Why do I crave starch going through detox on a fruits, berries, and melon diet?

Why do I crave starch going through detox on a fruits, berries, and melon diet?

When you get rid of mucus forming foods, and you allow the detoxification process to take place, on a raw living foods diet predominantly based around fruits, berries and melons, you will experience a lot of detox reactions, because the body is trying to eliminate excess metabolic waste, so that It could function properly, and get back to proper homeostasis and balance like it’s intended to function. We must understand that the human species is design for real living foods, that are not altered and changed. Any food that you have to alter and change with fire, is a survival food, and not an optimal food source for the humans. You do not have an essential need for starchy foods, a matter of fact starch is considered a chemical, and it’s also a sticky glue-like substance, that leaves behind a lot of residue, and mucus in the body. Those that have eaten a lot of starchy foods, usually have high fungal problems, and their colon is backed up with parasites.

I did grow up on eating lots of meat and potatoes, but predominantly the last 8 years of my life have been basing my diet around whole foods that are starch-based, and some process starch here and there. I considered myself a starchivore, and 95% of my calories from starch alone, I also had a lot of chronic fatigue, itching, tons of gas, had brain fog, and a lot of fungal like symptoms. I did not realize that I was creating a lot of fungal problems in my body, as well as putting a lot of pressure and stress on my pancreas. I Also did not understand that I have a lot of sulfur in my body from prescription drugs, and antibiotics, not understanding that sulfur proliferates fungal problems, and starchy foods create them. I was desperately trying to heal my body, from systemic acidosis, eating starchy foods, thinking that as long as it’s vegan and low-fat, and it’s a whole food, I should be able to get my body back to health again. I unfortunately kept waking up with lots of vertigo, fatigue, malabsorption, seeing lots of undigested foods in my stools, and just not finding much success on starchy foods, as well as dealing with lots of candida problems, desperately trying to get rid of this issue, thinking that a low-fat plant-based diet would do the trick. Well I was wrong because I was actually making the problem worse eating all that starch, and not understanding that complex sugars will ferment before fruits will.

It’s as simple as understanding that these imbalances are created from cooking our food, and eating heavy starches, such as beans, grains, potatoes, bread, pastas, and flour products not understanding that these are not health foods, and will cause acidosis in the lymphatic system, it’s just a matter of time.

The reason why you crave starch, when you go on a fruit based diet, it’s not that your body needs these foods, because it’s missing something, but rather because you’re not giving the stagnant fungus in your body its food source. Fungus doesn’t feed on fruit sugar, it feeds on complex sugars found in starchy foods. If you put some bread on the counter, along with a bowl of grapes, and check it the next day, your going to see mold growing on that bread before mold starts to grow on the grapes, this is because complex sugars, ferment and create mold much faster than that of a simple sugar. It’s the fermentation of sugars, that feed the fungal family, this is the cause, so when you switch to a simple sugar, that’s holistic in its chemistry and raw such as fruits and vegetables, you will experience a die off reaction in the body, because the body’s trying to eliminate this excess fungus that shouldn’t be in their. During this process of elimination, fungus will be screaming for starch, and you will go through mine games of wanting to feed this craving.

I mean if we look at this rationally and understand what our bodies truly crave, we will understand it’s not starch, because who’s going to desire a plain steamed white potato, over a juicy perfectly ripe organic mango? It’s very rare to crave a plain white potato over a juicy ripe sweet fruit, when your body is clean you crave these foods, because you are a sweet fruit seeking person. unfortunately we have been domesticated and lost our natural Instincts for the food were designed to eat. The reason why growing up we have dessert after dinner, is because our body is lacking that sugar, and that sweetness that are body’s crave and desire and, it’s the simple sugars that we truly crave, but unfortunately we have replaced natural simple sugars found in whole fruits, and vegetables for processed simple sugars found in junk food that have been artificially created in a lab, not from nature.

Truth be told starchy foods contain higher sugar content than fruits, fruits, because starchy foods are complex sugars, and complex sugars contain more sugar content then a simple sugar, found in a fruit and vegetable, so it’s not because the food is sweet that makes it “bad” sweet is a good thing, because natural sugar found in fruits and vegetables, is an alkaline mineral and beneficial for the body. When you clean out your body with fruits, berries, and melons, nothing can truly thrive that is corrosive to the body such as fungus, parasites, worms, metabolic waste of all kinds, acids, mucus, sulfur, chemical deposits, virals, and the like, cannot thrive in a clean and alkaline environment, so the body will go through fierce cravings, and die off symptoms during the process of elimination.

