It's amazing that just by changing your diet this could drastically change your lifestyle because of the way the world is set up today. Humans try to pretend like life doesn't revolve around food, but...
If we look at things practically in nature, then it makes common sense that we fuel up during the day, and let the body rest in the evening. When the sun comes up you're able to forge and gather your...
Why would a “doctor” say that there is no answer to your health problem? Simple because they have no clue about the cause of the effect. If I go see a painter and ask him to the electrical work on...
We have obviously become a society that has drifted away from nature and has created a structure, and format taught to the people in these societies, how they should eat, a fancy food pyramid of what...
I like to emphasize the species specific diet, because I believe that that's where most of the confusion lies. We could have intellectual discussions on nutrition, detoxification, and compare the...
There are “health experts” that are saying that you need supplements even on a vegan diet or raw vegan diet!? They are talking about the many benefits of eating fully plant based, however taking...
I’m sure you have heard of giantism or dorphism right? You understand that this is a genetic defect, and also all genetic defects are related to a cause, to create the effect. What is the cause?...
The percentage of people that actually eat raw fruits and vegetables in today's world is shocking. People wake up with there coffee and sugar, their pancakes and pastries, and still make statements...
First thing you need to understand is that the body produces its own melatonin for a reason. That reason is to help you sleep when your body needs to rest. Naturally the body should produce a healthy...