What you suppress today, you will deal with tomorrow

What you suppress today, you will deal with tomorrow

We live in a society today that is all about suppression of symptoms. You got your body into a state of HellVille and then you don’t want to deal with the consequence, and try to find ways to suppress the problem. We need to put an end to the suppression of symptoms and learn to understand that you can’t just cover a problem, and not face the reality of its cause down the road. You must drain your septic tank in order to alleviate your issue permanently. If acids are chewing you up, you must remove the acids in order for the body to truly enter a state of healing and homeostasis. If you don’t want to change your diet then enjoy your suffering.

The body cannot effectively remove the stagnant lymph until you remove the concentrated cooked foods that constipate and block the flow of energy from the body properly cleaning itself out. I hear it all the time regarding complaints of not healing, and being on a so-called healthy diet such as a vegan diet. A cooked vegan diet does not promote detoxification. If you don’t want to suppress your issue, then you have to encourage the body to detoxify. Without detoxification, then your only option is to suppress your symptoms, and return to them down the road when the body plateaus from the suppression modalities. A cooked vegan diet will only get you so far with clearing out metabolic waste because starch is glue, and beans and grains are very hard on the kidneys and bowels.

A whole foods plant-based diet cooked, you could return in the future if you so choose to, but it’s not a diet that will help you to clean out the stagnant terrain and systemic acidosis, I’ve been there and done that. Most people are very backed up with fungus and candida issues, and cook starches is a perfect fuel source to continue to feed them. The more fungal, yeast and candida environment you have in your body the more uric acid is produced, and this uric acid is very acidic, and just only backs up the lymphatic system even more. True regenerative detoxification, you must go after the body on a systemic level, that helps to aid in the restoration of the endocrine glands, lymphatic system, GI tract, kidneys, and the nervous system. A lot of these cooked foods are also high in sulfur, and lots of people are dealing with a lot of stagnant sulfur residues due to the sulfa drugs, such as antibiotics. Starchy food that feeds the fungal family, will interact with these sulfur residues, and candida proliferates and becomes a nest for feeding, and adding on acidic sulfur rich foods that are cooked and starchy like beans will only exacerbate and make the issue worse.

We got to get on the raw food consciousness, and get over cooking our foods, because if we think we could really systemically heal a damaged and backed up lymphatic system in the body on cooked food, your only wasting your time, because the body can only truly effectively heal itself when your bringing in living food that has the high electrico magnetic chemistry’s that move the lymph system, and keeps the kidneys flowing and the bowels. The fruits and the herbs do not leave residues in the body, and clean the body, the least amount of residues and plaques that build up in the body, the more you’re able to open up the channels and not block the flow of energy from the body effectively healing itself.

Dead food does not have the astringent power to scrub on the lymph system to remove the metabolic waste through the skin, bowels, and main eliminative channel the kidneys. The most difficult part for a lot of people to transition to a raw food diet and get on the fruit consciousness to effectively aid the body in effective regeneration, is because of the addiction of eating cooked food because of the tradition and habit of growing up this way, but you don’t want to continually suppress your body’s ability to heal if you want to recover by continually refusing to give up the cooked food. Remember that these parasites don’t want you to give up the cooked food especially the starches because that’s what they feed and thrive on, they love the starchy complex sugars, because their very high in sugar, and tend to ferment in the body.

Supplements are also useless isolated compounds that suppress symptoms but do not get to the root cause of the issue, you must remove the acid stagnation and chemical stsgnation in the body through cleaning and enhancing with fruits and herbs, and supplements do not clean the body, they Inspire receptor activation, and only stimulate the body to do something that is not long-lasting, and that’s why when people give up supplements, their symptoms come back.

Surgeries are never the answer, because if you remove vital organs and glands then you throw the body out of whack working as an effective system, and this will compromise the ability for the body to properly utilize, absorb, and detoxify. This is why it’s so vital and important to stop suppressing symptoms, and refusing to give up specific foods because of attachment and addiction.

You can regain a love for food you are designed for, by simply just eating fruit, and making simple salads. The cleaner your body gets, and the more you get rid of the parasites, fungus, worms and yeast, your body will become so clean, and you will feel so good on the living high nutritive foods, you will gain an appreciation and palette for the natural food rather than having to cook, salt, sugar, and add fats and spices, which throw the taste buds out of whack and create a drug like experience, rather than a nourishing experience and appreciation for the amazing flavors of the natural raw foods untampered and manipulated.

There’s an amazing variety of fruits, berries and melons, leafy greens an occasional soaked and sprouted nuts and seeds to where you can enjoy a raw living food dish, that will help aid in cleaning the body, and enhancing cellular activity, repairing damaged functions, and also bringing your body back the alkalinity and hydration for optimal energy and mental clarity.

I truly believe that you could thrive on just a fruit diet alone if your in an area that produces quality fresh and ripe fruits. We truly don’t need anything else to thrive, but it’s not necessary if you don’t want to live primarily on a fruit diet, but if you truly want to evolve on a physical, mental, spiritual level, and reduce the carbon footprint, then the best way to do that is to sustain yourself on an all fruit diet. An all-fruit diet is the most aggressive diet to promote healing and detoxification, and most people can’t handle its aggression in detox, and also becoming more consciously awake due to the electromagnetic energy that the fruits produce, that are on the top of the pyramid when it comes to this experience regarding the foods we partaken in the raw food kingdom.

The beautiful thing is when your on a fruit and herb type of diet for healing and regeneration, is that you never have to worry about suppressing a symptom, because your getting to the root cause of the symptom, not that the fruits are healing you but they’re allowing the body to effectively heal itself at the highest level possible. The fruits do clean the most effectively and they absorb and utilize in the body most effectively, because of the rapid digestion, and also because their most compatible with the human body, and that’s why it’s important to get on a fruit diet if you truly want to regenerate and heal. An all fruit diet will help the body to open up the channels of elimination, and if you don’t crack open your kidneys, then it’s very difficult to drain your septic tank, because your kidneys are the valve to remove the acidosis that is causing the degeneration in your body.

I highly encourage a strong mind, and determination to heal, or you could suppress and enjoy your suffering, but if you truly want to open up the floodgates, heal your body on a physical, spiritual, and emotional level, then I highly recommend giving up the cooked food crutch, and stepping it up for your body, your health, and your future.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:


Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:


The Mangotarian @ YouTube:


First published: 6 years ago
Views: 565
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