Scared to go raw because of detox?

Scared to go raw because of detox?

Humans definitely are creatures of habit, and we definitely have a habit of making excuses, based out of fear, and not trusting the unknown. The mind can be a deadly tool that suppresses you from doing what’s right and beneficial in your life. Fears and anxieties come from depleted and low functioning adrenal glands. We put our priorities in the wrong places because we have been conditioned a certain way. We do not fear putting acid, and mucus forming foods in the body that leave behind tons of metabolic wastes, block the flow of energy creating a state of dis-ease, but we are afraid to start eating foods we are designed to eat, because of the damage that we’ve created over the years of eating foods that are extremely obstructive to the body, so we continue to eat them locking these acid waste interstitial places, that you can’t mask and treat, and continue to pile up acids in the body, to where you could easily wake up with regret in full-blown acidosis, but your afraid to remove these acids that are damaging your tissues, cells, organs and glands.

You don’t have time to waste continually eating food, the damage your body, living a life full of stress, putting wear and tear on the glands, and avoiding detoxification, when it’s vital and important to restructure your body, and teach yourself to adjust back to foods that your species is designed for, because you will never adapt to the foods that you have eaten that are creating these health problems for you. You don’t want to be too light on yourself, and you also don’t want to act too extreme. I could completely understand if time is on your hand, to do a more slow detox, but you must understand that the body will not really detox, until you at least adopt yourself to a 70% raw food diet, low in fat, and rich in fruits and vegetables. I believe in a 3-week marker or if your eating animal foods, or were on a standard american diet to go 100% plant-based Whole foods (cooked), for at least 3 weeks with fruit for breakfast, and then transition yourself to 80% raw hugh fruit the next 3 weeks along with steamed veggies at night for at least 2-3 months, until you transition yourself to 100% raw. I believe this is a completely reasonable program that will help you detox at level that that isn’t too aggressive for you. You also must understand that a lot of the times it’s the mind that gets in the way and keeps you from doing something that you could easily do and accomplish. But I also recognize that we live in a day and age where we have radically destroyed our bodies to such a degree that a lot of people kind of have to go slow and ease into this, because they can hurt themselves if their too aggressive to quickly. But this article is addressing those that are too scared to even attempt detox, but also feel like their health is declining, and need to make better choices to get their health back on track, because fatigue, pain, and symptoms are occurring keeping them from daily responsibilities such as work and attending to your friends and family.

Stop making excuses, when your health is declining! Understand that you must pay your debt, and thank God that nature has provided a solution that actually gets to the root cause of the problem, and that’s too eliminate the acids stagnant in the lymphatic system that are creating a state of illness, and continually eating food that causes this problem, is not going to do you any good down the road, because you could end up getting so chronically ill to where time is not on your hands, and you have to detox rapidly! It would be better to start now then to wait later. We are a culture that is afraid of any kind of discomfort and that’s why we have taught our self to treat and mask is symptoms, and that’s why the supplement and medical prescription drug industry is a multi-billion-dollar industry, because human beings have become very spoiled to treat a problem that they create through unconsciousness

And addiction. The world sells us comfort, and in this form of comfort it’s corrosive and detrimental to the human anatomy because the food, the supplements, the prescription drugs to treat and to mask the a problem that we have created through addiction, is only creating an epidemic of health decline in this world, and we must put our foot down and get fed up with this type of “comfort” modality, and start to eat healthy, and pay our debt to the poor decisions that we have made, and muster up the courage and fight through the process, and understand that there is not always a remedy, or treatment plan that is going to ease your way through detoxification, because that’s not how nature works. When your hydrating and alkalizing your body on fruits, berries, melons and herbs, yes your body will go through detox, but you will also feel much better than you are now eating cooked dormant acid and mucus forming foods such as grains, beans, starches, and animal foods, prescription drugs, supplements, coffee and the like. What you suppress today you have to deal with tomorrow! This is why people are getting fed up with wasting thousands of dollars on supplements, trying to add on nutrition, to a body that doesn’t even utilize nutrition because acids have robbed the body’s ability to utilize and absorb them, and that’s why you’re not getting rid of your problem, and actually supplementation in my opinion only masks symptoms, but creates new ones down the road, because it’s too much stimulation for the glands and the body to tolerate.

