Too many excuses to why you can't adopt a 100% raw food lifestyle (series part 1)

Too many excuses to why you can't adopt a 100% raw food lifestyle (series part 1)

We need to first come to understand that cooked food is an addiction, and we will always find a reason not to surrender from it, when we’re still under the mental struggle of trying to give it up. It’s very easy to find an excuse in today’s world not to do something we know is best for us. We live in a self-absorbed world, and were used to getting things when we want, if we try hard enough to get it. We put a lot of effort into certain things that don’t matter, and we achieve these goals quite effectively, but when it comes to our health we come up with an excuse. Our number one priority before anything else should be our health. It’s like you heard it said before without your health you have no wealth. For those that have experienced the many benefits of a raw food diet, and soon go back to eating cooked food, can attest of the lack of health they have, eating cooked versus raw. It’s obvious that raw food is the most compatible food source for the human species, well actually raw food is the most compatible for all species. We do not make excuses like “well having a job is too difficult to have, so I’m just not going to work because it’s too hard to accomplish”. That would be very silly, because we need to work in order to provide for ourselves and our families, so we get up and we go to work and we put in the time, regardless of how hard it is, we get it done, because we can’t afford to make excuses. Yet when it comes to our health, we don’t treat this as a priority like it would be a priority to work in order to survive and get by in this life. The same priority of these things we call important, should be the same priority we put in when it comes to our health, and the food we decide to put in our body. The problem is a lot of people are confused about what food they should eat, and whether cooked food, is important to regain, and to sustain optimal health, but this article is not addressing those that are confused, but those that already know, intuitively, and by experience that eating raw foods is the best way to go about healing your body, as well as sustaining their health long term.


I can’t eat a raw food diet because I live in a cold climate!

This is a common excuse that people will make in order to eat cooked food. I could totally understand wanting to warm up the body when it’s very cold, and that raw foods will not completely warm you up, when your living in a cold environment. It’s still an excuse because you could always sip on warm teas, warm raw soups, and eat your food by a fireplace or just wear warm clothing and turn the heater on. It’s much better to sit in a heater, and eat raw foods then to continue to eat cooked food, that is heavy in starch, protein, and leaves behind a lot of metabolic waste, acid ash, and you can stagnation all throughout the body creating chronic and degenerative health conditions. This may sound dramatic to a lot of people, because not all cooked food is created equal, and I completely understand this, but the problem is nobody’s really going to just eat steamed starchless veggies, because after a while you will add in the grains, the beans, and end up back on a mucus forming diet, and eventually even compromising with processed “vegan food” and some even end up going back to eating animals. Their really is no excuse, even if you live in a cold climate, because you must understand that humans are not designed for cold climates for one, because we are tropical species, so if we’re going to live in cold climates, you still have to understand that your body is still designed for raw living foods, and you need to try and make it work. There are plenty of people that have a positive attitude, and willingness to thrive on raw foods even in cold climates, and they make it work for them, their happy, their energetic, and they get their health back.

If you live in a cold climate and it’s the colder part of the year, you may have to downgrade to eating more fats, such as avocados, and soak and sprouted nuts and seeds, if you don’t have access to a lot of fruit, and also to keep the body warm when it’s very cold. I personally think you could still do this on fruit alone, without the nuts and seeds, but I still think it’s important to eat a 100% raw even if you have to eat more fats at certain times of the year. It’s not hard to get bananas, and eat salads in cold climates, you can always sip on warm or hot water to keep warm and still make it happen to where you could eat 100% Raw. You can’t make excuses to not eat an optimal diet, especially if you need to heal something, and know that raw foods will accomplish this. You cannot properly clean out the body, and detoxify with cooked foods, and cooked foods do not move the lymphatic system. It’s interesting enough that the bodies only starts to heal when we eat raw, and the body stops healing when we cooked, this has been proven time, and time again, for those that have experienced true regenerative detoxification on a fruit based diet. Instead of finding an excuse, because deep down you know that you still want to enjoy indulge in these emotional comfort foods, such as rice, beans, potatoes, and a lot of people struggle with the chips, and even those struggle with animal foods and the cheeses. You can make it work, always when you manifest positivity, and fight through the addiction, good things do not come to those who make excuses, and still want to hold on to emotional crutches, and feed on their addictions.

My family still eats cooked food, so it’s hard for me to eat 100% raw

This is not a reliable excuse, because you come into this world alone and you leave this world alone, and you must take responsibility for your life, and achieve your goals. You cannot allow other people to dictate your choices, and enslave you to their own unawarness. You need to remove the triggers, that you know are going to manifest negativity, and pull you away from what you know is best. Your going to have to make selfish decisions, that are suitable for you for a good cause. That may mean your going to have to tell your family members to cook their own food, or they can enjoy a raw food meal that you prepared for them. If your having intense cooked food cravings, I would highly suggest that you have a gourmet raw food meal for dinner, with out all the sugars and fats. You can make a raw food dish taste very palatable, and still enjoy a meal with your family, and you could even offer some to them, and if they really enjoy it, you could start introducing more raw food meals to your family. You may need to transition to a fruit based raw food diet more slowly, until you get through a lot of these intense cravings, and a more gourmet raw food dish, May help you to overcome this in the beggining. Do your best to influence change to your families, but mainly focus on ypur own personal goals, and you can manifest the reality for your families to come around in my opinion. Just don’t make the excuse that you can’t be 100% raw because somebody else in your life is not on a raw food diet.

