Processed foods are the worst foods consumed

Processed foods are the worst foods consumed

If you don’t digest and the food and is void of nutritional value what do you think happens when this chemical-laden GMO food enters your body? This food is not only highly acidic but it alters cell communication and weakens DNA and alters the mind and this is why we see brainwashed fools that worship the mind control (“government”).

Look processed foods are designed to plaque up the bowels create massive putrefaction and fermentation in the body. The processed carbs cause the fermentation causing fungal overgrowths and inviting parasitic infestation. The dead processed animal protein creates putrefaction and worm and parasitic infestation causing systemic Uric acid (acidosis) Never eat processed foods because this food doesn’t digest, doesn’t absorb, and weakness the endocrine glands with stimulation causing so much damage the glands go down and then you fail to utilize minerals and your hormones get out of wack and your nervous system goes down. when you bring in acids the body will steal calcium to buffer acids and bring in water (edema) to buffer. You water-log the body now you fail to eliminate interstitial waste because the body will want to get rid of the water. If you don’t pee right, you don’t sweat properly toxins and acids stay at home and damage cells in the tissue.

Processed foods are so highly mucus forming they create Mucoid plaque in the bowels and feed unwanted microbes and more uric acid in the body! More dis-disease.

Processed foods are very hard on the pancreas and gallbladder and will weaken these digestive organs and glands over time. All species that inhabit this earth are designed for whole natural foods that nature produces. Processing of foods is designed to activate excitement to the brain for a minute but the end result is neurotoxicity and brain damage. Eat Whole Foods and focus on the fruits and tender leafy green salads. 90-100 raw. Low protein is the goal because too much protein equals acidosis within time.

The system has put forth millions of dollars to entice you to eat junk to alter your DNA, RNA, and genetics.

It’s vital more than ever before to eat whole foods because the processed shit has been created In a lab to not only get you addicted but to damage your mind and alter your perception so that you submit to the mind control and you become fearful to the power grid of propaganda influence.

Raw living foods expand consciousness and fruit and tender greens should be 80-90% of what you consume.

If you eat processed foods and want to know that happens to the colon when you plaque the bowels with highly sticky processed foods go on a 100% raw food diet for 7 days and 7 days on raw juice and do a lemon juice enema for 7 days and you should learn real fast all the mucus that will be loosened up.

When it resonates with experience you will understand why humans die on there own mucus and acid waste!

If it’s processed and a food “product” full of chemicals it’s designed to kill you and get you highly addicted to the pleasure of brain stimulation and taste bud stimulation within the time you suffer because the body cannot eliminate properly when you eat highly processed junk. The vegan and animal-based processed foods are produced to get you highly addicted and the mind control “experts” know how to influence you to give no shits and to just spend your hard-earned money on the poison that contributes to more mind control and brainwashing.

Eat foods grown from the garden and eat foods in there whole and natural state because you can’t trust anyone when it comes to the food so prepare it yourself because the more complex and processed your foods are down the road it’s only eminent that you experience intestinal lymphatic acidosis.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 4 years ago
Views: 588
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