Stinking thinking!

Stinking thinking!

You will have to face your mind, and go to war with its weakness when you have become awakened and Consciousness takes place. For those of you that are getting healthy and pursuing a life abstaining from mucus forming Foods, will go through a process of not only cleaning your body from obstructions that enslave it from its optimal potential, but you will also go through the process of clearing unconsciousness, and also dealing with the emotional and spiritual body.

When you detox the body on a physical level, with raw living foods, and abstaining from mucus forming foods, you will go through detox on a spiritual, emotional, physical level, and you will have to address the ego that’s suppresses your growth, and keeps you away from natural intuitiveness, that we all must channel into in order to know your main purpose here on this plane, (earth) we are material of this plane, (earth) like anything else is.

The reason why the mind gets us into all kinds of trouble that suppresses the physical body, is because we have been conditioned and brainwashed by the negativity of society. There will always be a duality, (negative and positive), but it’s always about how we respond to the negative, and create a positive out of what is negative.

We must look into ourselves, and understand the power that’s within the intuitive Consciousness, that we all have, that we must tap into inorder to free ourselves from slavery, depending on others ideas, and not understanding that we all have individual needs, and have been called to an individual purposes that we must figure out for ourselves to be masters our own path, not followers of others.

Do you trust the process of natural healing?, what holds you back from being totally embraced in this process, and having full and complete faith that you will heal when you are aligned with the laws of nature? If you don’t trust the process, and you still feel like a guinea pig, even when your healing yourself, with the living foods, then it will be very difficult for you to heal, not only on a physical level, but also on a spiritual level.

We must understand that the mind is also connected to the outcome of our physical bodies, and if we don’t strengthen our minds, by embracing our life in positivity, and spirituality, then it will be very difficult to trust the process, enjoy the process, and be able to become our own Master to follow when the doubts creep in.

Not everyone will always have an answer to your fear, this is something you must flesh out by tapping into that inner strength that you have. We are all one, and we all share one thing in common, and that’s the infinite, the god consciousness.

I hear it so often from people, say can I do this, and they want a perfect ratio, and dose and method to accomplish this. We all must learn from those that have more experience, and learning is not the issue, but there are certain things that we can figure out for ourselves from our intuition, common sense, and just by submitting to the natural law of nature.

There is no perfect protocol to follow, when it comes to the philosophies, and ideas of other men. The perfect protocol to follow in my opinion is to listen to your intuition, and look at nature in what nature does, and even examined other species in nature, and see what they do.

If you look at species in nature, you will see that they have an instinct, that they follow, well humans have instincts as well, and we have been so conditioned, and domesticated in the concrete jungle away from our natural habitat, (which is the tropics), and we have lost our inner instinct, and don’t know how to listen to that voice, and trust it any longer.

We need constant reassurance, and Clarity from other people on every little detail on what to do, like there is this perfect protocol to follow. The protocol I follow is looking at nature and submitting myself as much as I know how to the laws of nature.

When it comes to the diet, of the human species, we definitely have the most confusing, contradictory, and conflicting information in regards to this, and in my opinion has become so far out there and ridiculous, we have no idea on what to eat and how to stay healthy.

Every single animal in nature has a species specific diet to follow in order to thrive and live a happy healthy lifestyle. Human beings are not an exception to this rule when it comes to Nature, and when it comes to our instincts and the food that were designed to eat.

If you study the anatomy and physiology of man, you look at the intestinal tract of man, you look at the physical features of man, and you also even examine the ancient religious texts, regarding man’s diet, you will come to understand that you are a fruit seeking species, that can Thrive entirely on a fruit diet, because you are a (frugivore) species.

So when you come to the realization in your mind and you realign your spiritual body in the route that points to Nature, and what is natural to your design, you will be able to build a trust Instinctually with that food your convinced your designed to eat.

Whether your convinced your a frugivore or not, you are one, and you do not have a similar digestive tract to a herbivore, and omnivore, or a carnivore species in nature. However your physiology and Anatomy is 95% comparable to the frugivore primates in nature.

In my personal experience regarding healing my body on a physical level in regards to diet, and pursuing a mucusless, and alkaline Ash based diet, I have been able to reverse, and get rid of lots of physical elements that plagued My Life, by removing its quality, when my health shut down a couple years ago.

I removed these obstructions with fruits, and herbs. I personally believe I was able to accomplish this task, because I was fully convinced and fully embraced in submitting my self to Nature, and to the diet that I’m biologically design to consume.

I think intellectualism has really been a curse, to channeling those Natural Instincts, as well as tapping into intuitive Consciousness on a spiritual level. There must be both, intelligence, and intuitiveness, but the problem is we have become so constipated with intellectualism, we forgot the Simplicity of naturalism.

Stinking thinking, becomes a poison, and it really can hold us back from our potential, and understanding the strength that we actually have, when we escaped our minds, and understand that we have access to an amazing amount of strength, self-control, and the ability to consistently carry out a goal without wavering.

My advice to anybody reading this article, would be to fully embrace yourself in the Simplicity of nature, understand that the mind will always suppress your ability to succeed, and to carry out a goal that you may have for yourself, that involves physical, emotional, spiritual, and ego detoxification.

You can escape your mind, if you actually just start applying things for yourself, without having to get 100% assurance from another person, telling you how you should go about healing yourself. In my opinion if somebody advises you with a protocol that is not aligned with holistic chemistry, in its natural form that is given to us in nature, your only going to be masking a symptom, and in my opinion you will only get so far, when it comes to not only healing your physical body, but also your spiritual, mental, emotional, the ego as well.

You don’t want to get far, when it comes to clearing out these obstructions that suppress our potential as human beings on this plane. You want to be able to master this with everything you have inside you, can accomplish the task and goal 100%

Submit yourself to the law of the universe, and say you will, you can, and claim the victory before you even start the task.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 7 years ago
Views: 524
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