What living foods are best for the nervous system, fats, veggies or the high sugar fruits?

What living foods are best for the nervous system, fats, veggies or the high sugar fruits?

It’s constantly being said that healthy fatty acids are the most important for the nervous system, which I would agree that the fats have the anti-inflammatory calming properties, but they’re not regenerators when it comes to actually repairing an enhancing the nervous system like the fruits, berries and melons. Fats are a tool for sure when it comes to helping the nervous system in dealing with people with many cognizant disorders, however if you truly want to heal one of these issues, you need the electromagnetic energy that the fruits produce to rebuild the nervous system. High-fat raw food diets are not getting quadriplegics out of wheelchairs, but fruits, berries and melons are. Robert Morse ND has over 45 years of experience working with many people with damaged bodies when it comes to a poor nervous systems, and has helped direct them with the fruitarian levels of healing, and has seen remarkable healing benefits, and he doesn’t recommend the fats to provide this level of healing.

With my experience on a raw food diet and a fruitarian, my mental cognizant function is much more sharp on the sugar dense fruits rather than the fats that come in the form of an avocado, coconut, olive, or durian. I do not even mess with the nuts and seeds because they’re inflammatory and hard on the kidneys and go tract, and also not the best source of raw food for the human body, because of its dense chemistry making it hard for humans to digest, and that’s why a lot of raw foodist put on extra weight, because of the nuts and seeds.

I’ve gone through a season of eating avocados every night for dinner along with other veggie fruits, and do not have a personal beef with them LOL, but can definitely tell you that they will bring down your energy levels, and in my experience have brought down my focus and mental capacity. After about a month of eating avocados everyday, the days that I just eat fruit that’s high in sugar and low in fat, I seem to have much more clear focus, stable energy, and could focus on a task much more effectively, and I feel weighed down from the fats. On a personal level this is my experience, and I also have nerve damage due to abuse of prescription drugs which put a hit on my adrenal glands, and have impaired my autonomic and central nervous system.

If you experience more mental clarity, focus and energy then this is the nervous system being enhanced. We need to understand that the adrenal glands produce neurotransmitters that control the autonomic nervous system, and it’s not the fats that help them to function optimally, it’s the fruits because of the electromagnetic energy and the high angstroms, that’s supercharge the nerves.

If you recommend a salad with some avocado to a quadriplegic, it’s going to slow down their mobility, if you switch them from a high-fat raw food diet to a high-carb low-fat raw food diet, you will see before your eyes be cognizant Improvement and mobility they experience. Some people are very confused and think that fruits are hard on the nervous system, and there’s just so many lies regarding the power of the fruit, but for those that actually experience the regeneration on a fruit diet long enough can tell you that they do not only promote the most aggressive detoxification, but they also are the most powerful for regenerating the bones and nervous system. the fats and the greens are more builders when it comes to muscular function because of the amino acids, but they definitely do not have the upper hand on the nerve building you need the fruits and berries for that. I think the reason why people think the fats are good for the nervous system is because they do calm the nervous system, but they do not regenerate the nervous system. I’m talking about a permanent healing experience, not masking symptoms.

I had a 40 year old female brought to me one time with advanced multiple sclerosis. He brought her laying on a stretcher, completely rigid. After 3 months on a fruit diet she could sit up, feed herself, and even mobilize her own wheelchair. Since she was so thin and small I needed to encourage her body to produce more muscular tissue, so I started her on vegetable juices and salads, as these foods are full of amino acids. Guess what? She lost her mobility temporarily Why? The answer can be found in the difference between the electrical charge of the fruit versus that of vegetables. When I put her on a diet of fruits alone she began to regain her strength. The power of the raw foods have to revitalize the physical body is almost unlimited. I’ve seen the body pull itself back from some pretty precarious edges. It took a while for this young lady to regenerate herself, but with such a degenerative condition it would naturally take it significant time to turn the body around. Predominantly fruit diet was essential to maintain nerve response. The Detox Miracle Sourcebook by Robert Morse, N.D. (Page 157)

This case proves that an all-fruit diet is for the advanced, and it’s also the most optimal diet for the human species, however a lot of us need to stick to our fruits, veggies and even the fats for personal and mental balance because an all-fruit diet is just on top of the shelf when it comes to its superiority with detox, aggressive and rapid healing, mental and cognizant energy through the roof, and even hard for some to stay in their bodies because their so electric and energizing.

Not everybody should adopt a fruit only diet, and should educate themselves more thoroughly and transition if it’s a goal, but for serious cases especially those of neurological damage, if they want to truly regenerate and build their nervous system, it’s going to take a fruit based diet if you want to experience true and effective results, and the fats and the greens just do not produce these kinds of results, proving that they are a secondary source but not a superior one.

It’s also common to hear that children need healthy fats at early stages of their life and I would a hundred percent agree, and that’s why these healthy fats are found in mother’s breast milk, but after a baby is weaned, in my personal opinion, don’t need a high-fat diet for the nervous system, their humans just like adults, and in order to truly build their nervous system it’s going to take the same diet of fruits, berries, and melons high in carbon and low in fat. The human body is designed primarily to get its fuel from carbon not lipids. The fatty fruits only in season for short durations in nature like the avocado, which proves that they’re only to be eaten a small time of the year, but the majority of the fruits are high in sugar and carbohydrate, and they grow all year around, proving that that they are essential fuel source not the high fatty fruits and vegetables, and nuts and seeds are just squirrel food not human food.

We also must understand that all fruits contain essential fatty acids, your sweet and your juicy fruits. The body just needs a healthy balance in its proper ratio. If greens were more important to build the nervous system in the human body, then why don’t we have a herbivore digestive tract designed to break down the heavy cellulose fibers, to get the nutrition to utilize it for effective results? In order to truly get benefits from the amino acids, minerals and nutrition, we must juice the vegetables to get enough of the benefits, or else you would have to sit and eat pounds of leafy greens which would be extremely hard on the digestive tract and also will not satiate you like a big bowl of fruit can and should. The veggies are just the good old boys that gives us more options when it comes to food, but they don’t have the power to heal like the fruits, berries and melons do, and these are just the facts, and when we get back to truly studying our physiological design and compare our anatomy to a frugivore species in nature, we will then discover reality versus intellectualism, and what’s written on paper. humans in my opinion are pure frugivores and even more refined than the primates.

It’s also quite interesting that the very diet that humans are designed for is the very diet that promotes the most aggressive healing, regeneration and is proven to enhance the nervous system and mental clarity, more effective than a high green and high fat diet can, and this is my personal experience and many others that I’ve talked to have also experienced these realities. We can’t blame are damaged and imbalanced bodies because of being outside of our natural diet 99 percent of our lives, and blame the fruit because they’re exposing the symptoms and stirring up the acid Terrain.

Fruits also happen to be very electric and astringent so can expose weakness in the midst of trying to do their job and heal and regenerate what’s damaged. You will only get so far with cleaning and restoring your body on greens, and fats, but if you want to remove interstitial lymphatic constipation in the body, you’re going to need a high level of fruits, berries and melons. Don’t get it twisted thinking that fats are best for the nervous system. The fats only calm the nervous system and act as anti-inflammatories, but they do not regenerate and enhance like the fruits and berries can. We could play around with studies, and we could fund what we want to fund in regards to information we want to push, but at the end of the day the truth will always remain the truth, and that’s the simple fact that humans are carbon-based species design for simple sugars found in fruits, berries and melons.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

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First published: 6 years ago
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