You are supposed to be with someone that shares your mind and someone that is in agreement with your mind, heart, morals, and principles. Every woman should be with a man that is a teacher. Nature is...
Remember that words are a double-edged sword they can pierce into the innermost parts of the soul. You can use words to build up or to tare down. The masters are here to convict the weak and bring...
If you don’t stand up for yourself and hold true to boundaries to protect your energy and environment with people that willingly mistreat you then you have low self-esteem and you are attracting...
Love thyself and look at life as a spontaneous journey of experiencing. Don’t take life so seriously because you don’t have full control over people when they do nothing but hate themselves with...
For those that make the switch, from consuming foods that are obstructive, corrosive and damaging to the human anatomy, will not only experience benefits physically, but will also be awakened...
As you have heard the truth will set you free right? The truth in its simplicity is an energy layer of love. Truth must be activated through the 3rd eye. When the spiritual activation gland opens up...
This is a distraction seen as a success!? Of course, it’s a success! In the sense that fewer animals are dying do to humans taste pleasure and “protein needs” which is more lies. I would want to...
Eat your vegetables! You have been told this by your parents right? Well they only mean well but one thing that is not taught in school is why you should eat them or why you should avoid them and...
The phatic acid in grains is so strong these acids literally ulcerate the bowel wall and ferment in the small intestines causing fungal overgrowths which than create more uric acid from the fungus...
During detox, you may feel a lot of international discomforts when the body is breaking up mucus in the gut. Mucus/biofilms can create painful and uncomfortable gas and even burning as it makes its...