Take warning! When cheating on a raw food diet

Take warning! When cheating on a raw food diet

For anybody that has experienced regenerative detoxification and cleaning out their body on a raw living foods diet, and getting into interstitial lymph waste, will be able to attest and experience health on another level. When you realign your body back to what’s natural, then your body will function the way that it’s designed to function regarding the consumption of food your biologically designed for. So when the body gets clean, and starts to function at an optimal level, the way that it’s designed to function in regards to easy digestion, and consuming food that is alkalizing, full of phytonutrients, flavonoids, antioxidants, living Water, and full of enzyme activity, to downgrade back to a dead food source, could be detrimental, and you will definitely experience the outcome, and it will not be pleasant! If your body becomes extremely sensitive to acid, and mucus forming food, then you will learn very quickly, that eating cooked food is never an option for optimal health, because if it was you would not experience such a blowback when consuming it.

We live in a world today, that is built around cooked food, let alone foods that are extremely acid, and mucus forming. These foods are seriously like toxic drugs, and this may not be the experience for the average person that has become immune to these toxins like you would become immune to a prescription drugs, but for somebody with a very clean body, do to long-term detoxification, and being on a raw living foods diet, will be able to detect these foreign toxins very quickly. This is why I believe that if your unable to find the discipline, to refrain from these temptation’s, in regards to going out to restaurants, and social environments, you should not pursue this lifestyle, such as being a purist when it comes to what you eat everyday. You should have a balance, and have one cooked food meal a day, so that you don’t end up hurting yourself. In my personal opinion it’s best to have this type of balance, because you must understand that you can’t go from eating fruits all day, everyday for months on end, and think that your body will just be able to tolerate, these type of cooked foods that are served in restaurants. Even those that are not raw foodist don’t experience feeling good after eating at these restaurants let alone somebody with a very clean body, that has refrained from cooked food for a long period of time. We must be intelligent about this, because we could really get sick if we’re not careful. You can’t go from eating fruits for months to then eating greasy, fried, additive laden, dead animal tissue, and not experience a shock to your system.

However I do believe that if you clean out your body good enough, you can intelligently transition backwards to a certain degree if you need the balance, regarding your lifestyle, and eating a living foods diet, high in fruit as a permanent lifestyle choice may not be something that your ready for, or have a lifestyle conducive for you, because again convenience is not built around raw foods, especially for those that must be a part of social events, do to their jobs, and obligations. This is why if you become a raw foodist on a high fruit raw food diet, it’s best to completely change your lifestyle, and that means you can’t play in the corporate bubble anymore, and think that you can avoid these restaurants, that are built around these types of jobs, let alone being in a relationship with somebody that enjoys the high life of eating at restaurants, and eating foods that are brought to social events that are on the opposite side of health, and thinking that you will be able to have the willpower to always overcome the temptations, in my opinion it takes years, and years on a raw food diet to overcome some of these cravings and find the discipline, unless you train yourself to live a lifestyle that isn’t surrounded by these obstacles, triggers and temptations.

I believe it’s a giant sacrifice you must make to do this long-term, or permanently.

I had to personally rearrange my life in order to make this work for me, because I knew that I could not set up obstacles that will pull me the opposite direction. My first goal for pursuing this lifestyle was not primarily to live it as a lifestyle, but mainly to heal my body so that I could balance out with cooked food, but I’ve learned through healing and experiencing benefits that I have not been able to experience for a very long time ruining my health with acid and mucus forming food, that I must make this a lifestyle, because I have become aware and conscious, and awake, and I don’t want to go back asleep. I had to give up a lot of friends that disagreed my lifestyle and even long-term relationships, they were trying to pull me in the direction of not pursuing this. At the time because I was so sick it wasn’t an option to be persuaded by these people in my life, so I got away from them, and now I live a lifestyle that can be on the alone side, because there are not very many conscious beings, willing to live this lifestyle, so you may have to live a lonely existence, until you can meet people that will support you, and live this lifestyle along with you. I am willing to be a hermit, for a season of my life not only to heal, but to awaken consciously and evolve on a higher spiritual level, learning to accept the alone state, and learning to love myself, and I have learned that being alone is actually a good thing. I have the ability to carry out this lifestyle, because I’m not tied to any serious obligation. If your spouse, and your children, and all your friends, and co-workers and everyone around you is not pursuing this as a lifestyle, it may be very difficult for you to carry it out for yourself. It’s unfortunate that society is not built around a fruitarian type of lifestyle. The food is extremely expensive, and you can’t find restaurants that serve simple salads, fruit bowls and smoothies, and most places around the world, like maybe 5% have this option available to you, and it’s quite expensive, and most people are not going to want to spend the money on a salad and fruit bowel, when they could easily get, rice beans and chips and salsa at the local mexican restaurant for half the price.

If you can’t sacrifice your lifestyle to be conducive to a fruit diet, then I wouldn’t jump all into it, and then find yourself going backwards, to cooked food addiction, and to appease loved ones and family, because you don’t want to feel lonely and haven’t been able to break through the emotional detoxification, in regards to codependency being a bondage and vice that suppresses you. You must get through the emotional and spiritual detox that a fruit based diet will create. If you don’t push through the emotional part of detoxification, it’s going to be very difficult to avoid the temptations when their presented in your lap, such as the pressure of going out and eating at restaurants to appease family, friends and to just have a get-together because we love our friends and family. If you don’t have the self-control, or let alone the time to prepare yourself a simple salad or fruit meal and bring it to a restaurant, and not feel strange and out of place, then it’s either you don’t go to that restaurant, or you don’t jump into a high fruit diet and transition slowly until your lifestyle is available to where you can live it without these distractions, or obligations pulling you in a direction that makes it very difficult for you to carry the lifestyle out.

