You don't want to build muscle on dormant and dead proteins

You don't want to build muscle on dormant and dead proteins

It’s not a shock that the world is hung up on protein thinking that it’s an important essential nutrient for the body. The body doesn’t utilize protein, the body is looking to utilize amino acids found in the protein structures. Protein is acidic and leaves behind an acid ash that is harmful to the kidneys and colon. You don’t want to build acidic muscle on proteins for the sake of looks and have to deal with a damaged colon and kidneys down the road. You must understand that you could build muscle on any fuel option as long as you work out, eat enough calories, but it’s not protein that is your only option to build muscle. It’s not worth building giant swollen acidic muscle and having to deal with the consequence because the body hates protein. We consume way too much protein and that’s why the world is suffering with chronic and degenerative “diseases”. Protein is highly acidic and the body doesn’t know how to deal with too much protein because the body is designed for carbon because we are carbon-based species. There’s only one true animal that is designed for high protein and that is the canine species.

Instead of asking where do you get your protein ask where do you get your amino acids and the answer is found in fruits and vegetables. Even though fruits are low in protein and amino acids you could still build muscle quite effectively on fruits if you first fix digestion, absorption, utilization, and eliminate your waste. It’s difficult to build muscle in the beginning if your on an all fruit based diet because the body is trying to fix itself and repair the damage caused from the heavy protein diet prior, and the body must go through a withdrawal and detoxification process. But if you fix the body you could build very strong muscle on fruit, you may not to build big muscles on a fruit diet but you can certainly build big muscles on green juice and vegetables because their much higher in amino acids. But you definitely do not need proteins found in beans, grains, and animal foods and these proteins are extremely acidic clogged up the lymphatic system shutdown the eliminative channels of the body and creates systemic acidosis. Believe me it’s woth it to build muscle on a fruit and vegetable based diet then to run into these problems down the road when your kidneys and colon get clogged up and your unable to eliminate metabolic waste.

There is a myth about the need for complete amino acids or complete proteins in the human diet. We have struggled with this misinformation for years. This misinformation says that you need to eat foods containing the essential amino acids in one meal you will not have what you need to create a complete protein and therefore your body will be protein deficient. This is one of the primarily arguments for the consumption of meat and dairy products or the consumption of soy products, beans and white flour. Consider, however:

  • What is the diet of a wild horse, an elephant, or a cow? These are herbivores and their strength is well known. Their diet is 100% grass and vegetable matter. If they needed the complete protein that is claimed, they must be getting it from plants.
  • 70 to 80% of grizzly bears diet is grass. They dont need much ether and, it’s generally the fat and not the protein structures that there after. Bears are omnivores.
  • We are the highest species in the frugivores category, which is not designed to eat meat.
  • Raw foodist who eat a balanced variety of fruits, vegetables and nuts are not deficient in amino acids necessary for health. Quite the opposite. Plant amino acids are more energetic and easy for your body to break down and use. Meat requires a more radical and energy robbing digestive process to obtain the amino acids that are compromised by it. The other important factor here is that meat protein leaves an acid reaction in the body, creating more acidosis, whereas vegetables leaving alkaline reaction, that’s cutting acidosis.

Your body requires live foods to make it alive. If the components are not found in fresh, organic fruits, nuts and vegetables you don’t need them! And besides, there’s nothing healthy about eating old, rotten, dead tissue- dead cells is stagnant blood. The Detox Miracle Sourcebook by Robert Morse, N.D. (Page 118)

If you want to keep strong real muscle on your body and not lose it after you stop large consumption of protein, then focus on building the nature’s way were you keep muscle intact long-term and also don’t have to run into acidifying the body with proteins that do not promote health for the human body. It’s better to have ripped little strong muscles than big beefy swollen protein acidic muscles. For those that have cleaned out their body and fixed digestion, absorption, utilization, and elimination of waste, on a fruit-based diet will be able to attest the constant energetic endurance they experience and can run miles and miles and without breaking a breath or getting tired. If you look up the fruitarian on YouTube, you will see this that he has ran 100k marathons and won plenty of them on just a fruit diet proving that his strength and endurance came from fruits which are very low in protein. He also completed one at 40 years old. There are plenty more examples of those that build muscle and strength, and experience incredible endurance on the raw living foods such as fruits and vegetables. Look up 80/10/10 athletes.

Get rid of the grains, beans, and animal foods to try to build muscle because they’re acidic, leave behind an acid ash, create a parasitic environment in the body, and lead to chronic and degenerative health conditions down the road. And it’s not worth building strong muscles looking a certain way then having to s*** in the bag for the rest of your life because you lost your colon or end up on dialysis because you lost your kidneys.

Let’s turn this whole protein myth around, and understand that deficiencies do not exist regarding them. Let’s create a new pendulum shift and build muscle on raw fruits and vegetables, but first we have to fix the damage that was caused from these proteins, go through the detoxification process, and when the body starts to build from all the damage repairs, you could build very strong energetic muscle and also experienced an energy that is out of body. Building muscle on dormant proteins and putrification is not worth it.

Let’s get back to nature my friends, get back to the diet were biologically designed to eat, tap into our intuitive consciousness, let our instincts guide us, and understand that it’s amino acids that are essential for the body, not protein structures, and that the human species is a frugivores species designed mainly for fruits, and if you have a strong desire to build muscle, you could do this quite effectively when it comes to muscle mass on green juice and not have to worry about damaging your body down the road.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 7 years ago
Views: 688
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