Pre work-out supplements will destroy your kidneys and adrenal glands

Pre work-out supplements will destroy your kidneys and adrenal glands

The human body is designed to get the energetics from the Whole Foods to fuel the body. We need simple sugars from fruit to activate atp, and to fuel our cells for activity no question, but do we really need stimulants to create enough sustainable energy to workout? This is one of the biggest lies, and mental crippling misconceptions humans have bought into.

If your trying to get in shape, and build muscle, gain flexibility or whatever, then you want it build strength and endurance the healthiest way possible. Stimulant preworkout supplements will radically damage your body much more then you think, and turning to a “quick fix” just to get a workout in to build acidic muscle that doesn’t last, but only for a short season of temporary vanity, and ego is not worth it, and I would strongly encourage you to turn away before you run into problems down the road.

These toxic high caffeinated stimulants overstimulate the adrenal glands, and stress out the autonomic nervous system which the adrenal glands control.

You wonder why after a preworkout shake hours later you feel dizzy, off balance, and have brain fog, or feel like your going to pass out from getting off the couch to quickly (seeing stars) that’s the autonomic nervous system being tripped up, and your head is getting backed up with mucus to protect your brain (cerebellum)

Why do you feel irritated, and on edge when you come down off these powerful stimulants? Why is your sex drive becoming overactive or under-active sense you have been taking them? Do you have any idea what’s happening? Your shutting down your adrenal glands which produce your steroid, hormones, Neurotransmitters, sugar metabolism, mineral utilization and sex drive!

So when you cause your adrenal glands to become depended to caffeine you will impair their functions in all these areas! Is it worth it to shut down this gland that is responsible for everything you need to thrive in daily living? No it’s hell literally when you can’t metabolize sugar (candida overgrowths) you loose Neurotransmitters and can’t function with out caffeine this makes you a drug addict literally, and energy can not be found with out it, so you will feel fatigued and weak without your drugs. You can’t utilize minerals so your body just pees them out, so you become mineral deficient, you loose hormones so your sex drive shuts down and you developed PE, ED, or just no sex drive at all!, you loose your cortisol steroids as well, so your body will not help you buffer acids (inflammation) and also without cortisol steroids you run into blood sugar problems when you eat all foods that contain sugar (ALL PLANT FOODS) and chronic fatigue and depression kicks in and life freaking sucks!

It’s not worth taking this toxic crap just to get a good workout! Have a fruit smoothie and hit the gym, at least your body will clean itself especially when you create lactic acid build up from working out, and you will actually recover properly.

Also this toxic acidic substance in a can you take daily to “pump up” get swoll bro!? will shut down your kidneys because the adrenal glands are attached to them. You shut down your kidneys and you continue to eat and consume acidic chemistry then your lymphatic system backs up, and you don’t filter the acids out because the kidneys loose filtration to remove the waste! You don’t want to run into this problem believe me being someone that has taken these supplements, and also did the high protein diets getting me “swoll” or “ripped” and I suffered the consequence down the road when my lymph system backed up, and I lost filtration to remove all the acids I was pilling in the body’s septic tank (lymph system) and that’s when you run into systemic acidosis, chronic pain, or whatever you want to call it. It’s simply just acids chewing on cells and tissue in the body.

The kidneys need to be healthy to eliminate your waste or your time clock will run out when your septic tank backs up and overflows. Don’t wait until this happens, make the changes now with your diet, and use the foods to like the fruits to energize your body for a good workout. Don’t fear the sugar because this is bs, fruit sugar is essential for the human body, and just because the fruit is sweet doesn’t make it “high in sugar” your sweet potatoes and oatmeal is way higher in complex sugar which is offensive to the human body not fruit sugar!

Fruit is living and electromagnetic, it contains the most energy out of any food and is the perfect preworkout supplement you can take before a workout, and even better fruit cleanse and keeps the kidneys healthy so you can eliminate your waste. You must eliminate the offenders as well which are the acid binding foods high in proteins, and look to the plant kingdom to get amino acids, and you can build muscle the way nature intended not fake bloated acidic muscle that only last for a season when you wake up with kidney failure, or a colonoscopy in a doctors office having to shit in a bag because you blew out your colon on acidic dead animal proteins!

Regenerate your body or wake up in hellville it’s your choice, but understand that preworkout supplements are toxic drugs and they will ruin your life if you continue to consume them. You might as well drink battery acid, but the solution to get the energetics you need is a big bowel for fruit not a container of toxic powder that hate your kidneys, and adrenals and will back up your lymphatic system.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
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