True heath is attained through experimentation through nature, not what's written in books

True heath is attained through experimentation through nature, not what's written in books

I am not a fan of intellectualism! I think simplicity is what teaches us the most regarding what’s what, and what’s just written on paper. When my health took a dive and I became bedridden from systemic acid conditions in my body, I was willing to do whatever it took to get out of this hell I was dealing with, chronic fatigue, chronic vertigo, anxiety, depression, lower back pain, prostatitis, and malabsorption. I constantly was reading and trying to educate myself on how to heal, I was absolutely shocked on how many people were suffering but yet were getting no answers on what their problem was. I knew intuitively that my pill habit and lifestyle was contributing to the decay of my health, even though I was in denial because I lived that life for so long without dealing with any issue until that morning I woke up in hell.

From countless hours of research online, and giving up on medical doctors for telling me they don’t know what my problem was, and that it might all just be in my head, and encouraging psych doctors do to their ignorance, was getting me very upset, and I pretty much gave them the finger, and said I’m no longer wasting my time with them. When you do discover truth, it can be scary, and also rearrange your life, when it comes to making drastic changes to your diet, the relationships your in, the environment your exposed to everyday, and the place you may live, all must be changed in order to heal chronic acidosis on a systemic level.

I was tired of the endless pain, fatigue and frustration, so when I discovered to me what seemed to be truth coming from a man rapping about the great lymphatic system, and peeing out your dis-eases by getting your kidneys to filter, that’s when I decided to stop questioning, and start doing. It made logical sense to me that the reason why are health continues to decline is because were on the wrong side of chemistry, eating foods that are highly acidic and not designed for our bodies. The more of this acidic food we eat, we end up damaging or eliminative organs, and we continue to store up acid chemistry that eats away tissue and causes these chronic dysfunctions.

It made sense to me that we have a sewer system in our body called the Great lymphatic system. We have bowel movements and urinate on a daily basis, and we sweat toxins out of our skin, this must be coming from somewhere in our body, so discovering the great lymphatic system made sense to me, that it must be drained on a diet that promotes alkaline chemistry, so that we don’t create this acidic environment to where acids are locked in, and not able to come out. The more I eliminated acidic foods, especially foods high in protein, the more I experience less pain, more mental clarity, and the better I eliminated sewage from the lymphatic system. At this point there is no reason to question when your getting results. I realized I must break the conditioning of what I was taught with needing a specific amount of protein in order to be healthy, because I understood that these foods are not designed for us as humans, and that’s why we continue to decline in our health, and usually the civilizations and countries that eat the most protein are dealing with the most inflammatory conditions, like I was facing at the time. I discovered raw living foods.

I thought to myself in nature what would I do if I wasn’t in a survival situation, and then it made more sense that eating fruits and vegetables don’t have to be cooked, and manipulated in order to try and assimilate and absorb the nutrition coming from them, especially the fruits, and that they’re the perfect food for mankind. I had to get over what was being said on the internet and in the books and start experimenting, and have faith in nature, and not fear the sugar in the live living foods that are also structured with enzymes, phytonutrients, antioxidants, and all other kinds of electrochemistry that is not going to be harmful to the body, but have a perfect balance to restore function and to bring things back to homeostasis. When I stopped questioning, and started doing, that’s when I started getting results, and that’s when I started learning by experimenting. If you truly want to find answers, do something long enough, and your body and that experience will teach you the most precious knowledge you could ever attain, not from someone else’s experience, and subjective reasoning, and not what they write in the books, but based on what your actually experimenting for yourself.

I started to find my remedy when my kidneys started filtering, because I was alkalizing my body with living foods primarily fruits. Kidney filtration tested is when you pee in a jar, and your urine isn’t perfectly clear and there’s sediment, cloudiness, or particles, floating around in the urine, and the urine is not clear, but yellow, this is sewage coming from your lymphatic system, and it’s normal for your urine to look like this, and this is a sign that the body is properly detoxifying, and not be coming backed up with acid chemistry, and the kidneys are becoming unjammed to filter properly.

