You can heal all "disease" with fruits, herbs, and fasting

You can heal all "disease" with fruits, herbs, and fasting

Your either a big ball of acid, or your a highly alkaline machine. When you keep your thinking simple, by understanding there is only two sides of chemistry, and your health is either on one of those sides, such as having an acidic body, or an alkaline body. Simply focusing on what causes acid, and what causes alkalinity is all you need to know in order to heal yourself from chronic disease elements.

People so often ask how do I treat this problem? Having the improper thinking of trying to treat a problem, is what will throw you into the path of learning just a bunch of nothing. You can’t treat a systemic problem, because there is no treatment for acids! It’s as simple as understanding there is only two sides of chemistry, (acid / alkaline.) Remove the acid-forming foods, replace them with alkaline forming foods, stop trying to treat a problem that can’t be treated, and understand its detoxifying the acids out of the body, that will allow the body to heal and function optimally.

No matter what so-called disease condition a doctor labels you with, doesn’t mean that you should focus on treating your so-called condition. Instead of focusing so much on the symptoms that are related to your medical condition, it’s best to put your focus on cleaning out the body from obstructions the block the flow of energy, and just stop eating the foods that leave behind the acid ash that burn the tissues, cells, glands and organs, and watch your body heal nature’s way, and through a period of time of enduring through the detoxification process, you will experience the benefits of health, and no longer have to be enslaved in bondage to the fear of having a certain condition that cannot be reversed, or having a complicated confusing protocol “treating” a problem, that simply can just be detoxified away, rather than masking the symptoms with supplements, prescription drugs, and special diet modalities.

Eating a fruit based diet is not a “special protocol” as well as taking herbs that nature has provided to be our medicine. This is not a special protocol, but rather just a diet that’s designed for the human species, and a diet that will allow the body to heal, by removing the obstructions the block the flow of energy. If you just simply eat the food your designed to eat, the body will detoxify, and no matter what condition you have, and how severe it is, you can reverse the issue, if you act aggressively, and refuse to be enslaved by foods that break down tissue, weaken the endocrine glands, and back up the lymphatic system, with sewage waste.

There are specific herbs, that target, enhance and heal specific glands, and getting on these special herbal formulas, that are 100% natural and holistic, is considered a protocol, but it’s not treating an issue, but rather enhancing, cleansing and detoxifying the body like the fruits would.

You may be asking the question, what must I do to reverse this element I have, such as for example lupus, Lyme’s. fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, Ms, cancer, autoimmune disease, etc. No matter what the condition is, the answer is to allow the body to create a detoxification process, and the best way to allow this detoxification process to take place, is by feeding your body with living foods that are full of electricity, and energy, and also will promote hydration to replenish and heal damaged cells.

These foods are going to be the fruits and the herbs. Instead of focusing on consumption as well, the best thing you could do is allow the body to fast, because the worst thing you could do with somebody that’s severely sick it’s continue to feed them, when their body just simply wants to rest, and detoxify the obstructions that are breaking it down.

Their isn’t a specific amount of calories, what time to eat, and all these calculated steps with creating a scientific program, this is all just steps of wasting your time, and wasting good time on keeping things simple, rather than being crippled with anxiety and fear, thinking that you have to walk a specific path perfectly calculated in order to heal yourself.

Don’t get me wrong there are specific tools you could use to encourage the detoxification process, but it’s not as complicated as we think. The best way to allow the healing process in my opinion is to intuitively listen to your body. Eat when your hungry, stop when your satisfied, and allow the body to rest when it wants to rest. Usually when the bodies in a toxic state, and wants to heal, you lose all desire for consumption anyways. Listen to your body, and allow it to rest when it doesn’t desire excess food.

Most of the time people that experiment with detoxification, that are also backed up with systemic acidosis, and are very dehydrated interstitially, will tell you that they find more energy, when they don’t eat, versus when they do eat, this is a sign of systemic acidosis, because the body is not able to utilize the energy from the food, until it removes all the acids that are dehydrating it.

The more simple you keep things, and you move towards the direction of detoxification rather than trying to treat the problem, with complicated protocols, just simply eat fruit, have a salad if you desire, get herbs for your kidneys, endocrine glands, GI tract, and lymphatic system.

if you want to go further understand what glands and organs aren’t functioning in your body, and find herbs that help target these areas, but the herbs do not treat the problem, they just accelerate detoxification, enhance their function, as well as fight off acids while the body starts to clean itself out. If we keep it as simple as consuming holistic chemistry found in nature, eat the diet that is most compatible with humans, which of course is going to be a (fruit based diet), learn how to dry fast, figure out what herbs you need for specific damage in the body, eat when your hungry, stop when your satisfied, and just endure through the process of healing through detoxification, and no longer worry about how your going to heal yourself, with a methodically, planned out complicated protocol.

It’s really just a matter of trusting a simple process, even though the detoxification cycle of eliminating obstructions, may trigger up symptoms, and make life a little uncomfortable, but this is just a part of the process of enduring through the damage that you caused, because in order for the body to heal, it must break down, before It could build up again.

Their is no easy exit, and feel good process we can create, there are times we just have to endure through the pain, in order to get through the other side of experiencing the energy, vitality, and quality of life that we want back so desperately.

Remember that nothing corrosive, can thrive in an alkaline body, being fully hydrated with living foods that allow the body to heal rapidly. You just have to mentally trust the process, of feeling the pain, and the chronic fatigue that takes place when you eliminate toxins out of your body. If you trust the process of nature, and you continue to stop going back to food that has caused your body to shut down, and you live this path consistently as a lifestyle, good things will just unfold the longer you go about doing this, and eventually you will wake up and feel like a newborn person.

You have to understand that you will feel the pain, before you experience the benefits. Their is no other way to remove acids in a pleasant way, your going to have to understand that you will feel weak when acids come out, but when the body repairs and rebuilds, you will feel strong again, you just have to have faith, and endure through the process, and stop questioning it any longer.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 7 years ago
Last updated: 6 years ago
Views: 690
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