Postpartum depression

Postpartum depression

Most women grow up dreaming about having babies, and this is a good thing, I believe that reproducing and creating life, is a beautiful thing. However women continually are making babies in today’s world, not understanding that this could come with a consequence if you’re not on the right side of chemistry when it comes to the way you live your life regarding what you consume, what you put on your skin, and the air you breathe can affect the life of this child. We live in a culture where we just don’t understand, that when you’re in the process of giving life to a child, in regards to the baby being in the mother’s womb, everything you put in your body is being fed to this child. Not only are you feeding your child, but your also developing this child’s immune system depending on the strength of your own immune system. If your lymphatic system is very clogged up, and you get pregnant, and you continue to consume an acid forming diet, you will greatly affect the lymphatic system of this child, and we don’t want to bring life into this world, with these types of consequences. It would be better to detoxify the body, before giving birth or even have a child, so that you can give this baby a healthy body, so that the child can go on and thrive in this life instead of just existing like the rest of humanity, in a chronic and degenerative state.

We need to stop producing children with sick bodies because we refuse to clean our bodies. Its not fair for this child to inherit weak genetics, and a weak constitution because we continually devolve as a species, because we can’t give up junk food, that is full of acid, mucus, pus, parasitic activity, and other corrosive microbes that we create in the environment in our bodies, that shut down the immune system, clogged up the lymphatic system, clog up the kidneys, all the eliminative channels, the glands, the brain and nervous system, and then we take prescription drugs, lots of caffeine, and the list goes on if the chemicals and hormones and antibiotics that we consume on a daily basis, and then we decide to have a child and we don’t understand that we are creating this type of toxic environment in their bodies when we bring them into this world.

It’s pretty sad that we are producing babies, with cancer, all types of bodily imbalances, deficiencies, or whatever you want to call it, its all because of creating a baby with a clogged up lymph system because you refuse to be on an alkaline dominant diet, based around fruits and vegetables, and when you are pregnant you eat fast food, and just consume things that greatly affect the body of this baby, and then it has to grow up and not understand the importance of creating a clean body and environment, and then they must detoxify their bodies, in order to get them on track, and even in today’s world because of the toxicity we created in them, it can even take some time for them to detoxify and clean their bodies even as a baby.

My goal is to not bring negativity in and depressing information but to shed light on the truth so that we can avoid this from continually taking place.

Postpartum depression, is mainly caused from the mother lacking the utilization of calcium, so when the mother is pregnant, the baby will steal even more calcium from her body, that she’s already lacking and not utilizing, and in return this creates the blowback of feeling depressed, and struggling with mental issues. This is why I believe it’s important to keep the parathyroid gland healthy, and detoxify your body before you decide to have a child, because if you’re not utilizing calcium do to a parathyroid weakness, you will not only pass that on to your child, but you will lose so much calcium, and acids will attack connective tissue, and you will end up throwing yourself in postpartum depression.

Symptoms of a parathyroid weakness are depression, weak and brittle fingernails, bruising easily, spider veins or varicose veins, scoliosis, osteoporosis, hemorrhoids, prolapsing, herniation, arthritis, cramping in the legs and body, mental illness, low calcium levels, spine deterioration, herniated discs, bone spurs, cramping up when you walk Etc. These are all signs that your parathyroid gland is down and you’re not utilizing calcium, and in order to fix the parathyroid gland, you have to detoxify your body and remove the acids that suppress it. When you’re not utilizing calcium, acidosis takes place and acids will rob calcium from your bones, to make up for the calcium loss. If you bring alkalinity and hydration to your body and you drain your septic tank which is your lymphatic system, and you create a healthy environment, you could activate the parathyroid gland so that you can get utilization of calcium. It would be a better idea to not have a baby to avoid postpartum depression, but also so that you could give the baby what it deserves and that’s a healthy body, with the strong lymphatic system, with strong kidneys and adrenal glands so that the sewer system (lymphatic system) could drain on a daily basis, so that we could create a world of smart, strong, high-functioning children, with healthy brains, healthy bodies, and create a species again that thrives on the foods that there designed to eat such as fruits, berries, melons and herbs.

I would highly recommend you change your diet, clean out your body before you decide to have children, or else you’re going to have to detoxify yourself, and your baby after birth, and it would be better to do it now, then I have to wait after birth, because you never know what kind of health problem your baby pops out of the womb with.

Also it could be dangerous if you have a parathyroid weakness, and already have mental illness, you don’t want to end up like Andrea Yates who drowned five of her children in a bathtub because she lost so much calcium, and in my opinion had a parathyroid weakness, which created these blowbacks, and when you have a parathyroid weakness you also must understand that you have systemic acidosis, and it’s all from not understanding that there’s a consequence to the food you eat, the stuff you drink, what you put on your skin, and the air you breathe, that will affect your health, and when you continually shovel in acids you will end up causing dysfunction in your glands, and without utilization, absorption, proper digestion, and proper elimination, then your only going to create this low quality of life in your child when you conceive them and bring them into this world.

I highly recommend detoxifying your body, and getting back to a real living foods diet that your design for as a species, before you decide to make babies, it’s worth it, and it’s something that we have to create now before it’s too late, because it’s very very sad to bring children into this world with these chronic and degenerative health conditions, and even suffering the consequences of having to watch our babies suffer because we didn’t take care of our bodies before we decided to have them. I know this is a message of shock, and it can be difficult to digest, but I’m all about the truth, and I want to spread awareness, so if I don’t address these difficult topics, we cannot bring change into this world, and that’s what’s most important to me.

We can create a healthy and strong vital body, and then in return create this in our children so they don’t have to enter into this world in a state of suffering and pain. They deserve better than this and if we love them enough we will make the changes.

The good news is you can still detoxify your body, and your baby’s body after you conceive them, you may have to wait to aggressively detoxify your body, after breastfeeding, to avoid rapid detoxification in the baby, but you could still find ways to go on a raw food diet, that’s not as detoxifying as a fruitarian diet, eating raw foods like avocados, bananas, raw coconut milk, salads and superfood herbs like alfalfa, and stuff like that, that will allow you to clean up your body but not detoxify it to rapidly to were it will affect your breast milk, and your baby’s system. If you want to learn more about this I highly suggest you go to Grape so that you could work with a detoxification specialist that will help guide you and answer your questions on how you can go about doing this while you breastfeed, or after breastfeeding how to properly detoxify your body and baby in a safe and effective way.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 7 years ago
Views: 762
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