Starchy foods are not healthy

Starchy foods are not healthy

Back when I was focusing on vegan Whole Foods, I thought that as long as it’s a plant, and a whole food, it’s good for you, well I was wrong, because all cooked foods are toxic to the human body, and it takes time cleaning it out on a fruit based raw food diet to realize that.

Starch is a sticky glue substance, and this residue sticks to the bowels, and starch is also the preferred fuel source for the fungal family, when it comes to the foods they like.

When you hydrate the body on raw living foods that clean out the body, and remove the trash, and you return to a diet of starchy foods like beans, grains, corn, and tubers, you may run into a problem with getting itchy rashes on the skin, this is a fungal overgrowth you created, and experiencing this for myself, I was convinced that starch is a toxin, and it ferments in the body, and causes fungal overgrowths, which in return can create a lot of uric acid in the body.

Without question a low fat starch based diet can reverse a lot of issues with someone’s health, such as obesity, heart conditions, hyper tension, and even diabetes, but for a person dealing with chronic systemic acidosis, that has real serious lymphatic related problems, and malabsorption, is not going to get very far with cooked starches, even if it is Whole Foods based. I tried for myself dealing with chronic pain, and malabsorption, and it got me nowhere, I struggled with candida overgrowth, and was still always in pain. When I removed this glue from my bowels, and focused on the fruit, by body dumped a lot of Mucoid plaque, and I believe the starchy foods contributed to that.

It took fruits and herbs to get my kidneys filtering to remove the acids from the lymph system, and also to remove the trash build up in the bowels blocking the flow of energy, and causing severe absorption problems.

Even after getting myself out of bed, and getting my life back on a fruit diet 100% raw, and returning to a little cooked foods form starchy sources such as tubers, and quinoa, I started experiencing a lot of gas, bloat, and itchy skin, and i added no fat, and ate them very simple with a salad, this taught me that those that have been against starchy foods for optimal health such as professor Arnold Ehret, Robert Morse ND, and dr Sebi, were on to something about the negative effects of starch, and I experienced the negative effects first hand to take them seriously.

I’m a stickler for experimentation, to find out for myself, and feel I have good intuition on these things, and have become very in-tuned with my body over the years experimenting with diets, and also having to find out what works with getting healthy, and reversing chronic elements of dis-ease in the body.

Starch is not healthy, and in my opinion not a solution at all, you don’t want to focus on the cooked dead foods for health, because every species is truly designed for living foods. Starch is glue, starch is a fungal food, and starch is acidic, and corrosive to the human organism, and it’s very additive because the microbes love it. Focus on the fruit, focus on the starchless veggies, and don’t let people convince you of anything until you try it yourself, because the “science” can only tell you so much before you get clean enough on a living foods diet, to be able to detect the negative results from these foods, because coming off a sad diet, you will feel great on a starch based Whole Foods diet, but the plateau effect may be down the road, and I know first had being on a starch based diet for many years before a raw vegan diet, that it had no power to reverse systemic acidosis, but a fruit based raw vegan diet did.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

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First published: 6 years ago
Views: 584
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