Thanksgiving a day to be thankful? or to celebrate gluttony and genocide?

Thanksgiving a day to be thankful? or to celebrate gluttony and genocide?

Thanksgiving is a day to give and to be thankful for the many blessings that we have experienced in this life. Unfortunately this holiday has been a day of giving into gluttony and celebrating the death of innocent turkeys for Americans personal pleasure, to sit around a table and feast on dead animals, rather than sitting around the table exchanging gifts and expressing our thankfulness to those around us. We spend money and we put effort and work into preparing an abundance of food to feast on. There is nothing wrong with gathering with loved ones and enjoying a meal and actually having a feast once in awhile with an abundance of food. The problem is when it comes to thankfulness, it’s hard to honor this when humans are feasting on dead animals that have been butchered and killed by the millions just because we’ve created a holiday, that’s all about eating turkeys rather than expressing our thankfulness and displaying that to our friends, loved ones and to God giving us the many blessings that we have. Giving thanks and giving is not taking a life of another animal so that we could feast in our gluttony, there is nothing thankful and giving about that.

It would be different and would make more sense to sit around a table and feast on fruits and vegetables, and exchange gifts, and express our thankfulness to one another, to build each other up and have a day based on love, unity, and compassion for animals, and to actually be thankful for good health, because we’re not stuffing or arteries with fat and dead animals, and feasting on an abundance of mucus and acid filled junk, and then passing out an hour after dinner, and gathering around the couch watching unconscious television shows, and whining and complaining about how our stomach feels so full and bloated, and it’s all to just celebrate another day of feasting on dead corpse that cause heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, cancer, neurological conditions, and many more health problems that we face because of gluttony and feasting on dead corpse, and we build a holidays based around them, when it contradicts true giving and thankfulness. True giving and thankfulness comes from a giving perspective, and there’s nothing giving about killing thousands of turkeys to feast on once a year.

If your feasting on fruits and vegetables this Thanksgiving with friends and loved ones, I commend you, for not killing dead animals for your own personal pleasure and enjoyment. You will be able to express true thankfulness, by giving foods that promote health, regarding the body, the spirit, the mind, and will give you energy to express your love and thankfulness to one another, without having to pass out, and take a quick nap and then eat a giant bowl of cow pus ice cream to wake you up after. I don’t mean to be negative, but it’s hard for me to bite my tongue knowing that there has been millions of turkeys butchered and killed for no reason other than to feast on their dead corpse, because we think that thanksgiving is based around eating turkeys rather than truly expressing our love through action, and killing animals has nothing to do with this.

This message is to not bring judgment on humans that are caught in this unconsciousness and these habits of eating animals because I have no right to judge, because I once ate animals and contributed to these Thanksgiving Gatherings of eating turkeys myself, but now that I’ve stopped eating dead animals, I have built a compassion and true understanding of what’s taking place during these holidays, so I want to bring awareness, not by judgment but by truth, because the truth will set you free, but understanding what’s taking place on these holidays may muster up some compassion in your hearts to not partake in the eating turkeys that have been slaughtered and killed because of marketed holidays for these corporations to make money, when it’s the meat and dairy industries that are contributing to the chronic diseases that humans suffer with year, after year, after year, and basing these holidays around gluttony and eating dead animals, is not going to help to eliminate this problem. It would be better to just use this holiday as a day to feast on plant foods, mainly raw living fruits and vegetables, so that we could actually give our body what it needs, and to give back to the animals, from all the years of taking away their freedom, and lives from them, that would be a day of Thanksgiving, honoring the animals, and feasting on foods were designed to feast on, rather than feasting on foods that have absolutely no health benefits whatsoever, and are actually causing pain and suffering in our children, loved ones, our parents, our friends and everyone around us, because we have to create holidays based on junk food, so that we could feast in our gluttony, but not understanding the pain that we’re causing to one another by doing this.

There are other ways to express our love and thanksgiving and feast on incredibly tasty foods that come from nature, rather than celebrating a day of eating dead turkeys and not even really understanding why we’re even celebrating Thanksgiving in the first place.

So what is the true history of Thanksgiving? Well, just like we have stories of Easter in which a magical bunny hops around the world and hides baskets of goodies for us to find, or stories of Christmas where Santa Claus travels the globe in one night to leave presents under the tree for good boys and girls – Thanksgiving, too, has its traditional myth which we share with our children. We recount stories of the Indians and Pilgrims getting together for a magical feast of brotherly love and appreciation. The only problem is that, unlike the other holidays, we never reveal the truth about Thanksgiving to our children as they grow older. In fact, most of us don’t understand its bloody history ourselves…

The first actual proclaimed “Day of Thanksgiving” came in 1637 in a meeting between the Pequot Indians and English religious mercenaries. The Pequot were celebrating their annual Green Harvest Festival, which resembles modern-day Thanksgiving. On the eve of the festival, the English demanded that everyone comes out of their homes, puts their weapons on the ground, and surrenders by converting to Christianity.

Those who obliged with these terroristic demands were either shot dead or clubbed to death. Those who stayed inside their longhouses – including women and children – were burnt to death. In all, more than 700 Pequot men, women, and children were slaughtered that day.

Thanksgiving Day is also known as The National Day of Mourning among Native American Tribes. In 1970, there was a huge celebration in Massachussets to celebrate the 350th anniversary of the landing of the Pilgrims. Today, there are still Wampanoags living in the area. On the day of the celebration, they asked one of them to speak:

“Today is a time of celebrating for you — a time of looking back to the first days of white people in America. But it is not a time of celebrating for me. It is with a heavy heart that I look back upon what happened to my People. When the Pilgrims arrived, we, the Wampanoags, welcomed them with open arms, little knowing that it was the beginning of the end. That before 50 years were to pass, the Wampanoag would no longer be a tribe. That we and other Indians living near the settlers would be killed by their guns or dead from diseases that we caught from them. Let us always remember, the Indian is and was just as human as the white people.

If your a truth-seeker and want to know the true origins of holidays you celebrate, please take some time and read the rest of this article on the link that I provide.

Are we really celebrating Mass genocide of Native Americans and innocent animals? I think we need to redesign the focus, and understand that these holidays are really just built

Corporations, and the meat and dairy industry trying to sell you there junk, so that you could waste away your day, in denial, when you’re actually celebrating death and genocide of innocent beings, humans and animals.

Should we truly be thankful for what we have caused, the pillaging and mass murder and stealing the natives land?, and then sitting around a table glorifying or actions as a nation? that’s why I think it’s silly to align yourself with a label of being a proud “American”, A lot of our freedoms were given to us from stealing other people’s freedoms. We need to get back to nature, and get back to true humanity, that doesn’t have a label attached to An origin, or destination you live, but rather the human species gathering together as one, unifiiled in one consciousness, and no longer celebrating holidays built and designed around religious hierarchy.

I think it would make more sense to create a holiday that’s built around honoring and being thankful to nature, and being a human species that was brought out of nature, and we can celebrate a day of feasting of eating natural foods from nature, where animals and other humans are not harmed for our own personal enjoyment, gluttony and unconscious living.

We could call this holiday Nature’s giving!

If you’re going to celebrate a holiday, remember the Native Americans, remember what we have caused, and understand the true giving and thankfulness is not surrounded by gluttony, genocide, and being thankful for pillaging and stealing the natives land, and then being thankful for our so-called accomplishments.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

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First published: 7 years ago
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