Stop eating for calories, and just let nature fix your body

Stop eating for calories, and just let nature fix your body

(This is a rant article)

You’re not on a standard American diet anymore, you’re not stuffing your face with meat and dairy and grains. Your eating electromagnetic fruits, berries, and melons! These food are full of nutrition, and when you clean out your trash in your body, and you start to fix digestion, absorption, utilization, and eliminate your waste, you won’t need to eat for calories anymore to maintain your weight. If your loosing weight on living nutrient dense superior foods, then it’s quite apparent that your dealing with malabsorption.

You need to let go of vanity and appearance when your in harmony with natural human food, and the way nature designed you to look. If you loose a lot of weight then, your body is stripping you down, because your full of acidosis, and nature must go to work on fixing your small intestines, and trust nature because she will not allow you to fad away, because in time you will start putting on weight again.

Most of you should not be the weight you were at anyways eating mucus forming and acid forming foods that create water retention in the body. Your body was not supposed to be at that weight anyways, because it was a body full of water, fat, mucus and acids. So everyone should shed weight at some level on a fruit diet, because your body will shed unwanted weight, because again the water and mucus is saturating your body as a response of systemic acidosis, or a constipated full to the brim lymph system (sewer system)

Ok so if your focused on calories it’s because you have been brain washed. No animal in nature eats for calories to maintain their weight. They simply just eat when hungry, and stop when satisfied and except their weight, and so should humans, because we are connected to nature as well, not the brain washed educators funded by the government system designed to keep humans fat, sick and dumbed down!

Your eating fruit, not potatoes, milk and dead animal tissue, and their stagnant decayed putrefactive blood!

When you eat fruit, you’re not measuring calories the same way you would eating peasant food, and it’s just that. Fruit are the foods for the gods! And for one you probably never worried before, so why now? Why worry about nutrition, when your eating nutrient superior food, and if your eating veggies to, your getting more nutrition then you actually need!

Just eat what you can when your hungry and stop when satisfied, don’t count calories, and just let the process do its thing. If you get skinny and people are bitching in your ear, and this is the first time you have felt alive physically and spiritually in your life, then your good karma is creating a divide to protect you, so you can move on, and get your power back! Don’t turn back to the problem because your brainwashed, and you have brainwashed humans projecting unawareness!?

Forget about calories and the nutritional “guidelines” they were designed for obese westerners, and it’s frightening that people in my field, that pretend they know anything about health are pushing the same theory to this guideline? go ahead listen and read these educated academic “health gurus” with perfect grammar and spelling when they write their bullshit nutritional information, because I’m not that guy, but the facts are, they “ain’t” got nothing on me when it comes to knowledge, real life experience, truth and facts regarding how to rebuild the human body!

Just look at mothers milk, it’s not high in nutrients like these supplement pushers recommend, and it’s not high in protein ether. This protein obsessed culture is so worried about protein, yet there are only a few land animals that have a high protein need, and we are not one of them, and again research mothers milk, and see how much protein is required to replenish a growing baby! The more protein you consume the worse your health problems will be now or down the road, and nothing is new under the sun, so get of the youtube when it comes to real tangible facts regarding health, and put your eyes and intuition to nature, and follow her path with common sense, because in Babylon it’s just a game of waking up, and reprogramming your brains!

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
Views: 627
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