Too many excuses not to adopt a 100% Raw food diet (series part 4)

Too many excuses not to adopt a 100% Raw food diet (series part 4)

We make excuses after excuses to justify our reasoning to why eating & diet predominately based around fruits and vegetables is not conducive to our lifestyles, and we already set ourselves up for failure when we continue to say how difficult it is. You would think that eating raw foods would be much easier right, you don’t have to cook your food, and prepare, it’s nature’s fast food. This is another excuse, and also holds no water, I have personally as a fruitarian, have made my life so much easier, when it comes to how I prepare my meals. I don’t have to cook, I really don’t have to wash any dishes either, I just eat my food whole, or blend it into a smoothie. theirs no other devices that I need, that would make it an inconvenience. I can honestly say, in the beginning of my journey of trying to heal myself, as well as being set free from the matrix, and allowing myself to open up, and blossom spiritually, I would cherry pick the internet, to find an excuse, to continue to eat cooked food, and to feel comfortable that it was the right choice, versus having to go 100% Raw. This was a mistake, because I was not detoxifying my body on these foods, because my kidneys were so damaged I was unable to filter out the waste that were creating the problem I was dealing with. (Acids) You can look at case reviewed studies all you want, and try to justify your reasoning. When you forget about your physiology, anatomy, and species specific diet, you will always be confused by these case studies, because information on the internet on foods that simply are not designed for your physiology, will do you no good, but brainwash you in the wrong direction.

It’s also unfortunate that the very food that were physiologically designed for has the most confusion wrapped around it, and it happens to be the most nutritious, raw living food that nature has provided for us (FRUITS) we have so-called plant-based doctors, and nutritionist that continue to convince the masses that were herbivores, but this is just not a factual statement, there is nothing about our digestive tract, & physiology that would represent a herbivore design. The herbivore species we see in nature have a much larger digestive tract, some of them have multiple stomachs, they have very tough and thick teeth meant for grinding the tough cellulose found in the vegetables, that is not digestible in the human digestive tract, the body is not designed to digest cellulose, but our bodies digest fruit fibers quite effectively and rapidly. If vegetables were so easy to digest raw, then we would have no reason to steam them, or juice them, we do not have to do this with fruit, and it’s not even a thought. I definitely don’t think that vegetables are unhealthy for you, and there are certain kinds that are easier to digest that we could benefit from. The veggie fruits, and tender leafy green vegetables are a better option for the human digestive tract. We need to stop making excuses, and buying into misleading information regarding foods, and understand that cooking your food, kills the food, changes the chemical structure of the food, which will change the chemical structures, in the body.


I cannot adopt a raw food diet because I still have to cook food for my family!

This is just a poor excuse, because you don’t want to deal with any difficult sacrifices that you may have to make, because often we don’t stand up for ourselves, and want to please everyone around us, and in return we compromise our own health, to please others, rather than understanding that self-love, is very important, and if we forget about self-love, we cannot thrive, and be happy while we’re here on this crazy planet. All you have to do is find me confidence to explain to your loved ones that you don’t want to be responsible for ruining their health, and also you must have an accountability blanket, for yourself so that you don’t give in to any cravings that will set you back, because cooked food is very addictive, and the smell is very pleasant when you add spices and certain ingredients to it. This may sound ridiculous, to your family members, and they may think that your being selfish by giving up this responsibility, to better your own health personally. You have to do what’s best for yourself, when your unhealthy. If you keep triggers and temptations in your path, it will be very difficult to get to the next level of strength and endurance, that can only be attained by repetition and practice When it comes to what we put in our bodies. This is not something that we should be enslaved and entangled in, when it comes to other people.

There are certain things that you must sacrifice, for personal conscious reasons, and what you put in your body is very important when it comes to this. You must tell your family to cook their own meals, if it will set you back and tempt you to eat them yourself. If you have a husband and a wife that’s not used to cooking the meals for the kids, and themselves, they should learn how, if they don’t want to follow you in your footsteps. It’s just a reality that must take place, and you have to be firm and have some Authority when it comes to your temple, and loving your body, more than giving in to a practice that well go against your own spiritual consciousness. In love just explain to your loved one, that you will not be responsible for damaging your health, and contributing the damage to theirs. You must educate yourself so that you could better explain these reasons, so that they understand that it’s not wrong and selfish for you to give up something, that is killing yourself and the loved ones around you. If you have a spouse that refuses to get healthy themselves and follow you on your journey, then in all reality because of their unawareness, their the ones that are being selfish not you, so don’t be manipulated and think that what your doing is wrong, because cooked food is very addictive, and cooking it all the time is going to make it very difficult for you to recover from this addiction. It’s the same thing when somebody gets off drugs and alcohol, they can’t hang out in bars and think that their not going to have another drink.

Take your health in your own hands, remove the triggers and the traps that tempt you, and have a sense of authority, and shine like a bright light, and maybe your family will come around. I can understand that the sacrifice can bring a lot of conflict and stress, but you have to do what’s best for yourself, or else you will never evolve, and be able to pursue your goals, and this will contribute to hating yourself, when loving yourself is the only thing that will set you free in this life. If your loved ones cannot give up cooked food, not only for their own personal sake, this just proves my point that cooked food is so addictive, that humans have a lot of trouble giving it up, even when their unhealthy! People will choose their safety blanket, and their comfort food over their own loved ones, and the fact that you choose not to do this, just shows how much love you really have for your spouse and family members and yourself. A lot of the times when somebody adopts a raw living foods diet, and their partner doesn’t, this reveals the truth, and the actual support that this partner actually has for you, and you could come to terms, and realize how much does your partner care for you, to follow you, and to support you, versus their own selfish needs and desires to continue to ruin their health, because their addicted to a food that’s not biologically designed for them.

Don’t enslave yourselves my friends, and continue to make excuses that are going to be detrimental to what you know is right for yourself. You may have to make some difficult sacrifices, but it’s worth it in the end, and if you do it in love, and you shine like a bright light, you could never be a great influence on your family and maybe by your example they will come around, and realize that a raw living foods diet is what’s compatible with their design, and wasting money and having to cook and clean over foods that are not designed for them will bring no sustainable long-term happiness. Without your health, it’s very difficult to be happy in the first place. We are not just here to consume, be caged to a certain modality, that society has set up for us. I think we are here on this planet to be in touch with nature, and be creatures that are not domesticated, to things that devolve our natural Instincts. Do yourself a favor and start loving yourself, and stop ignoring your consciousness, this will only bring stress and depression in your life. Have a sense of authority like you would have for many other things that are not as important, and stop making excuses that hold no water, because they will only set you back, and bring you to a state of dis-ease.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 7 years ago
Views: 494
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