The road to regeneration

The road to regeneration

Stay on the path and when you find the truth and you find confidence on the path to wellness and you honor the laws of nature and come to understand cause and effect when you step outside the bounds of nature then there are no limits to what you can do when it comes to regeneration regarding a damaged vessel.

What causes a damaged vessel in the first place? What is the cause to an unpleasant bodily affect? What chemistry do you put in your mouth and put on your skin? And how do you protect your energy and environment when it comes to peace and chaos? All this will have an effect when it comes to your mental, spiritual, emotional and physical health.

There are only 2 sides of chemistry and 2 major fluids in the body that have specific roles when it comes to proper function. Blood and lymph. Your blood feeds your cells and your lymph stores waste and cleanses your cells. The Alkaline side of chemistry protects and nurtures the cells the feminine principle, and the Acid side of chemistry is the corrosive side of chemistry which burns, damaged and destroys which is the masculine principle.

Acid chemistry is the main side of chemistry that is consumed when we look at human diets today. Everyone is fixated on high protein diets and foods that are created for taste bud pleasure and stimulation. You can’t ignore the effect when it comes to what acids do. Acids create mucus and metabolic waste in the body which damage cells and cause dysfunction to tissue. These acids are Predominately found in grains, beans, dairy, meat, cooking oils, and nuts.

When you are on the road to regeneration you want to focus on raw living foods that help the body eliminate old stagnant waste and also don’t create new congestion accumulation in the body. You want to focus on fruits that have the electromagnetic energy and astringent power to scrub and move lymph and help the kidneys break up the mucus and calcification build up so the lymphatic system drains.

If you are not focusing on kidney filtration and doing whatever it takes to filter your giant lymphatic system you’re getting nowhere. The fruit alone may not be enough if you are not filtering. You can pee in a jar first thing in the morning and let your urine sit for 3-4 hours to see if your urine shows metabolic waste. You should see sediment or clouds in your urine and your urine should be on the darker side then clear. Remember your urine should be waste coming out of the body and if it looks clear with no smell and you could drink it haha then you are not filtering and you are ether eliminating waste so your accumulating waste.

If you’re not filtering on a juicy fruit diet then you will want to start intermittent dry fasting daily or extending dry fasting for 24-36 hours a week to crack open your kidneys so you can filter your lymphatic system while you hydrate and alkalize the body with fruit. You may also want to get a couple of kidney herbal formulas to help clean and create more structure-function to the kidneys so they filter and a good adrenal gland formula wouldn’t hurt considering the adrenal glands control the kidneys. Herbs are tissue-specific, Whole Foods and nature created and you can’t say that about isolates and Pharmaceuticals Which only create dependency, overstimulation and suppress and mask symptoms and don’t address the cause.

Be strong, be consistent, and be confident on your wellness journey and if you fix, digestion, absorption, utilization, and eliminate the stored waste through the process of hydration, alkalinity and fasting you can find your wellness which heals the mental, physical and emotional state which is an excellent tool to bring you into your higher self so you can find peace in a world of negativity. Family is frequency so surround yourself around those that love support and are loyal tools with helping you throughout your journey!

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 5 years ago
Last updated: 4 years ago
Views: 636
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