Thoughts and criticisms on the medical medium diet (part 1)

Thoughts and criticisms on the medical medium diet (part 1)

The reason why I feel like it’s important to address the medical medium diet is because it is thought of as a diet for regenerative healing and reversing chronic and degenerative health conditions. I feel like it’s important to address my thoughts and criticisms on how I think that this type of diet system will not get to the root cause of the problem and reverse health conditions and that will only go away with effective and regenerative detoxification methods.

A lot of people are confused on the medical medium protocol thinking that it is a good route to go down to heal their health condition. You may reverse some things, and feel better coming off of a standard american diet on this type of protocol, but you will only go so far if you really want to fully regenerate your body and get rid of your problems forever. Diets, supplements, and other modalities will only get you so far. You must get back to your species specific diet and I strongly believe that the medical medium diet will veer you away from that and that’s why I want to address my criticisms.

In this article I want to address my criticisms but there are some things that I would agree with in regards to the medical medium system and highly respect his thoughts on the healing powers of fruits, however he also believes in other modalities that I would strongly disagree with, and also feel like it would waste a lot of people’s times which would be unfortunate, because a lot of people have already wasted their time trying to heal themselves dealing with medical doctors, and only finding their health getting worse.

Recommended supplements for health

Example B12, zinc, probiotics etc.

I am glad that the person who designed the medical medium highly regards herbs for healing which I would highly agree, however he also promotes the use of supplementation and I would strongly disagree with this modality, and also highly encouraged people to not waste their money on useless isolated chemistry. Every living creature that inhabits this earth is designed for holistic foods, and in that regard should let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine thy food. Just because of supplement is not a prescription drug doesn’t mean it’s natural and beneficial for your body. Isolated supplements that are created in labs are not going to be a suitable option for your body. The body is designed to function on simple chemistry found in foods that have not been tampered, isolated or processed. Supplements are hard on the glands, and organs, then cause hyperfunction. They don’t get to the root of the problem, and only mask symptoms for them to return When You discontinue their use. Mother Nature has provided herbs that have all the chemistry, that the body needs in order to heal and repair any damage you don’t need to resort to supplements, because anything man-made is not going to make up for a lack of power found in the foods, because we feel like our food supply has been tampered which it has, but still supplements are not going to make up for the loss of nutrition in the foods in my opinion. I also don’t believe that in order to heal and regenerate the body nutrition is an important factor, it’s not about adding on nutrition it’s about eliminating acidosis from the body and detoxification eliminates acids not nutrition.

He promotes B12 supplementation and this is just another masking of a symptom that can only be fixed when you clean out your body from the sewage that is causing the lack of absorption of B12. If you clean out your colon, and you fix your adrenal glands, the body will make B-12 naturally, and you don’t have to resort to supplements that may cause hyperfunction especially in the parathyroid gland. Anything that suppresses the parathyroid gland, will impair the body’s ability to utilize calcium. Calcium is an antacid and you absolutely need it in your body to keep your connective tissue and bones strong. When you lose calcium utilization than acids will steal calcium from connective tissue and your bones to make up for calcium loss. I don’t have any scientific proof that B12 supplementation causes parathyroid issues, I’m simply just trusting my teacher who has worked with many people that have been subject to supplements and have ran into parathyroid issues after consuming B12 made from a pill, injection, or sublingual, or tincture form.

It’s not important to supplement with zinc, when you could find zinc from the living foods. If your lacking the utilization of the mineral zinc it’s because your adrenal glands are not functioning properly. The adrenal glands are responsible for mineral utilization of specific minerals, and zinc being one of them. If you remove acid from the body, via the lymphatic system, your adrenal glands will start to function naturally without being stimulated with supplements, and you will be able to utilize zinc. If you cannot utilize zinc there’s no point of taking an isolated supplement because this can deplete the adrenals ability to produce it naturally even more. There are plenty of herbs that will help enhance and bring better function to the adrenal glands, so you don’t have to resort to an isolated supplement that will just cause hyperfunction which leads to dysfunction.

