Too much worry about eating fruits (part 1)

Too much worry about eating fruits (part 1)

It’s quite obvious that in the western world, we are very confused and clueless about what kind of foods are healthy, versus what foods are corrosive and unhealthy. when it comes to the food we decide to put in our body on a daily basis and most of us three times a day.

We have been conditioned and taught that we need a specific amount of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins, to build a healthy functioning body. We gravitate towards meat, starch, and dairy products to get our so-called calcium and vitamin D, Etc needs met. We continue to put fire to our foods, killing the beneficial nutrients, that our bodies absolutely need, and are designed for, but yet we worry about what raw foods not meeting our nutritional requirements?!, we are not thinking clearly, and understanding that raw foods are going to contain the most bio-available nutrition, that we could ever absorb, assimilate and utilize. Instead of being taught by the so-called experts, and putting our faith in information, we need to channel our own inner common sense, and understand that the very food that were designed to eat, should never be the food that we are worried about not meeting a health need that were concerned about. What can cooked food provide that raw food can’t provide? We as a species continue to eat foods that have absolutely no true beneficial quality, when it comes to real tangible health. I’m not talking about how people get by, with health eating cooked food, I’m talking about being fully awaken consciously, that could only become a reality when you start eating foods that your biologically designed to eat.

Humans get unhealthy, eating foods that are damaging to their health, and yet they spend time worrying about what could happen if they drastically change their diet from cooked food to raw food. Well you first need to understand that the cooked food you were eating got you sick, so there is no huge risk when it comes to switching from eating cooked dead nutrient deficient food, too raw high-nutrient living foods, that clean out, restore, and regenerate your entire body, and have been known to do so for hundreds of years. We have plenty of testimonies, plenty of data, and science that proves that raw foods such as fruits and vegetables are not harmful to the human anatomy, but provide all the nutrition that somebody needs in order to thrive, experience longevity, and have a full productive healthy life. But yet we continue to worry, and be fed by the naysayers, and the intellectual goons, thst continue to spoon feed us with information, that holds no tangible truth to it, instead of actually just being the experiment are self.

Truly what do you have to lose, by hydrating and bring the alkalinity to your body? Because raw living foods predominantly fruits will bring hydration, and alkalinity to the body that has been massively dehydrated by acid forming and mucus forming foods. Everybody knows that they feel much better and lighter when they eat raw foods versus eating dead food, that has absolutely no energy being produced from it. There are people that feed their children BBQ chicken, and deep-fried meats of all kinds, but yet their afraid to give their kids too much fruit because it contains too much sugar?! Fruit grows on trees, it’s bioavailable, it contains more nutrition, and vitamins than any other food source, it’s packed with beneficial fiber, but yet because it has sugar in it we fear that it is going to be unhealthy to our bodies? Are we truly thinking clearly? To compare fruit sugar, to processed sugar? And actually think that it has the same effect on the body? But yet we feed our children dead putrefactive meats, that contain worms and parasites, and may be affected with E.coli, that are packed with antibiotics, hormones, pneumonia, and all kinds of deadly chemicals, but were afraid to give our kids too much fruit, that has all the living, and beneficial properties, that not only enhance, regenerate, and feed every cell in their bodies, but also remove acids, mucus, And other metabolic wastes from their body. We are killing our kids!, we are killing ourselves!, and we refuse to make any change, because were enslaved to the concept that you need to eat dead rotting meat, to get your so-called protein needs, and you also need to drink milk pus from another species, to meet your calcium needs, not understanding that mucus, and these growth hormones, and the igf-1 produced from these milks, are known to cause heavy mucus in the body that causes tumors, and could cause damage and atrophy to the cells, that contribute to Chronic and degenerative dis-ease