Most of the time we sell ourselves short, and make these excuses, because deep down we really just want to enjoy that cooked food meal, because in any other area in your life where your determined to achieve a goal, it doesn’t matter what your spouse, friends, or kids say, your going to do it regardless. You should also adopt the same Authority when it comes to your health and what you put in your body.

I can’t go 100% raw, because my friends and family eat out a lot!

This is also another common excuse, and it doesn’t hold much water whatsoever, because it’s not hard these days to find a restaurant for one that doesn’t serve a salad that you can’t modify and make it work for you, let alone all the salad bars that have fruits and vegetables at them. It’s also not too difficult to bring your own salad, or your own fruit smoothie to a restaurant. There are plenty of people that are determined to live this lifestyle, and also get back their health, that make these sacrifices and bring their own food, regardless of what anybody thinks of them.

If your to focused on what your friends and family think of you, then you’re not only going to be held back with pursuing our goals with health, but you will never be able to discover your true gifts and talents, and succeed in this life if you allow other people’s opinions to subject and weaken your potential. Fix your adrenal glands, and you will build the confidence to overcome this. I think that your friends and family would appreciate you at least going out with them bringing your own food vs staying at home and isolating yourself. But you may have to get through the cravings long enough to where you’re able to go out to a restaurant and not compromise with the menu, and make those difficult decisions.

If your health is decaying, and you don’t feel well, that should be motivation enough for you to not give in to 20 minutes of pleasure and enjoyment, giving into addiction, when knowing that the consequences far outweighs the 20-minute experience you may have. It’s not difficult to make an amazing nice cream, or raw food pasta with zucchini noodles, and get the same experience of enjoyment, and feel light and amazing, versus the artificial stimulation you get with cooked food. Be the light and set the example, but refrain from triggers, if it’s the most necessary, because sometimes you need to be selfish, and hold yourself back, knowing what you can and can’t handle, and I would highly encourage meditation, to strengthen your mind, so that you can go out to restaurants and eat your own food and not be tempted to give in to devices that can break you.

I don’t need to eat a 100% raw because I know people that thrive and healed themselves on cooked!

A lot of people that make this statement, don’t realize, that the reason why their pursuing a raw food diet in the first place, it’s because they were not able to get healing with cooked food, so making excuses like somebody else did, holds no water, and is a waste of rational thought. If somebody has healed themselves on cooked food, I highly doubt that they had a chronic health condition in the first place, or there issue wasn’t lymphatic related.

When your lymphatic system is clogged up, from head to toe, it is very difficult to get rid of this lymph stagnation, with any cooked food, and that’s why people don’t heal when they try to eat cooked food, because there lymphatic system is constipated, and the best way to get it moving, and release these toxins through the kidneys, is to eat a low protein, no starch, raw living foods diet predominantly high in juicy fruit. And for those that have very weak, and damaged kidneys, will not go very far eating cooked food, because the kidneys need raw living foods, to hydrate, and to scrub off the blocks the clog their ability to filter these waste.

Somebody that was able to heal themselves with some cooked food, probably didn’t have a big kidney weakness, and was able to filter acids through the lymphatic system, with 60% to 80% Raw, but most people these days have damaged their kidneys and adrenal glands so bad, that they need to become fruitarian, and only eat fruit, take herbs for the kidneys and adrenals, as well as doing some fasting in order to get these lymphatic metabolic waste out of their body.

I personally think that this is another excuse that people find, because they still want to eat cooked food, and don’t understand that they can really enjoy a raw food diet, and become addicted to the fruits, if they just try hard enough to find the quality fruit, let alone allow their body to adapt, and get used to the raw foods to wear cooked foods do not become palatable to them anymore.

There will always be excuses to not get something accomplished, but at the end of the day we will always do better, overcoming addiction, and becoming a live on the food that were designed to eat. No species Cooks their food in nature, but humans, and because we cook our food, we will always have an excuse to not give it up, because it is a drug, and cooked food is proven to be addictive. Understand that if uou want to be healthy, and you want to heal at a regenerative level, you need to get back to the diet your biologically designed to eat, and that is a frugivore diet, with at least 80% of your raw food being fruits.

Learn to love the sweet nectar of the fruit, allow yourself to get satiated, and always make sure you eat enough to fill you up, so that you never give in to cook food cravings, do yourself a favor and get back to nature, get back to the diet your biologically designed to eat, tap into your intuitive consciousness, stop making excuses, manifest your reality, and go on in this life with a healthy body and thrive like you never thought was possible.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 7 years ago
Views: 575
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