If you are dealing with chronic systemic acidosis and your life is on hold and your body is failing in a highly acidic state you should go on a tropical diet and that means fruit only and nothing else...
It’s what you don’t eat that is important if you desire to be healthy. We live in a culture of consumerism, and the same thing goes for “dieting” and trying to get healthy, and changing bad...
Those little acorn-shaped glands that sit on the kidneys control so many functions in the body and I’ll just name a few. Before I state the main purpose of the adrenal glands and why they are so...
Calcium is a great source to buffer acids that enter the body. The body is full of calcium so if you put acid chemistry in the body from acidic food then your body is going to want to buffer the acid...
One thing I find very interesting is that the name lymphoma that was coined by the AMA, who happens to be the most confused on regarding the lymph system, and it’s role in the human body, brushes...
You can look at your eyes, to understand your symptoms, and the state of your lymphatic system, functions regarding your endocrine glands, organs and nervous system and the like.
If you create negative energy in your mind you will create negative energy in your body. Negative energy is stress and stress is acidic. You're trying to get rid of inflammation which is acid...
What causes anything really when it comes to bodily dysfunction? Acidosis. Acids are cationic and corrosive so when acids get trapped in interstitial spaces and acids are not being removed out of the...
If your goal is to reverse systemic acidosis, because if your in chronic pain, that’s what your dealing with, so you can throw your “disease” label out the door, you will have to bite the...
I don’t want “safety” I want truth and I want to live in that reality! If I can’t be me and I make you uncomfortable then kick rocks with your shoes off away from me! I will never lower myself...
We got to have fun and that doesn’t mean you need to be a drunk or you have to be immature. Don’t take life too seriously because there are things you can’t control meaning don’t control what...
The fruit is electrical food, it’s full of energy and magnetics. Parasites hate energy and oxygen. They love food void of electromagnetic energy, and that is dead food. They love starches and rancid...