Never fear the fruit, thinking that it has too much sugar, this is like saying that you don’t want to drink too much water because it’s too wet! God and nature didn’t make a mistake creating fruits with sugar and sweetness. We have made the mistake by drifting so far away from a natural food source that our bodies are designed for, because we have created process sugar junk, and trying to compare that to a raw natural living food source, that is given to us as a gift from nature that meets all are nutritional requirements, and has all the minerals, vitamins, amino acids, phytonutrients, and everything structured perfectly in this fruit, that will meet all are needs in it’s perfect ratio. We need to understand that it’s not about getting a specific amount of macros, and micro from foods, because we have been taught that we need a certain amount of these so-called nutritional requirements, not understanding that all of our nutritional needs will be met by simply eating the food that is designed for our species. It’s as simple as focusing on your species specific diet, rather than getting caught up in lies, and propaganda regarding fruit, containing too much sugar, not understanding that it’s the healthiest food we have available, and just because it’s sweet and contain sugar doesn’t mean that you can’t eat an abundance of this and thrive just like all the other primate species that are designed to eat them.

We as a species are being pressured into eating starch, beans, grains, dairy, and animal meats of various kinds. The human species is not only decaying in health, but are dying, living a non productive life, suffering and pain, living in hospitals, and they continue to eat these foods because they have become brainwashed and pressured in thinking that they need to meet all their nutritional requirements, when it’s quite obvious that the requirements are not being met, and quite the opposite! these foods are causing atrophy and decay, and serious damage to humans bodies.

It’s time for us to wake up and come to understand that these food requirements are not doing any good for us, but are contributing to chronic and degenerative illness. We need to come to understand that fruit is a perfect food source for primate species like humans, and that you shouldn’t fear what fruits may do to you, but instead be the actuall experiment, and find out how amazing you will feel eating them, and how many health issues you could reverse.

The problem is nobody wants to be the experiment long enough, because they have radically damaged their bodies to such a high degree, there not able to tolerate the healthy foods anymore, let alone tolerate the detoxification that takes place when they start eating these high vibrational and nutritious foods such as fruits being the bulk of a raw food diet. Detoxification becomes a reality, when you stop eating acid Ash forming foods. When you start eating foods your design for such as fruits, berries, and melons, your body will go through a drastic transformation, of removing metabolic wastes, before you could truly benefit from what the fruits produce, when it comes to healing and regenerating a damaged body that has been ravished and put through the grinder, year after year after year, eating junk food, and food such as grains, beans, starches, dairy, and animal death.

Why fear detoxification, that a fruit and vegetable based diet promote, when you should be fearing eating these so-called healthy foods that are designed to meet your so-called healthy nutritional requirements, when these foods are what caused your health problem in the first place. Your going to gamble more with your health, and masking your symptoms, and continue to get worse, rather than stepping into nature’s healing process, that’s ten times more gentle than going through the grinder, and being treated like a guinea pig trying to get guidance and direction from the medical community, and the so-called nutritional community that continues to promote cooked food, high protein diets, and high animal consumption, when these foods have already been proven to cause cancer, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, and systemic acidosis, or “autoimmune disease”.

You can’t heal your body on nutrition anyways, you must heal your body through detoxification, and detoxification isn’t adding on as much nutrition to your body as possible, but rather eliminating mucus and acid forming foods that allow the body to heal itself naturally. It’s not adding on nutrition, it’s eliminating chemistry in the foods, the blocks the flow of energy that dehydrates the body, and backs up the lymphatic system with acids, that are unable to be eliminated, because of damaged and plaqued up organs that do eliminate them.

You should never even worry about nutrition anyways, when you could find ten times the amount of nutrition in one serving of fruit, then you could find in a whole week worth of foods that are recommended in the western world, outside of the fruit and vegetable Kingdom.

You need to eliminate the obstructions first, in order to benefit from the nutrition that comes from the foods anyways. If you don’t fix digestion, absorption, utilization, and elimination of metabolic waste, you can never fix your body, with this concept of nutrition.

The amazing thing about eating fruits, is that they remove obstructions, and clean out the body so that it can get more bioavailable nutrition in the first place. You can’t poor concentrated nutrition on a swamp and expect that swamp to just magically go away. You also cannot clean out your body eating dead food, that sucks the energy out of it. You need the energy, and the living properties of the fruits, in order to create the detoxification process. So why fear the very food that creates the detoxification process that actually gets to the root cause of the problem, and just endure through the aches and pains of the body healing, rather than being suckered into eating foods that artificially stimulate the body, giving you a false perception thinking that your feeling well, when really you know in reality that you will not feel well, down the road.

