain obstructive foods, you can wake up, and take your power back, and overcome any addiction, because disease does not exist, it’s called acidosis! When you remove acids from the brain on a diet of hydration and living chemistry, you will become alive, and you will see how easy it is to give up the drugs, and alcohol, because you have become elevated to higher consciousness, and can see reality for what it is, and again understand how powerful you are. If you take mind altering things like junk foods, highly cooked food diets, dead animal tissue, and their milks, drugs and alcohol, you will buy into the lie that your an addict, and have a “disease”.

Try for your self, give yourself at least 60 days on a fruit based raw food diet, and watch how you elevate to higher consciousness. You don’t need a motivational speech, and mentor, because you will realize you are that person yourself! You will become confident from within, and you will become alive on the living foods, and a living foods diet will also clean out the drug residues, and enhance these receptors that have been overstimulated and damaged from the drugs, such as dopamine, and serotonin and many more receptors that are activated through the adrenal glands through hormones and steroids.

The best tool you can bring into your life while getting of the drugs, alcohol, and medications, is a daily juicing habit. When I was coming off drugs and alcohol, I found that green juice was a huge help with withdrawals, and post acute withdrawals, because the greens enhance serotonin rapidly, and the fruit juice cleaned my body out, and also gave me the extra energy boost I needed to get through the day. If your looking for juice recipes, just google Dan McDonald the life regenerator.

When you turn to a raw food diet or fruit based plant based diet, you will experience a peace of mind, you will feel one with nature, and suppressing and hiding in a world of darkness, numbing with drugs and alcohol, will be a thing of the past, because you will no longer be attracted to the darkness, because the raw foods will bring you into the light!

A living foods diet is the answer to overcoming addictions of all kinds, not just drug and alcohol addiction, because raw living foods will wake you the hell up mentally, you will be elevated to higher consciousness, and will refuse to hold onto the labels of im a “recovering” addict, or I have been battling the “disease” and that “ I will always be an addict” this talk does not come out of the mouth of a person thriving on raw foods, because when you surrender to a living foods lifestyle, you become lifted to a higher spiritual awareness, and you start to say things like I am recovered, and I have no addictions, and the power of positive thinking transforms your life.

I’ve been off drugs and alcohol for over 3 years, and it’s not a disease, because if it was their would not be a cure, because there are no cures for illusionary diseases!

I am fully recovered, and I am not an addict, I am the very imprint and beauty of the divine, and I claim my victory in that truth, and I’m not damaging my brain and spirit anymore, because the raw foods and fruits have cleared out the debris, and detoxified my brian enough to see what I’m capable of accomplishing, and I can do anything I set my mind to, because I know who I am, and I also know who you are, and it’s not an addict, it’s light, love and infinite awareness, and it’s the raw foods, and fruit I think can get you to see that, this lifestyle has for me, and so many others, and the art of positive thinking, and attracting, and manifesting spiritual eternal awareness, that will pull you away from the system, and their programs of settling for negative labels of just “trying your best” because you will see that you are the best, and you are the power, but I just don’t see how a person can claim that with a brain full of acidosis, and a lifestyle void of regenerative detoxification on a living foods lifestyle, because again when you remove lymph from the brain, you can claim your forever lasting victory, and never again identify yourself with weakness such as addict, or that you have a disease, this is selling yourself short, and only for those stuck in the body, and creation, and just have not found out yet that they are an eternal soul will settle for less, but you don’t have to, and a tool for accomplishing spiritual, emotional, and mental awareness, and healing, is a fruit diet, and a diet void of karma such as eating dead animals, and drinking their milks!

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:


Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:


The Mangotarian @ YouTube:


First published: 6 years ago
Last updated: 4 years ago
Views: 606
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