When you get a fever and the body creates an immune response, it’s trying to expectorate, and eliminate waste out of the body, whether that’s a viral (foreign protein) bacterium, neurotoxin,...
The more you identify your poor health with “disease” the more confused, and frustrated you will be regarding your recovery. You must understand that “disease” is a word that makes you think...
Your skin is your largest eliminative organ, it’s the 3rd kidney of the human body. Depending on how hard your detox is, and how fast you transitioned off dead foods and proteins, your body will...
It’s what you don’t eat that is important if you desire to be healthy. We live in a culture of consumerism, and the same thing goes for “dieting” and trying to get healthy, and changing bad...
My current intuitive protocol as of late regarding diet has been mainly a diet of liquids (juice or coconut water) until 4 and then I have one meal and that’s usually a simple salad or a mono fruit...
I like to emphasize the species specific diet, because I believe that that's where most of the confusion lies. We could have intellectual discussions on nutrition, detoxification, and compare the...
Animal tissue is dead putrefactive cells and stagnant blood, and when ingested creates an infestation of worms! Yes, animal flesh is rotting tissue and the animal's humans are eating today are also...
If you want to get rid of ovarian cyst then you should target your kidneys! Your probably not filtering if you have them, and the whole reason you got them was because your lymph system is backing up,...
Detoxification is the answer for regenerative healing and the most effective way to rebuild a damaged and broken body. If you don't detoxify the body and heal it on a systemic level then your left...
There are “health experts” that are saying that you need supplements even on a vegan diet or raw vegan diet!? They are talking about the many benefits of eating fully plant based, however taking...