When you consume acid forming food, it leaves an acid Ash in the body and then the mucosa creates mucus to protect the body from being burnt by acids, the problem is when the body becomes oversaturated with mucus it blocks the flow of energy, clogs the eliminative organs, and sewage builds up in the body breaking down tissue, organs, glands, nerves and bones, and that’s why we fall into these conditions that the AMA has created, “these false conceptions of disease” labeling these conditions for treating, instead of getting to the root cause of the problem, and that’s the acid and sewage environment that takes precedence in the body, and it’s as simple as eliminating it for the body to repair the damage is that are caused.

The AMA doesn’t understand regenerative detoxification, or the lymphatic system, and how it’s designed to eliminate metabolic waste in a body that consists of over a hundred trillion cells, if you just focus on the eliminative organs, and what helps to manage and keep them functioning properly, then it’s as simple as changing your diet to an alkaline diet that will help your body stay at its proper pH balance, so that this doesn’t take place with clogging the system and creating systemic acidosis, which is the condition that humans are facing, not diseases of many different goofy names that are coined by the medical community.

Instead of being indoctrinated by people that waste their time in schools learning nothing about true regenerative health, it would make more sense to go the natural route through experimentation, and find out for yourself how much of a difference in your health you will experience by just simply changing your diet, and getting off all the toxic poisons that have been subscribed to you. It’s quite apparent that this whole protein in animal food focus is not true in regards to building the body and creating health, because these are the foods that are breaking down the body and causing serious damages. It’s quite apparent that we have enough knowledge that these foods are damaging people, and raw fruits and vegetables are not, even though they’re low in protein. These dead putrefactive proteins are poison, and the root cause of systemic acidosis. The opposite of what you have been taught, and by trusting nature and through experimentation you will find this to be true.

I lived on mangoes for 7 months, and a part of it was to prove a point, that I didn’t need all this protein, minerals and nutrition to heal my body, and thrive, just one simple fruit was enough for me to thrive, and yet people are losing vitality and decaying in health with these complex complicated diets high in protein and supplementation, and it’s all because we’re just following this disinformation model, and it’s all because of money and trying to profit off of these addictive foods, and they’re doing a good job getting people enslaved to them by creating these addictions, because they know there’s no money involved in true regenerative health, so the more propaganda they can push that you need protein found in these foods that are the least compatible with your anatomy, and physiology regarding your species specific diet, it makes sense that they will use deficiency as a scapegoat, not understanding that it’s the body that is failing to utilized nutrition, because it’s been clogged up with this mucus forming food and it’s the culturing medium that’s causing the problem not the diet changes.

Imbalances can take place during detoxification when the body is trying to break down all damage and repair itself, so the MD’s will use blood work to bring more confusion, when it’s really just cause and effect, and allowing nature to do its job and trusting the process of elimination, and sometimes things get worse before they get better, but if you are the experiment, and try it for yourself you will come to the realization that you will feel ten times better than you can ever imagined on one simple truth of just changing your diet to a fruit-based 100% raw living foods diet, and find out how much s*** you eliminate from your body that’s been stored and stagnant for decades, and you’ll be able to enlighten your senses on a physical, spiritual and emotional level, that will change your life forever!

Don’t be afraid of raw fresh Living food!, it’s the dead food the causes our health to decline, and unfortunately whats written in books is a bunch of twisted, disinformation regarding dead food, and the treatment of illusionary diseases, that fail to address the simple truth of acid chemistry, and alkaline chemistry, the great lymphatic system, and how to eliminate the septic tank sewage through the kidneys, bowels, skin and lungs.

It’s the living alkaline foods that keep these eliminative organs functioning properly, and it’s the acid forming foods that break them down, that allows the lymphatic system to backup and become constipated, and that’s when you run into systemic acidosis. It’s as simple as removing acidic foods, alkalizing your body with true structured living food, and you will see for yourself that you’re able to eliminate chronic fatigue, chronic pain, and all kinds of these conditions that are all caused from one simple thing, and that’s acid stagnation in the body. Forget about the books, forget about these intellectual people, and return to nature and obey her laws, and when you do that, then you will gain knowledge through experience not just following the leader onto a path of nowhere land.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
Views: 576
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