If you drain the swamp, and get rid of the acids that are causing these obstructions creating these imbalances in the body, and you fix digestion, absorption, utilization, and start to eliminate the waste, then you will be able to absorb the nutrition that you’re getting holistically found in foods grown in nature, that have the perfect ratio and balance, other than isolated supplements that are too aggressive in chemistry, and just too hard on the body. It’s best to find a balance and keep it as simple as possible and stick to it long-term. If you just start eating raw fruits and vegetables and taking some herbs, that’s all you will need to do long-term, to create a constant flow of elimination, to where you could clean out the swamp, and hydrate and replenish the cells, that will give you your health back. It’s about the process of elimination that fixes the body, not treating and adding on supplementation, or prescription drugs thinking that you could have escaped a symptom, that’s being caused by acids that are stagnant in the body, and the only way for them to be removed is to get back to foods your biologically designed to eat that move the lymphatic system, restore and regenerate the kidneys, and eliminate them so that the body could properly heal. Detoxification really is the only true way to heal the body on a permanent level. Don’t sell yourself short and allow your mind to rob you because your afraid of something! If you train your mind to trust nature and trust the process, and understand that foods that your designed for are not going to hurt you, but they just may create more symptoms in the process, because their pulling and removing the stagnant waste products that have been locked in the body, not able to be removed because you continually on day in and day out at in obstructive foods that the body does not tolerate well, and this suppresses the ability for the body to clean itself out. You must understand that the body is designed to detox, we have eliminative channels in the body for a reason, we have a lymphatic system for a reason, we have kidneys liver, skin, lungs, and bowels that are designed to filter and remove toxins on a daily basis, but they can’t remove these toxins and metabolic waste on the daily, when we continually damage them and clog them up with all the wrong foods, in treatment pills that suppress this ability.

If your scared to detox because you want to avoid a symptom, this is silly talk, because you already created a Symptoms that your only a suppressing, with stimulants, comfort foods supplements and prescription drugs. You cannot mask a symptom, and think that you will not deal with it another day. Eventually the body will not allow itself to be mask acids that are corrosive and destructive to the body. This is why people wake up with cancer and chronic and degenerative health problems because they suppress for too long, and at that point their body shuts down and it becomes very difficult to bring restoration back to it. It’s not worth putting something off tomorrow that you already know today could be the solution for your problem. Detoxification is a solution, because it’s the elimination of waste in the body, that allow the body to repair, heal and bring it proper function back. Detoxification should never be something you fear, what you should fear is not doing anything about your health thinking that you could treat it with supplements, prescription drugs, and continually eating mucus and acid forming foods such as all the foods that are not designed for that humans, which are your grains, beans, starch, and animal foods that have to be highly cooked in order to digest these foods, and their extremely acid forming, and it’s acids that suppress the glands, cells and organs that create the symptoms your facing. It’s not a fancy disease that’s coined that you just suddenly picked up out of thin air, these so-called diseases are caused from acids that are being created in the lymphatic system do to the chemistry the body doesn’t utilize properly, so it leaves behind this waste, and this waste must be removed on a daily basis, or the body can’t properly detoxify when you clog up the eliminative organs that are responsible to create the detoxification cycle process that is design to take place on a daily basis, or else we would not have these eliminative organs, a lymphatic system, kidneys, liver, skin, and bowels. These eliminative organs can only tolerate foods that their designed for when it comes to removing their waste products.

The reason why your expressing a symptom and you have a problem, is because you have jammed up every doorway to eliminate these waste, and the lymphatic system is not able to eliminate them if your channels are being clogged up. No matter what you have been told or what you have been taught, cooked food of the what I mentioned, will continually damage your body, and cause hell down the road. Their is no reason to be afraid to allow nature to heal you. In my experience masking and suppressing the symptoms, and not detoxifying your body on alkaline forming foods, that is much worse, compared to the detox that I had to endure, fixing my body. The problem is we need to have the mindset to trust the process, and retrain ourselves to not try and treat a problem, because problems cannot be treated it must be restored, and in the process of restoration it’s going to be uncomfortable, because when you remove acids your going to feel a burn. What you put off today you have to deal with tomorrow so get the fear out of your mind, and understand that detoxification will not hurt you, if you do it properly, and that’s to go at a moderate pace, and work your way up to a high fruit raw food diet, and always remember that whenever you wanted to slow down detox it’s as easy as steaming up some vegetables, that will slow it down, so it’s not like you’re stuck in this hell, because you could always slow down the detox, and you could always speed it up, and you could always just go at a moderate level, but to avoid detoxification altogether because you have been condition with fear, thinking that suppressing a problem we’ll get rid of it magically, is not going to be your reality and you will regret putting it off, and not dealing with it. It’s obvious that you know the reality that detox is the answer, so if you know it’s the answer, make the decision that will better your life, before it’s too late and your poor decisions of eating acid and mucus forming foods and taking

Prescription drugs could cost you your life, so you should Fear playing with fire, rather than having fear removing a fire, and allowing the body to realign itself, restore itself in its function, and regenerate, at a level that will not only give you your health back, but will create hell that you have never experienced before, because your finally able to experience what it’s like to have a healthy body, because your eating a diet that is specifically designed for you created by nature and God, that is meant to give you a quality of life, not a life of food addiction, and pain and suffering because of it.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 7 years ago
Views: 645
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