A lot of people will experience extreme die off symptoms, after they remove starchy foods from their diet, they will go through intense cravings for these foods, even though they don’t necessarily taste better then a natural raw food such as fruits and vegetables, because you have to dress up the starchy foods with salt, sugar, and fat in order to really enjoy the texture and flavor of them. Starch truly is a fungus craving food, and that’s why your craving them going through detoxification because your experiencing fungal die off symptoms, and the reason why you’re not craving natural sweet ripe fruit, is because fungus do not crave these foods, they only crave what is unnatural to the human body’s antomy physiology and design.

You also must understand that if your creating a lot of fungal activity in your body, and because of this your starting to crave starchy foods, this is because your fermenting all your carbohydrates, even fruits and vegetables, this is because you have damaged your adrenal glands, which are responsible for the metabolism of sugars, and when your adrenal glands are not functioning properly, and you’re not properly metabolizing sugars, then the sugars will ferment, and it’s the fermentation of the sugar that feeds the fungal family. You need to focus on enhancing and regenerating your adrenal glands, and also focus on your pancreas if your having a hard time digesting carbohydrates, and also do a parasite cleanse, with anti-parasitic herbs that are also known to remove fungus from the body. If you focus primarily on killing fungus, rather than regenerating the adrenal glands that are responsible for properly metabolizing sugars, you will not get very far until you get to the root of the problem.

I would highly suggest you get herbs that are anti-parasitic, and get herbs to bring enhancement and function back to your adrenal glands, while continuing on a fruit, Berries and melon diet, which will be the best carbohydrate source, you could have not only to promote detoxification, but that will put less stress and pressure on weak adrenal glands, and also will be much easier to metabolize, rather than a complex sugar that’s very difficult to metabolize with a sugar metabolism issue.

The good news is that all raw foods such as fruits and vegetables are anti-parasitic, so when you bring in anti-parasitic herbs, you will be able to get rid of this problem, if you stay on track long enough and don’t continue to backslide back to eating starchy carbohydrate foods, this will only weakened the adrenal glands more, and create more fungal activity in the body, that will just intensify the cravings in the future. it’s important to stay on course and be consistent with your diet, and fix your glands, so that you can get better utilization to avoid creating this fermentation in the body, and stop feeding the beast, with fungal promoting foods such as starches. Starches also clog up the bowels, and can create malabsorption down the road, because starch leaves behind a sticky glue-like substance that sticks to the small bowel, and blocks proper absorption of nutrition. starch is not a health food, it’s a toxin, and should be only used during the transition phase moving towards a real living foods diet predominately based around fruits, berries, melons and herbs.

If your craving starch, just understand that it’s because you have a fungal overload in your body, and long enough on a fruit based diet, along with anti-parasitic herbs, and fixing your endocrine glands eventually these cravings will go away, because fungus cannot thrive in an alkaline environment, and when you restore function back to your adrenal glands, you will no longer have this fungal issue of fermenting your sugars when you eat fruits, but understand that if you eat starches your only going to exacerbate the problem tenfold.

Cooked food especially fungal forming foods like starches and dairy products, are truly addictive foods that produce drug like chemicals in the brain, also creating these temptations and cravings for these foods. You don’t want to over stimulate the body, and weaken the glands, and store up acidosis in the lymphatic system, which will eventually weaken the kidneys, which are an important detoxifying eliminative Organ, to where you just run into more inflammatory conditions, chronic fatigue conditions, and just a whole heap of symptoms that are not worth going through, because of the addiction of eating food you’re not biologically designed for. Let your body go through the withdrawal process, and get back to the diet your biologically designed to eat, clean, restore, and alkaline your system. Get your kidneys to filter these metabolic waste out of the body, and you will enjoy the many benefits of health, rather than being enslaved to an addiction that only breaks down and causes damage to your body, which will lower the quality of your life, and it’s just not worth giving into a craving, when you can experience amazing health.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:


Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:


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First published: 7 years ago
Last updated: 6 years ago
Views: 605
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