You will be told it’s “deficiency”

You will be told it’s “deficiency”

Let’s say your problem is “deficiency” and if itis it because the food your eating is deficient in nutrition? Let’s say your eating tons of fruits and berries every day and to top off that your loading up on raw organic green powders but yet you’re still low in minerals and vitamins? How is that possible, and how do you fix this issue properly?

You will most likely be told either by a medical doctor or even a holistic or naturopathic doctor that you’re dealing with deficiency and that you need to take supplements or even eat dead rotting animals to “fix” this issue. This is not the answer and it’s only being sad out of ignorance and conditioning to treat rather than to cure.

If a person tells you your problems are due to deficiency they are not seeing the full picture, because if you are deficient in something it’s much more then your body is low on a vitamin or mineral because if your eating foods that are loaded with these vitamins and minerals but yet are still low it’s easy to be brainwashed to think that your diet is not healthy without looking into the causative factors regarding the state of terrain on your body blocking the process and impairing the process of digestion, absorption, utilization, and proper eliminating your digestive and metabolitic waste.

If a “health expert” doesn’t understand the lymphatic system and utilization and how to fix absorption issue, they are no expert at all, and you will be constipated in your mind and never understand the root causative reasons to your problems.

It’s the terrain, the terrain, and the terrain!! You need to remove the sewage that blocks the flow of energy regarding eliminating properly, and you need to remove the acids out of the body that damage the glands that are responsible for helping your body utilize the chemistry regarding minerals, vitamins, and nutrition. If you don’t absorb because your small intestine is damaged interstitially with acids and Mucoid plaque is plastered to the walls of the colon, then you will never get the nutrition absorbed properly to get the benefits and taking supplements doesn’t get to the root cause and can actually cause worse problems down the road because these pills hyper stimulate and are acidic.

You must clean your lymphatic system! Your lymphatic system is your body’s main system that holds your sewage waste. It’s the largest fluid based system in the body. It’s the body’s (sewer system) you need to take out the trash and clean the walls of the bowels so you can get absorption and utilization. Acids damage the systems in the body and the foods your eating regardless of the “nutrition” if acidic will damage your systems, and break down your eliminative organs, such as your kidneys, bowels, skin, and lungs, and then your waste backs up and is not properly removed and your gland that is responsible for producing cortical steroids that help you utilize minerals such as your adrenal glands get damaged and stop producing them, and then your kidneys loose filtration to remove the acids and terrain out of the lymphatic system because the adrenal glands control the kidneys, and you run intoo much greater problems than just “deficiency” and you need to detox the body as a system to fix the body systemically.

Go after the cause and clean your sewer system so that you can fix digestion, absorption, utilization and eliminate decades of metabolitic waste, and old fecal matter waste from dead animals and processed foods. You need to get all that mucus out of the body, and remove the acids that break down tissue that lead to dysfunction and dis-ease!

Fruits, berries, and melons are the diet that promotes cleaning the sewer system so you can fix your eliminative organs and your endocrine glands. When you go after the simple cause to all your problems and you study the lymphatic system and kidney filtration the way Robert Morse ND teaches it, then you can take care of “deficiency” and fix much greater problems than just being low in vitamins and minerals.

It’s a cop out that your bodily dysfunctions are caused by “deficiency” because most problems humans are dealing with are lymphatic problems at the root. It’s acids that are the problem, and it’s the foods that are not properly eliminated out of the body. Get rid of the foods and chemicals that damage your sewer system, endocrine glands, eliminative organs and create dysfunction to the central and autonomic nervous systems. Get rid of the GMOs, the neurotoxic pesticide-laden foods, stop putting chemicals on your skin and exhaling toxic chemicals in your lungs, drinking the fluoride water and showering in, and remove the foods that clog up the body that cause UTILIZATION problems not “deficiency”

Get on a fruit-based raw food diet which is full of nutrition and clean the body so you can get the goodies inside your cells. If you remove the grains, beans, eggs, all animal “foods”, such as meat and mucus fluid “milk” and processed glue like starches your body will clean and fix itself and will create a high functioning body and you will not need a lot of nutrition because you will absorb effectively, and you will be surprised on how little food you need to feel vital, strong and full of energy. Also if nutrition and proteins are so important for the human diet then why is it that mothers milk is naturally not high in nutrition and extremely low in protein? Hmm!! Go after the cause of your suffering and that’s a body backed up with terrain and not coming out so you can get to the root cause and that’s fixing digestion, absorption, utilization, and eliminating your waste and that’s on a natural diet designed for the human body which is a diet of fruits, berries, melons, and your veggies to compensate for the poor quality fruit and the lack thereof.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
Last updated: 4 years ago
Views: 556
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