You will often feel worse before you start feeling better

You will often feel worse before you start feeling better

Detoxification is not a quick fix or band-aid solution to fix a problem that’s chronic. Systemic acidosis, is not a weekly, monthly and sometimes can take couple years to reverse depending on the genetic profile of the person, and level of damage they have caused by the lifestyle they chose to pursue that damaged her health. There’s a good reason why medical doctors just like to suppress and treat symptoms rather than get to the root cause. It’s easy money to try to cover up symptoms rather than understanding that true regenerative healing must take place by removing acidosis from the body. Medical doctors have very little success anyways when it comes to healing systemic acidosis because they don’t understand systemic acidosis.

They are still stuck on the whole autoimmune problem thinking that the body’s immune system attacks itself. The body is very intelligent and knows how to heal it when we allow the body heal by taking in the proper chemistry that doesn’t create an acid ash in the body.

The process of elimination will make you feel worse before you start feeling better. Sometimes when the toxicity comes out of the body symptoms get exacerbated even more. It’s very common to feel more pain, more fatigue, feel more weak, and wrestle with doubt thinking that you’re accumulating some kind of deficiency. Just so you know there is no such thing when your eating nutrient-dense food that’s raw and living. Nutrient deficiencies are only found in foods that are insufficient for the body because they’re cooked, and not designed for our species. There is no nutrient density in any other food source other than fruits and vegetables. When you create detoxification out of very high level when it comes to fruits and herbs and fasting alone, you will open the floodgates for toxicity to try to escape the body. The problem is because of acid forming diets high in protein we have damaged the eliminative organs, so when detoxification takes place stirring up the toxicity and not able to eliminate it will exacerbate symptoms and make you feel worse. Unfortunately It can take some time to eliminate these toxins through the bowels, kidneys, lungs, and skin. When we get the kidneys to filter, and allow the toxicity overload to come through, eventually you will find your remedy, and not feel worse. This is a battle of faith, and if you do push through it, and you consistently stay on the right track, you eventually will experience your remedy. Sometimes it could take a year to start feeling normal again, but you will feel normal when you get your kidneys to filter well.

Do we really need scientific data to back up everything that we choose to do? For one we don’t have scientific data for detoxification, because we don’t live in a world of trying to heal a systemic problem naturally, were used to piling in prescription drugs, and covering up symptoms and not understanding the food that human beings are designed to eat. If you understand you are a frugivore species and designed to eat fruits, and that you are designed to eat living foods like every other animal in nature, your common sense an instincts should take over, and take away the constant need to find a scientific study, that is flawed for 1 and 2 simply doesn’t exemplify true facts anyways. If you have already tried artificial methods and chemical prescription drugs to try to treat your problem and have gotten nowhere, it would make more sense just change your lifestyle to eating living foods, that your design to eat, and endure through the pain, the trials and the fatigue, and understand that when you get to the other side you will experience an energy, and strength, and a glow to your skin like you have never had before. There is no doubt that detoxification can rat you out, and make you feel terrible and create doubt in your mind. But you must understand how you felt before, when it comes to digestion, absorption, utilization, and eliminating waste.

If your backed up systemically with acidosis I’m sure you have Symptoms that were related to dysfunction regarding this. Always remind yourself if your having better bowel movements, if your filtering through your kidneys, if you’re creating some kind of detoxification reaction such as getting mucoid plaque out of your bowels, seeing parasites and worms in your bowel movements, unexpected rashes, mucus coming out through the lungs, cold and flu like symptoms, and many more, understand that this is the process of elimination of lymphatic sewage waste, and you should rejoice when this takes place on a high nutritive organic fresh fruits and vegetable based diet.

You always have to remind yourself that healthy people that eat this way thrive, and thrive more than any other human being on the planet. If we have healthy people thriving so much on fruits and vegetables, but you feel weak and are creating these detoxification symptoms, just understand it’s the process of healing and eliminating acidosis from the body. And eventually you will find your remedy and be able to experience the vitality that these healthy raw foodist experience.

