The GI tract is connected to the Head

The GI tract is connected to the Head

If your having a lot of uncomfortable head like symptoms such as headaches, brain fog, dizziness, equilibrium imbalance, blurry vision, vertigo, confusion, bad memory, stuttering speech Etc. You most likely have a backed-up GI tract, full of mucus, acids, parasitic activity, fungus, sulfur, and other metabolic waste, backing up in the transverse colon, and negatively suppressing the autonomic nervous system, which effects your brain function.

If you clean out your colon, you will relieve yourself of the symptoms that you may be suffering with. It has been noted that when somebody is detoxing their body and experiences painful headaches and migraines, find quick relief when they do a bowel cleanse or an enema. They’re taking pressure off of the autonomic nervous system, which then will take pressure off the head. The body spends most of its energy on digestion. The problem is in the world today people are consuming a vast variety of toxic foods, that are not designed for their species, and the body is spending a lot of time trying to digest these foods. These foods leave behind a lot of metabolic wastes, and the acids and mucus will burn and damage their tissues. The human’s digestive tract is designed for raw living fruits primarily. The GI tract cannot tolerate these heavy proteins, and carcinogens that enter it when consuming putrefactive animal products, heavy grains and beans, and other starches that leave behind a lot of metabolic waste, which suppress the GI tract which then suppresses the nervous system, and mucus and acid backs up into the head, and causes detrimental health issues. You do not want to lose your cognizant function, you want to protect your brain from mucus and acids. It all has to do with what you put in your mouth, and what enters your GI tract that’s going to determine the health of your brain.

We don’t see people walking around eating raw living fresh fruits and vegetables, dealing with Alzheimer’s, dementia, Lou Gehrig’s, Parkinson’s, and other cognizant dysfunctions due to the lack of activity taking place in the brain. The reason why people’s heads are clogged is because their GI tract is clogged. Those that eat meat, dairy, grains and starch, end up running into these problems because their GI tract is being over burdened by this kind of toxicity and inflammation, ulcerations, tumors and eventually cellular death takes place. If you don’t protect your GI tract with alkaline forming foods that bring hydration, and restoration by replenishing the cells in the body, creating enzymes for the digestive tract, and creating a healthy gut flora, you will be over burdened by acids, and you will not be able to eliminate them, So eventually you will start getting symptoms in your head, and when you start getting symptoms in your head, understand that you’re backed up from head to toe with acidosis, and you desperately need to clean out your lymphatic system, before it’s too late.

A healthy diet will create a bowel movement approximately 30 minutes after you eat. It is important to move your bowels 2 to 3 times per day. If your bowels become sluggish, this will cause additional fermentation and putrefaction of your foods. We absorb these toxins and gas particles directly into our bloodstream. This can cause headaches, cloudy or foggy thinking, bloating, abdominal pain, and even heart arrhythmias. I’ve known people to go 30 days without moving their bowels. Don’t miss even one day! Diarrhea is just as bad as holding your foods too long. Some say diarrhea is just another form of constipation. The former creates lack of proper breakdown of your foods, yielding poor absorption, and later causes fermentation and putrefaction of your foods building alcohol, acidosis, gas and inflammation. Both great starvation within the body. The Detox Miracle Sourcebook by Robert Morse, N.D. (Page 209)

When the head gets backed up due to acidosis, you can negatively affect and compromise the function of the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland is the master gland that controls the function of the other glands. When the pituitary gland gets damaged this can affect the whole body. When the pituitary gland becomes damaged by acidosis, this can create multiple symptoms. The pituitary gland can affect the thyroid, the adrenal glands and all the other glands that are important to create healthy function in a healthy body. Some of the neurological weaknesses somebody could experience with a calcified and damaged pituitary gland is multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Sara palsy as well as hypothyroidism, and hypo functioning of the ovaries, underactive are overactive tissue cell growth, rapid aging, diabetes, and lactation problems. The middle of the transverse colon has a relationship to the pituitary and brain. Oftentimes this part of the bowel becomes impacted, toxic and weakened, and this becomes a feeding ground dumping toxins directly to damaging the pituitary gland.

It’s common in iridology, to see a backed-up transverse colon as well as the pituitary weakness. This is why it’s very important to be on a healthy diet, so that you don’t impact the transverse colon, which will damage the pituitary gland. This is an important gland for your body to function optimally, and to avoid painful and detrimental health issues. You don’t want to damage the gland that controls all the other glands. When you damage the endocrine glands, then your whole body cannot function properly, and this will create a laundry list of uncomfortable symptoms.

If you want to get control of your health, then I strongly encourage you to change your diet today. I would suggest adopting a raw living foods diet predominately based around fresh, juicy ripe and organic fruits, and the body will start healing and draining the GI tract, which will then allow the body to heal your brain. You can’t afford to eat putrefactive animal products, highly cooked grains and starches, and other processed foods when you have GI tract issues as well as cognizant function issues. Fruits, berries, and melons will regenerate the nervous system, clean out the mucus and acid in the head, and restore the autonomic nervous system that is being suppressed by acids/ mucus forming foods. You must understand that the human species is designed to eat raw foods, and that we are frugivores. If you get too far away from your natural diet you will fall into serious and detrimental health problems, eventually this will catch up to you, and it’s not worth a little pleasure, versus the pain that you may experience because you refuse to change your eating habits.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 7 years ago
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