We don’t have any true tangible long-term success, when it comes to somebody having a chronic and degenerative illness, to long-term sustainable health on these foods that are recommended to us to eat, however we do have plenty of testimonies, of people not only reversing a chronic help element, but also going on to thrive late in their life, pursuing activities, that they didn’t have energy to pursue even in their young age., their not only healing, and transforming their lives, but their experiencing benefits they never have experienced in their young age, but are in their old age.

We have testimony after testimony, and we still continue to buy into the lies and propaganda, and fear the process. It makes no sense to continue to go into a circle of nowhere, following the Sheep, when we have the testimonies that prove that a long-term fruit based living foods diet will benefit you in the long run, and you can connect with the actual people that have done this successfully. If you have all the evidence and all the stories, and still fear the process, I don’t know what to tell you other than your selling yourself short, and your allowing these so called cooked “foods” to constipate your mind and create mental illness.

Other lies such as I can’t eat fruits because I am a diabetic

Fructose is the highest energetic form of monosaccharide or simple sugar. Neurons especially attract fructose molecules. Fructose enters a cell through diffusion instead of via active transport, which its counterpart glucose uses. Diffusion saves energy for the body and cells. Any activity requires energy, including the activity of transporting nutrients across cell walls. Most nutrients also require a helper or carrier to assist in the movement through the cell wall into the cell. As ATP is a cell stored energy, it is used in active transport the assisted transportation of nutrients across cell membrane walls. Glucose needs insulin to a certain degree as a utilization hormone for this active transport. Fructose, on the other hand requires no ATP or insulin and it’s simply pulled or absorbed through the cell wall by diffusion. For diabetes, fructose is perfect, especially if they remove complex sugars from there diets. Complex sugars create excessive glucose levels in the blood, which then create more insulin demand. Raw fruits and vegetables are always your best source of simple sugars. This is one reason why your body become stronger and more energetic on these foods. Foods high in protein and low in sugars, or foods high in complex sugars, rob your body of vital energy, create acidosis and elevated blood sugars. Simple sugars also alkalization of the tissues which is vital for tissue regeneration and vitality. As stated, produces the highest electrical sugar in nature and a superb for your brain and nerves regeneration. The Detox Miracle Sourcebook by Robert Morse, N.D.

Many studies have linked pasteurized milk consumption to diabetes. The antibodies produced to fight these altered, harmful, milk proteins also attack the beta cells in the pancreas. The beta cells are in the islets of langerhans in the pancreas and their job is to secrete insulin.

Protein myths

What is the diet of wild horses, an elephant, or a cow? These are herbivores and their strength is well-known. Their diet is 100% grass in vegetable matter. If they need the complete protein that is claimed, they must be getting it from Plants. Seventy to eighty percent of grizzly bears diet is grass. Bears don’t eat much meat. When they do, it’s generally the fat, not the protein structures that they’re after. Bears are omnivores. We are the highest species in the frugivore category which is not designed to eat meat. Raw foodist who eat a balanced variety of fruits and vegetables are never deficient in the amino acids necessary for health. Quite the opposite. The plant amino acids are the most energetic and easy for your body to break down and use. Meat requires a more radical and energy robbing digestive process to obtain the amino acids that compromised it. The other important factor here is that meat protein creates an acid reaction in the body, creating more acidosis, whereas vegetables leaving alkaline reaction, that’s cutting acidosis. Your body requires live foods to make it alive. If the components are not in fresh, organic fruits and vegetables you don’t need them! And besides, there’s nothing healthy about eating old, rotten, dead tissue dead cells and stagnant blood. The Detox Miracle Sourcebook by Robert Morse, N.D.

If you fear fruits, but continue to eat dead tissue, and guzzle down mucus pass from a cow, or continue to eat sticky glue-like starch, from grains, and other starchy plant foods cooked, thinking that you will meet all your so-called nutritional requirements, you’re not thinking clearly, and need to understand, that fructose is an essential nutrient that brings fuel and nourishment to your body, no matter what the so-called experts say to demonize it.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 7 years ago
Views: 580
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