A fruit based diet is extremely powerful and most people can’t handle the aggressive detoxification that takes place on only fruit. It’s very easy to wrestle with your thoughts, create doubts, and think that it’s the diet that’s causing your problem, or that your insufficient in proper nutrition. Well I got to say being on mono mango Island for 7 months straight, I did not experience that whatsoever. When I got rid of vegetables, I actually started creating more detox, got my kidneys to filter better, and felt worse for at least four months before I started feeling good again. Now because I’m so used to eating easily digestible food I’m designed for such as fruits, berries and melons, I can’t tolerate vegetables, and they definitely slow down my energy much more than if I’m just eating all fruits. I’ve done some experiments with some green powders, and avocados, and green juices, for a couple days, and i experienced lower energy levels, so jumped back on the mono fruits and herbs alone, and immediately started feeling more energy and strength. Nothing against vegetables, it’s just when the body gets used to the fruits, you must understand that that’s where the energy comes from when it comes to the living foods.

The reason why you’re not getting the energy from the fruits that have the highest form of energy out of all the foods, is because the body is trying to heal itself and create the detoxification process that’s necessary to heal. I don’t know what else to say but to just hold on to faith, keep enduring through the process, make sure your eating raw, fresh, ripe organic fruits, get your kidneys to filter, and eventually you will find your remedy and start feeling amazing like every other healthy raw foodist or fruitarian out there.

Understand that these symptoms are very common and can last longer than you desire:

  • Symptoms of bronchitis or pneumonia.
  • Heavy discharges of green to brown mucus from nose and throat (lungs, bronchi, etc.).
  • Pain in joints.
  • Heavy discharge from kidneys (urine color changes to brown, orange or dark yellow, etc.).
  • Pain in old injuries or in degenerative areas of the body.
  • Minor paralysis of limbs.
  • Chronic fatigue symptoms.
  • Nose bleeds.
  • Spasms of the lungs in asthma/emphysema/C.O.P.D.
  • Moderate shortness of breath (asthma, emphysema, C.O.P.D.)
  • Temporary increase in tumor size.
  • Disease symptoms magnifying (short-lived).
  • Sores appearing on the skin.
  • Oozing of innumerable substances from the skin, especially from the hands and feet.
  • Bruising.
  • Weak muscle breakdown (muscle from meat protein).
  • Heavy mucus discharge from eyes and ears.
  • Vomiting.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Cellulitis “clumping”.
  • Dizziness and/or vertigo.
  • Minor heart palpitations.
  • Loose teeth (minor).
  • Minor abscesses in mouth.
  • Migraines.
  • High-grade fever (103Β°-l05Β° Fahrenheit).
  • Deep coughing (sometimes dry).
  • Paralysis of any part of the body.
  • Black mucus discharges from the lungs.
  • Heavy brown discharge or blood in the urine with associated kidney pain.
  • Heavy black discharge from the bowels with diarrhea.
  • Tumors popping out all over the body.
  • Loss of sight.
  • Loss of hearing.
  • Severe dizziness (or vertigo).
  • Severe fatigue.
  • Abscesses developing all through the mouth.
  • Loss of fingernails or toenails.
  • Excessive weight loss (this can appear when a pancreatic weakness exists).
  • Severe shortness of breath (use an antispasmodic or inhaler).
  • Temporary deep depression, released through crying, anger, laughter, etc.
  • Mental confusion.
  • Skin cracking open.
  • Teeth becoming loose (major).
  • Old suppressed symptoms (such as “poison ivy”) reappear.

These symptoms are reality that takes place when the human body is extremely backed up. Interstitial lymphatic constipation, take some work to get this fluid moving and drawing these acids to the kidneys for elimination. You may have to go through some aches and pains and understand that detoxification is not laying in a bed of roses. You must go through the storm in order to experience the sunshine.

Hold on to faith, you don’t have to question everything, just understand that fruits and vegetables will not hurt you, and that it’s only makes sense to eat your food raw rather than to cook it, and just understand that “protein deficiency”, and “nutrient deficiency” does not exist when your eating living foods designed for you. It’s not worth it to get constipated with intellectual babble that comes from society today.

Keep it simple, keep it natural, and understand that detoxification is a curative and restorative modality, and it’s worth enduring through, rather than getting nowhere and wasting time trying to treat and mask a problem that cannot be fixed other than through detoxification. Get back to nature my friends, get back to the diet your biologically designed to eat, tap into your intuitive consciousness, let your instincts guide you, and understand that the reward will come, and you will appreciate the symptoms and struggles you went through, because you will get this over with, get your health back, and no longer have to wrestle with medical doctors, and not understanding why you can’t heal, because you chose nature, and nature came through to fix you like it always does when you obey her laws.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 7 years ago
Last updated: 6 years ago
Views: 601
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