When you don’t want to dry fast for several days

When you don’t want to dry fast for several days

I love dr fasting especially long term intermittent dry fasting and extended no more than 36 hours. I don’t think it’s harmful to dry fast longer than 36 hours when your strong, properly hydrated beforehand, and not underweight and undernourished. Dry fasting is amazing and healing but should be avoided in certain circumstances. When you should avoid extended dry fasting.

Kidney failure

When your dealing with kidney failure. Now as we know dry fasting helps the kidneys to filter lymph but when your not peeing enough (flushing the kidneys) you will only pull acids to the kidneys and not properly flush them out. When your dealing with kidney failure you may already struggle to urinate so dry fasting is not going to help you in this situation. You want to hydrate well but at the same time not burden your kidneys with too much liquid. This is why intermittent dry fasting for 16- 20 hours a day and hydrating well beforehand is a balanced approach and effective as well. Dry fasting relaxes the kidneys and the fruits help flush the acids out.

To dehydrated

You want to avoid dry fasting when your body is very dehydrated. I don’t just mean dehydrated for a day. I mean dehydrated on a deep tissue cellular level. You want to hydrate well for several months with the living foods and juices (fruits and veg) load your body up with kidney and adrenal herbs and intermittent dry fast starting at 12 hours a day working up to 16-18 hours overtime in a 6 month period stay there for a while and when properly hydrated extended dry fasting for 2-3 days should not create a problem. Listen to your body and always do what you feel is best.

Damaged adrenal glands

Intermittent dr fasting is not an issue but extended dr fasting for 2+ days with messed up adrenals could only make your detox and fast worse creating a lot of stress and fatigue and when the adrenals are producing neurotransmitter-hormones you will eliminate more affectively and in my opinion, the energy and magnetics of the fruit will enhance the nervous system and help the adrenals function better.

Your nervous system helps the lymph system drain better. The lymph system doesn’t move and the bowels and kidney don’t open up when you fail to produce neurotransmitters which are produced from the adrenal glands. When your blood pressure is very low this is a sign of this and I would avoid extended dry fasting in this situation. In a state of emergency.

You are dealing with an infection or poison of some kind. You always want to hydrate well to keep the bowels moving good and kidneys flushed in a state of emergency and to take herbal medicine to enhance function to organs that may be shutting down. A 24 hour dry fast followed up with herbal tea and watermelon or fresh raw coconut water should be ok in this situation because fasting is healing and the body wants to fast anyways even when something is wrong but because the state of your body is so genetically weak most likely you don’t want to push your body beyond what it can handle. Water fasting, juice fasting, and short dry fast are what I would do in this situation and I would load up on the herbs as well. You want to flush and hydrate.

Clogged up bowels

If your bowels are very clogged up and your trying to heal and you already have a history of constipation it makes no sense to focus so much on dry fasting because dry fasting is not going to help you move your bowels. It’s fruit/veggie juices and herbs that are most effective for that. Clean out your bowels first, hydrate for a while, work on your adrenals, and then extended dry fasting will work in your favor.

Undernourished and emaciated

If your struggling to absorb nutrition than wouldn’t it make sense to clean the small bowel and to get nutrition into the body?! Dry fasting will not help you become nourished when your body is screaming at you for nourishment. Get nourished and hydrate the body and get your energy up and strength back before you push your body with any form of fasting.

Kidney pain

I would avoid dry fasting if your kidneys are burning up because you need to flush them and avoid dry fasting the next day after a heavy protein meal. When you have kidney pain you want to take anti-inflammatory herbs but not diuretics because that can aggravate sensitive inflamed kidneys as well. Intermittent dry fasting no longer than 16 hours with plenty of hydration from like cumbers, fresh coconut water, or celery juice would be helpful in this situation.

Dry fasting is for the experienced faster not the beginner and intermittent fasting can train you to get that experience and to become more bodily aware. I personally have been dry fasting for 16-18+ hours a day for almost 3 years straight and have done many 24 hours dry fast and a couple 36 hours dry fast. I don’t have any issues with my kidneys from dry fasting. I run into an issue if I eat heavy protein cooked or raw and this is why in my experience you want to be on a low protein diet to keep the kidneys healthy and even more so when you have a history of kidney problems.

This is my personal opinion on extended dry fasting and I know there have been many that have done long term ones but for the beginner or being in certain situations regarding your health I would be careful and smart about dry fasting.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

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First published: 4 years ago
Views: 647
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