Think about all the toxic chemistry you have been shoveling in your body and the toxic chemistry your parents might have been feeding you in the mother’s womb, from infancy, and all throughout your...
When you remove foods that are void of energy, and replace foods with electromagnetic energy, you will open up your senses, and experience higher spiritual consciousness, because energy equals...
Tolerance is not condoning concepts, actions, and beliefs that are not aligned with your morals and principles or things that are out of balance in the lower self.
Sometimes life can pull you in all kinds of directions and sometimes you make the wrong turn and things become challenging and the first instinct when we face the unknown and uncomfortable is to run....
Never be the victim when life rats you out because life is here to makes us stronger so we don’t keep making the same repetitive mistakes. Yes, we all have created negative karma and we have to be...
You don’t want to block sun rays out of your eyes because the sun is designed for your body not to be blocked out of the eyes. We are designed for the sun and full-spectrum lighting brings energy to...
This drama of life and the experience it brings is crazy, challenging and fun but it can bring discomfort because it’s a training grown and we are all growing at a different pace and the lessons and...
There are many reasons why we fall of our diet and when I say diet I simply just mean the natural optimal lifestyle diet for humans, not a fad diet that’s designed for temporary things like losing...
We are all learning to embrace the trials of life and we bump our head often haha but when we get out of our heads, surrender and step back and observe we can embrace the sun, the trees and each other...
If your the type of person that feels discouraged about healing on a high fruit raw food diet, and are not experiencing healing like you expected, then it’s most likely because you're not creating a...
Humans have been conditioned to seek a quick fix that often never exist and often tries to find ways to avoid the truth and to go to an “expert” to help validate things can be done another way...