Waiting on “science” to change your diet and lifestyle?

Waiting on “science” to change your diet and lifestyle?

There are some people that need pre reviewed double blinded studies to make changes with their diet! I don’t think we need science when we have common sense and intuition. If something is natural for the human body, and everything you have, and still are doing is unnatural built on toxic and bad habits, why would you need a study to change your diet to the most sensible diet of fruit, veg and whole plant foods? Also why would you fear that fresh live foods are not enough, and that you may run Into a deficiency, and that you need meat and dairy. Dead animals are devoid of the nutrition you need for your body, because the human body only requires nutrition from plant food sources because this is how God designed things.

It’s not about nutrition it’s about energetics, and also ratios and nutrients found in foods that the body can use and is designed for. If there is a legitimate argument that humans cannot survive on plants alone, and that we must get essential nutrients from animals then it would make sense to eat them, but as far as my research goes, and the “science” we have no essential need for animals, and can get everything we need from plant sources, preferably fruit because it’s most compatible with the human design.

If your suffering then what your doing is wrong, and you’re not relying on science to continue? So make the changes and see what works. I think everyone can understand that fruits and vegetables are healthy, and they don’t harm anyone, and civilizations for thousands of years have been thriving on plant based diets.

Wether you believe humans are fruigivores or not, please understand that a fruit based raw food diet has cleaned up a lot of damaged body’s all over the world from neurological cases, cancer, and diabetics etc. a fruit based diet has been the top of the mountain diet for regenerating damages to people’s body’s that seemed like they were without repair, and to beat up to recover.

Unfortunately we don’t have big science behind fruit and raw foods, so good luck finding an investment in a study. They want to make you fear fruit, and they continue to bring up the Steve jobs bs any way they can, and it’s all bs by the way if you look into his case, but I won’t go on a rabbit trail on this one.

Their have been thousands of people that have healed up on raw food diets and Whole Foods plant based diets all over the world. We don’t see long lasting health benefits in meat based diets or “well balanced diets” we see weight loss and improvements because people are eliminating the garbage SAD diet from their lives, but long term health benefits is always, and always has been on plant based diets that are void of animal food sources. A fruit based raw food diet being best, and just a raw food diet being second based, and believe it or not even a starch based diet has healed thousands of people as well, and we even have the Okinawan’s on recored that used to live on starch mainly found in purple sweet potatoes that had a life expectancy of the people living to over a hundred years old.

The reason I say a fruit based raw food diet being the best is because with chronic cases that are dealing with systemic acidosis, and dealing with life threatening health problems need the energetics and cleansing power of the astringent fruits to rid the body of cellular acidosis, and no other plant food source will clean out the body better then fruits, herbs and fasting in these cases.

Don’t wait on science to do what makes sense. Just look around people are getting better, loosing weight, and getting off their medications when they remove dairy, meat, eggs, and processed foods, and a raw food diet is getting them their the fastest, because of the cleansing power and nutritional power to fuel and repair the body.

Just start doing wait makes sense and forget about the “science” because these days it’s mostly bullshit with negative intentions because “science” needs to get payed from organizations with the money, and is not organizations that are behind fruits and vegetables, but behind meat and dairy and other highly addicted foods that keep people sick on medications, because there is no money for a cure, so be smart, and don’t wait around for a study when time is not on your hands, and if you want studies there are plenty regarding raw foods, and plant based nutrition.

Waiting around has gotten you nowhere but pain and suffering, and for someone that has dealt with suffering I know first hand that it was a fruit based raw food diet that got be out of it, and it was the quickest recover I have experienced when I tried every diet their was that “promised”healing.

If your in a lot of pain give yourself 30 days on a raw food diet 80% fruit and 20% vegetables and watch what happens! It’s obvious that a low protein diet gets rid of pain, and a high protein diet contributes to it.

Let’s create the “science” by doing the sensible thing, and that’s eating fresh live foods and whole plant food sources, and base the diet on fresh ripe fruit, and show the world what we can accomplish. But understand if you waiting to long to make the change, and your in hellville regarding the state of your health, your going to have to be patient, and put in the time to recover, but just understand when you start recovering at least you’re not remaining in hell like you were when you did nothing!

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:


Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:


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First published: 6 years ago
Views: 557
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