Supports probiotics for beneficial gut health. If you don’t have gut health it’s because your backed up lymphaticly which means that the sewer system of the human body is not moving and removing metabolic waste, (lymph costipation) because of acids and mucus blocking its ability to eliminate. When you start eating the raw living foods and you eat the prebiotic fibers in the fruits, you will build a healthy environment in your body and bad bacteria will not be able to thrive. To put fermented chemistry in your body your only asking for fungal problems. When fermentation takes place in the body, that’s when the fungal family comes in to clean up the mess because they feed on fermentation. Whether you get your probiotics from foods, or supplements they are not recommended and will only mask symptoms temporarily. If your adrenal glands are already not functioning properly and your having sugar metabolism issues which there responsible for regulating, your only going to increase more fermentation on top of the probiotics and just create a nest of candida. All digestive issues, will come into balance when you clean out the terrain that’s causing the issue. Detoxification and focusing on simplicity of cleaning out the body on the living foods, will fix this problem down the road, probiotics will only mask symptoms, and can create even more fungal issues for you to have to deal with. In nature when you eat a fermented vegetable or fermented fruit you naturally spit it out because your body is telling you it doesn’t want it. We live in a strange time in today’s world thinking that it’s beneficial to ferment are foods, when fermenting your food will only cause decay and death. Keep it as simple as eating your foods raw and living without having to tamper the chemistry and structure of the food, and your body will know what to do, and you will create a new ecosystem of beneficial good bacteria naturally without having to waste money on probiotics. This is treatment base thinking not regenerative detoxification.

Promotes processed oils in his recipes.

Oil is not a food it contains no beneficial nutrition except for fat and it’s isolated fat removed from the food which has no place in the human body to promote health and regeneration.

Processed oils consumed will only cause suppression of the lymph system, and if you don’t move the lymphatic system and filter through your kidneys and you cannot remove the cause of your health condition which is acidosis and the oils will only work as a temporary anti-inflammatory, but will also clog up the blood, and create lots of fermentation from the other foods you eat throughout the day. You don’t want a sludge up your lymphatic system and blood, and this is why oils are not beneficial. If you truly want to get to the root cause of the problem then don’t focus on treating symptoms, just start eating simple foods that are designed from you for you in nature. You must understand that this whole diet and nutritional focus is a wasted dream that’ will get you nowhere. If you don’t get back to your species specific diet, and eat foods that your body has designed for you in regards to how you digest, absorb, and utilize chemistry, you will not get very far. Humans are carbon-based species we are designed for carbohydrates high fats and isolated oils. If you don’t feed your cells with carbon, and you clog up your blood with fats, then you will just cause your body to work hard on removing these fats, and impair the ability for the sugars to get in the cells, this will create fermentation, and cause even more fungal problems as well as make it difficult for you to lose weight.

Meducal medium creator doesn’t discourage abstaining from unnecessary suffering and killing of incident animals. This is a statement out of his own blog he wrote.

Bovine Derivatives

If you eat animal products or animal protein, you likely look for the highest quality grass-fed beef or free-range chicken you can find. Unfortunately, animal derivatives in supplements come from extremely low-quality sources that are saturated with heavy metals, hormones, and other undesirable elements. Even well respected companies have these issues with the quality of animal products found in their supplements. End quote.

It’s obvious that he’s not looking at the big picture when it comes to animal consumption and how detrimental it is to the human body, not only is it very unhealthy to eat animal products, but we should never promote the death and suffering of an innocent animal simply to help somebody transition to a healthy diet. Because I believe that all living creatures have the right to live and we shouldn’t take away that right, and have no essential need for their flesh when it comes to health, then we should never promote an alternative, but instead help people to transition those to make it a priority to get off all animal foods immediately. As a health coach, when I help people transition to a raw food diet, I incourage them to immediately remove all animal food, and to go 100% plant-based and then transition to a living foods diet which is the most optimal for the human body and will help to aid in regenerative detoxification which is the answer for healing and creating optimal health.

I will continue to express my thoughts and criticisms to this protocol which I believe will hold a lot of people back from getting well in my next article part 2, in the meantime I highly recommend you get back to nature, get back to the diet or biologically designed to eat, tap into your intuitive consciousness, let your instincts guide you, and don’t try to find another fad diet and silly protocol that will only hold you back from getting to the root cause of the problem, and that is through regenerative detoxification, and I personally think that the medical medium protocol has nothing to do with detoxification and will only suppress your ability to detoxify on this protocol.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
Views: 583
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