Do you understand how important your lymph node bacteria is? It brakes down your 3.5 ph acids in your body, so you can eliminate them through your kidneys.
It’s very apparent that we as humans have created a habit of eating too much, and eating complicated recipes. The more simple you eat, the less symptoms you will experience when It comes to gas,...
Even though I don’t believe juicing is “fasting” it’s still no doubt a detox! Your removing all fiber from your diet, and your body will then put more focus on healing and repairing, because...
Cannabis is a natural herb and a powerful herb nature produced. I believe it’s a medicinal herb like so many others to enhance and to support structure function to cells and tissue like any other...
Treating is a concept that encourages dealing with symptoms because you can’t treat a cause to an effect you can only eliminate the cause to the effect because it’s not “disease” its acids and...
This world has become so out of balance, that sticking people in the arm with neurotoxins and chemicals, is the answer to avoid mysterious viruses and diseases!??? Really? This is a scam, and these...
Your health is declining and you want answers! You are willing to pay whatever it takes to get better and you heard of doctor joe shmo who is going to fix you right?
Those little acorn-shaped glands that sit on the kidneys control so many functions in the body and I’ll just name a few. Before I state the main purpose of the adrenal glands and why they are so...
Now I’m not a promoter of starving yourself and I believe that there are more beneficial ways to heal when it comes to eating and for lifestyle, you find your balance when it comes to what your body...
It's funny how I constantly get told that a fruit diet is not sufficient for optimal health because it's hybridized while the people that tell me this are eating hybrid vegetables, and hybrid dormant...
Ok understand that the body has 2 fluid based systems one feeds the cells in the body and the other one cleans the cells. Blood feeds the cells and the lymphatic system is there to clean the cells...