You must understand the lymphatic system, because treatment based modalities do not work

You must understand the lymphatic system, because treatment based modalities do not work

It goes without question that humans have been lied to and manipulated about when it comes to the food you put in your mouth for proper health. The government has been working hard creating food pyramids and propaganda pushing meat and dairy as an essential “needs” for nutrition. The more time goes on the more we realize that meat and dairy are the two major foods that contribute to the most “diseases” that humans face with there health. We must understand that foods do not heal the body primarily, the body starts to heal when you remove cooked acid and mucus forming foods.

If we could just grasp the simple concept, allowing nature to take its toll with fixing and repairing the body, we don’t need endless questions on specific foods to eat, and constantly asking the question with fear and doubt in regards to a labeled diseased condition that a doctor coined for you that you may have. If you could just simply trust and understand that there’s only two sides of chemistry that being acid or alkaline, and you have two major fluids in your body, blood and lymph, the body is made up of a bunch of cells, and if your body is consuming acid forming foods, and mucus forming foods, then your going to impair and clog up your lymphatic system which cause all poor health conditions. Instead of focusing so much on your disease labeled condition that was coined for you, it’s best to just understand these two sides of chemistry, and also understand that it’s all systemic acidosis, and whatever your problem is it’s just expressing the location in your body that’s most weak that’s creating those symptoms that your experiencing.

You don’t want to label yourself with a” disease” you may have because they simply do not exist, diseases are just fabrications and illusions made up by the allopathic community. The idea that you just caught this mysterious disease, and it wasn’t brought on by cause and effect, is a childish modality, that you must break free from. Cause and effect means your body’s either acidic, or it’s properly alkaline. The best way to heal and to get your mind in a proper balance is to simply just understand that you have a species specific diet, and that the best cure for healing the body is by fasting! the more you consume the slower it takes to heal.

Systemic acidosis can be healed if you allow your body to clean out the obstructions that are causing your issues. They’re not diseases that you caught, you created this mess for being on the opposite side of chemistry for way too long, and you haven’t been eating food your design for predominantly the entire period of your life. When humans start eating foods that are made in labs that are processed and filled with chemicals, they shut down their eliminative organs and there lymphatic systems piles up from head to toe, they don’t eliminate the sewage waste and they end up dying on their own fecal matter!

Instead of having endless questions on how to heal, just understand that every species in nature has a species specific diet, and so do humans, when species eat foods they are not designed to eat, and they don’t overeat like a glutton, they let their body rest through fasting, there is no disease that can thrive in the body, because for one they do not exist and it’s just acids breaking down tissue causing dysfunction in the body. If you eat food your designed to eat then your body could balance out in a proper acid and alkaline balance and you could reverse acidosis, and reverse any damage in the body. You must remove the acids in order for the body to heal and you can’t consume foods that are acid forming to create this process.

The answer to these endless questions is simple, stop eating cooked food you’re not designed for, get rid of your cooking devices and start eating all your foods raw. The body doesn’t want to effectively heal when you remove the electromagnetic energy from the living foods because the cooked foods don’t contain this energy to encourage the body to heal, and they also cause dehydration on top of a body that is already systemically dehydrated from acids. Acid forming foods such as your beans, grains, starches, meats and dairies are acid forming, they damage cells, impair organs and glands, and they over-saturate and flood the lymphatic fluids in the body such as your lymphatic system which is your main system in the body which consists 80% for a good reason, because it’s the septic tank that holds all the metabolic waste, to eliminate through the kidneys. The problem is these foods were not designed to eat, and we cook them creates an acid environment, and the eliminative organs get damaged, causing a flood in the lymphatic system which then in return breaks down tissue, and causes the many dysfunctions that humans experience.

If you eat foods that your design for which leave behind the least amount of metabolic residues, you could empty your septic tank, keep your lymphatic system flowing and healthy, and you won’t experience the many symptoms that your experiencing. These issues are not diseases, or incurables, you just must understand kidney filtration, and how the system of the body is designed to function. when you start eating foods your designed for you will experience kidney filtration through the urinary tract and will experience cloudy residue, or sediment if you pee in a jar to test for this. This is showing you that your sewer system in your body is draining properly.

The problem is your lymphatic system can’t drain when your clogging up your system with the wrong foods you’re not designed to eat. The foods you are designed to eat are going to be the foods that bring the most confusion because of the propaganda and lies that are being pushed in the world today. It’s the fruits that our bodies need in order to detoxify, and to keep things flowing properly so that we could eliminate waste, and not deal with these painful health issues that we so often face because of acids. We must get over this whole concept that because fruit is sweet that it’s too high in sugar, or that sugar is the problem. sugar in raw living foods is the main primary fuel source for every cell in your body which is over 100 trillion. We absolutely need the fruit sugar, and it’s designed for our anatomy. Everything about our anatomy and physiology is designed for fruits and we have this on record. If we can get over the confusion and the lies regarding fruits, and start eating them, we will experience results, and the body will clean itself out and bring it to a state of health and homeostasis. Your anatomy and physiology is 97% identical to that of an orangutan which sits around all day and eats an abundance of fruits because it’s a frugivore. They don’t run into health problems because there eating foods they are designed for. Humans are also frugivores and even more primatish then the orangutans, the chimps, monkeys or any other fruigivire species.

You never want to fear the fruit, and you must also understand that fruit doesn’t cause health problems, but they do expose health problems because their cleaners, and when the body removes decades of metabolic waste your going to feel a blow back in the process. If you just walk by faith, and understand what it takes to clean out damaged bodies, you will soon experience that fruits are truly your food, and it’s the very food that allows the body to actually start getting well when it needs to detoxify.

You must redirect your focus away from treatment, and focus on regenerative healing which is cleaning the body out of obstructions and no longer adding in more obstructions suppressing its ability to heal. In my personal opinion a simple fruit diet along with intermittent dry fasting and herbal botanicals that helped bring enhancement and function to damaged organs and glands and help to move and clean out the lymphatic system is all you need to reverse any health condition you may have, but do not hang your hat on a hopeless disease that was coined for you by medical doctors because they do not exist, what does exist is cause and effect, you change your eating habits, you fast when the sun goes down, you get your kidneys filtering, there’s nothing that cannot be reversed in healed because the body is a very intelligent organism, and it can heal any compromises and damages if we create the perfect environment for it to heal which means we must eliminate not necessarily add on. The fruits and the herbs just allow the body to start the healing process but don’t put all your focus on the nutrition aspect, put your focus on the cleaning out method which is less is more.

You may get really skinny, you may lose some hair, you may experience skin problems, but just understand this is all sewage coming out of your body, and the body must break down to a very remarkable level in order for it to build up the way that it’s designed to build up. You can’t repair a damaged car until you tear it down and replace the parts. Will the best way to replace the parts that are not functioning in the body is to create an environment of alkalinity which will only come from the raw living foods that every species in nature is designed for.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
Views: 590
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