Sweating is essential on a regenerative detoxification lifestyle

Sweating is essential on a regenerative detoxification lifestyle

When it comes to regenerative detoxification we must understand the channels of elimination and how to get metabolic waste moved out of the body in order for it to properly hydrate, recover, and reache a state of wellness. The kidneys is the main eliminate of channel for removing lymphatic waste out of the body. However the largest eliminative organ in the human body is the skin which is the third kidney. If the skin is the largest eliminative organ and your already dealing with weak kidneys that are not filtering well, it’s vital to get that skin sweating, so that you could use it as a pathway to remove stored stagnant acids that are breaking down tissue and contributing to degeneration.

Considering the damage of humans thyroids that are responsible for proper metabolic temperatures, most humans struggle with sweating due to systemic acidosis, so if this is the case, and your also struggling to get your kidneys filtering due to the damage that was caused from acid in mucus forming foods prior to your detox, it would make sense to do the best you can to sweat whether that’s investing in a steamed sauna, or getting out in nature in the sun, and using that skin as a tool to remove the cause of dysfunction your facing.

You want to use all the tools that you possibly can if you want to regenerate your damaged body. Diet is always number one priority, and all these other methods are just added tools to help aid you in your recovery. When the kidneys are down, the thyroid is down, and there’s also lymph stagnation in subcutaneous layers in the skin, you can’t just use these methods of exterior detoxification, but you got to work internally with the high energetic raw living astringent foods. You can open up the kidneys with the astringent fruits, and astringent herbs and even incorporate dry fasting, and get out in the sun and sweat, there’s nothing in my opinion that you can’t reverse when you remove the cause of the condition, which is interstitial lymphatic constipation of acids breaking down tissues, organs, nerves and glands. The berries are nature’s greatest foods for the glands, so I would utilize the berries on a raw food fruit based diet, for they are known to bump up the thyroid gland to get that skin sweating, and the combination with the sun, or the steam sauna, will help you to purge out acids that are the main contributor to all degeneration in the human body.

I truly believe that sweating is vital and important to help accelerate recovery when you are trying to heal through regenerative detoxification. The human body is too stagnant and constipated, and the skin is a huge organ to eliminate stagnant waste. If you don’t like the sun and your trying to heal, in my opinion your going to have a long road of trying to remove acidosis. You definitely don’t want to be a homebody sitting in the air conditioner when you have the ability to sweat out miles of lymphatic waste through your skin, you want to get outside, and get that sun beating on your skin, and the fresh air, which is vital for your own mental sanity. Human beings are not designed to just eat fruits and vegetables indoors, and not be active, this raw food lifestyle, and regenerative detoxification lifestyle is meant to be active, one with nature, and not at home body stagnant in moving your lymphatic system.

Some of you are so dehydrated, and so worn out from acid stagnation and lymphatic constipation, you have to rest for a season, but you do your best to hydrate with the coconut water, and the water rich fruits and vegetables, and you get yourself a steam sauna and try to sweat for at least 15 to 20 minutes a day. If your feeling dehydrated after a sauna, then hydrate with the living foods and coconut water. It’s important to use your skin as the largest eliminative organ in the human body, because your kidneys may be lacking in removing acid waste, and you could use this pathway to eliminate lymph, so that you could find your wellness, because there’s only one true way to find That, and that’s by removing acids that have stored up in the human body because of losing kidney filtration due to high protein diets, and processed foods, and chemical stagnation the blocks the flow of energy and creates a state of dis-ease. You can’t just sweat in a sauna or out in the sun, and do lymphatic massages, and jump on a rebounder and think your going to find your Wellness, these are only tools added on to the biggest tool that you need to use, and that’s to drastically change your diet to a raw living food diet that’s predominately based around raw, fresh, ripe juicy fruits, berries and melons.

If you don’t have access to the sun because your unfortunately in a cold climate where you’re not supposed to reside as a human out of a sub/tropical and tropical region, then you might as well invest in a quality steam sauna, and make berries a staple on your regenerative detoxification diet, because your skin was created for a purpose, and that’s not only to just protect your physical flesh, but also to eliminate metabolic waste on a daily basis in a body that consists of over a hundred trillion cells that poop and create waste every minute, every single day.

Sweating is vital, diet is most important, but don’t forget your skin when it comes to removing metabolic waste, and if you get itchy, rashes, eczema, acne or whatever kind of Lymph stagnation label of fixed medical terminology, it’s just acids coming out of your lymph system because your backed up from head to toe, and your kidneys are not filtering, most likely your thyroid is down, and you have weak skin with lymph stagnation, because of a genetic weakness you have inherited from your mother’s backed up lymphatic system on top of your own acidic diet, pour habit lifestyle. Don’t panic and freak out wheh this happens, but be excited that your getting the sewage out, and no longer locking it in, and piling on to it on an acid and mucus forming diet, when your skin gets worse on a fruit based diet, that’s only because fruits are so highly astringent, and pull out metabolic waste very effectively, and this food is only doing you a favor, of trying to heal the body, and pull out the sewage, so be patient and give it some time, and you will have radiant glowing skin, because nothing makes the skin glow better than fruit that is filled with antioxidants, phytonutrients, and all other types of chemistry that is electrical and living and so beneficial to the human organism.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

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First published: 6 years ago
Views: 726
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