If you are sick, and have a chronic degenerative illness, you really don’t have the convenience or option, to not carry this out as a lifestyle, and have to just sacrifice everything you need to sacrifice in order to heal effectively, because you can’t get rid of systemic acidosis other than through detoxification, and a fruit based raw living foods diet is going to be the only diet that will promote detoxification to take place. But for those that are not bedridden, and have a serious health condition and That are able to exercise, carry out a regular work shift, and nothing suppressing them to where their unable to carry out their responsibilities, and obligations, that have been detoxing on a fruit diet for at least a month or two, need to be very careful, not to find themselves cheating and compromising with the state of food that is being cooked in this world, because you could end up throwing yourself into a state of illness, because your body will become very sensitive to foods that are obstructive to your human organism. You must understand how chemistry works, or you will not understand what can happen to you if you’re not careful. It’s a good thing that our bodies become sensitive to acids, because it’s our body holding us accountable and telling us it doesn’t want this junk anymore.

if you have the unawareness and think that it’s okay to cheat once in awhile after cleaning out your body detoxifying on a deep-tissue level, it’s either that you will learn from this, and it will be a valuable lesson, so that you will never want to cheat with certain foods again, or your body will allow you to eat these foods for a certain period of time, without a serious blow back, but then a serious blow back will come at you months down the road. In my personal experience that’s what happened to me having a strong constitution and good genetics. I was able to go for like 6 months, turning away from a whole foods plant-based diet, in the direction of a high protein diet, after years of being vegan, I turned back to eating animals again. I was able to go 6 months and not have a serious blow back, but then my health soon crashed, and I fell right into systemic acidosis, having symptoms from head to toe, and being bedridden, and causing extreme damage to my kidneys and GI tract, as well as burning out my adrenal glands, that caused chronic fatigue, and weakness for at least a year, until I snapped out of it, and started detoxing on a fruit, berries, and melons and herb type of level. I can’t imagine if I were to go from a fruit based diet and 100% Raw, back to a paleo diet that was high in protein. The level of damage I caused from a long-term pretty clean cooked whole foods low-fat plant-based diet, was bad enough, let alone if I were to backslide from a fruit based diet to a high protein diet, the detrimental health consequences I may have experienced could have been double what I already experienced when it comes to losing my health. It’s either you create a balance with steamed veggies every night, or if your on a high fruit very clean living foods diet, and want to cheat, yo not cheat with anything less than steamed vegetables, or a very clean, low fat, low seasoning veggie soup if you have to go out to a restaurant, but I would recommend you bring your own food to avoid these traps that you may fall into. I actually think that you should never cheat, because we don’t live in a world again that is conducive to this lifestyle, and the foods that are served are highly addictive, so one little cheat could turn into 2- 3 cheats, and then you eventually end up falling completely away back to a diet that created whatever condition that you had, whether that’s physical, spiritual, emotional that led you to this lifestyle in the first place. I am a firm believer of balance, but I am also a very strict mono eating frugivore because I’m able to carry out this lifestyle to where there is no traps and temptations all around me, I’m able to have an abundance of fruit, without any cooking devices, and I have no obligations to another person or job environment, that may pull me in a negative direction. If you don’t have the ability to carry this lifestyle out, then I highly recommend a balance, so that you don’t end up getting hurt on an emotional and physical level, because you created a cheating pattern. 80% raw is usually doable for most people.

If your at 70-80% raw you could probably tolerate certain foods at certain restaurants, because your body will be detoxing at a slower rate, rather than a drastic rate, like that of a 100% fruit diets promote, to where your body will become extremely sensitive to cooked food, and you will learn to experience this very quickly, when you do cheat. We must understand that even 6 months with most people on a fruit based diet, it’s still not enough to think that you could tolerate certain foods, it takes years and years to clean out the body, to where you would be able to tolerate certain cooked foods without getting a serious blow back. If you have cleaned out your body effectively and filtered out miles of lymph (acids), then it’s quite possible that you will be able to have certain foods like steamed veggies, sweet potatoes, and more foods that have sauces etc, in the future and not get a serious blow back except for some digestive distress, and feeling weighed down and losing energy, but most people will experience a serious blow back, and this is only just nature letting you know that cooked food is truly not designed for you, so when you readapt back to the diet your biologically designed to eat, your body will soon tell you that it’s foreign, just like it would be foreign if you fed acid/ mucus forming foods to a species in nature that is not designed for them, such as certain animals that could die do to the shock that is caused in their bodies from eating foods their not designed for. I mean I’m not saying that you could die, but I am saying that you could create systemic acidosis from yo-yoing back and forth from healthy raw living food to unhealthy cooked food.

You must understand that healing your body on raw foods will also realign your body back to your biological adapted diet. Their is no quick fix when it comes to this lifestyle, you don’t just fix your body and then go back to food that is detrimental to your health, and that could cause serious health consequences. It’s either you submit to this lifestyle and respect the law of nature, and enjoy it as a lifestyle and not turn back, or create balance, and stay at 80% raw until your ready to handle the drastic change that will take place when going 100% raw.

Just be careful my friends, and understand there is a consequence when you clean your body out of systemic level, and it’s just not worth it to go back to a diet that created your health problem in the first place. If you cheat don’t beat yourself up just get back on the horse and ride it further this time, and make serious changes that will avoid this trap to reel you in once again. Make sure that this doesn’t become a habit, because remember most cooked food especially served in restaurants is very addictive, and can become a constant occurrence if you’re not careful. If you get back to nature, and you get back to the your what your biologically designed to eat, and you do it long enough, and experience the benefits, you will not want to go backwards, when you experience the bliss and vitality moving forward.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:


Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:


The Mangotarian @ YouTube:


First published: 7 years ago
Views: 592
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