Ulcerative colitis is systemic acidosis

Ulcerative colitis is systemic acidosis

A better way to look at this instead of adopting medical terminology for so-called diseases is to understand the two sides of chemistry. Chemistry in it’s basic form is either acid or alkaline. We know by common sense that acids are corrosive and cause ulcerations to occur. If your diet is predominately on the acid side of chemistry then ulcerations will form in cellular tissue in the body. If you have ulcerations in your GI tract, this is mostly brought on by acid Ash forming foods such as your proteins, and these acidic proteins mainly are found in animal flesh and high animal consumption. The body has a sewer system that inhabits metabolic waste and the kidneys are connected to it for its main valve. The great lymphatic system which is the largest fluid in the human body is designed to detoxify and move these acids out of the body before they cause ulcerations in tissues. The problem is when people continually eat acid Ash forming foods that also are mucus forming the lymphatic system becomes constipated and stagnant, so these acids cannot come out through the kidneys for elimination because the kidneys have been clogged up.

If you have ulcerations throughout your GI tract, then your lymphatic system is backed up and stagnant because you are eating foods that are not compatible with your design, do not digest properly, and store residues and plaques that stick to the walls and create an acidic environment the breakdown and damaged tissue and cells.

The human body is predominantly designed for fruits in their raw living state, and some leafy green vegetables if desired. Everybody knows with common sense that fruits and vegetables are alkaline and they also are water-rich and hydrating to the body. Cooked food is dehydrated dormant dead food that leaves behind an acid Ash in the body. Well it’s quite apparent that the world is 90% on cooked and high protein diets and consuming way too much animal food which is the least compatible with their body, and that’s why their running into these serious colitis type symptoms and conditions. If you don’t look at your diet, and you don’t understand your condition, then your going to be in a whirlwind of confusion and be misled by ill-informed health professionals. Health professionals are not in the business of prescribing drugs, masking symptoms, and removing vital organs and glands.

You are a health professional, and it’s as simple as changing your diet to a raw living foods diet based around fruits, berries and melons. All you have to do is allow the body to heal itself by removing the problem that’s causing the ulcerations to occur, and it’s as simple as understanding that it’s acids, it’s acidic food that you consume that the body doesn’t adapt to and that’s why people run into these chronic and generative conditions. If humans are cave dwellers, and come from the Paleolithic Age, thinking that flesh consumption was a vital important asset to health, we have been very manipulated and ill-informed. If you have truly adapted to cooked food, especially dead putrefactive animal flash, then we would not be running into these serious health conditions, because the raw living foods reverse these problems, and they don’t contribute to them. Have you heard of anybody that has been raised on fruits and vegetables running into these problems like ulcerative colitis? No you haven’t but we but we do have on record are many people reversing these conditions on raw living foods based around fruits and vegetables.

The simplistic remedy to adopt the way I see it to reverse this condition is to allow the body to start the detoxification process and that is by simply removing the food the causes the problem and adopting a diet based around the living foods. Once you remove the acid and mucus plaque buildup clogging up the kidneys, and you provide the body the hydration and energy to electrify the cells and to cause the electric current to move the lymphatic system which is a fluid in the body that doesn’t have a pump like the blood system, so you have to move your lymphatic system not only with movement and Rebounderz but with electrical astringent food which is going to be your fruits, berries and melons. You cannot move a dormant lymphatic system that’s clogged up with more dead acidic food. You also will never heal damaged tissue, unless you drain the swamp, and move the lymphatic system to the lymph nodes out through the kidneys through urination, because acids that remain in the body will continually breakdown tissue, and nobody wants to get their colon removed when they simply can just regenerate and hydrate with living chemistry. If you bring an alkalinity, and you properly hydrate your body, you get your kidneys filtering, you could end this misery. You must end your addiction to these corrosive foods that become dormant, and rot and ferment in the body. We must get our focus on getting back to our species specific diet instead of just adding on some healthier food, because you can’t add on healthy food and expect the body to correct itself when it’s backed up from head to toe and ready to explode. You have to go all-in in order for the lymphatic system to drain miles and miles of metabolic waste.

We must also end this cooked food consciousness thinking that we could manage and treat a condition that is caused by systemic acidosis. The only food that doesn’t contribute to systemic acidosis is your raw food. Simply change your diet, allow the body to clean and detoxify, don’t wait another day without your kidneys filtering because if these acids don’t come out it’s impossible to regenerate cells that have been ulcerated by acids. Transition yourself to a living Foods diet with at least 80% coming from fruits and 20% coming from veggies for balance, if it was me I would get herbs for my kidneys, my endocrine glands, my lymphatic system, and my GI tract of course, if I had this condition, because herbs will clean and enhance and bring regeneration to damages, but you must keep the body flowing with electrically charged food which are your fruits and vegetables.

If your eating a diet mainly of dead animal flesh and proteins, then I highly suggest the least you could do would be to adopt a 100% whole foods plant-based diet, and at least have fruits for breakfast. I wouldn’t stay stagnant and complacent on a cooked foods whole foods diet for too long, and I would quickly transition to a raw living foods diet after a month depending on how severe your ulcerative colitis is.

Once the body gets through a little bit of the withdrawals coming from the animal flesh, you could easily after a couple weeks adopt an 80% raw food diet which would be your fruits, salads, and steamed starchless vegetables for dinner, then after a couple weeks of doing that I would highly suggest fruits all day, a salad for dinner, or green juice for a couple months, and to transition to all fruits, an herbal botanicals for maintenance until you repair the ulcerations, and then it’s up to you what you want to balance out with, but I highly recommend never returning to a processed food diet, and eating dead animals. You must understand that it’s the dead animal flesh eating that really damages and destroys the GI tract, and it’s the starches that clog it up, and starches along with proteins is a recipe for disaster when it comes to mucus and acid buildup in the body that contributes to these conditions.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:


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First published: 6 years ago
Views: 613
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