I was once a chemical factory of drugs and alcohol! I was depressed angry and confused and almost all my friends died under the vice of drugs and alcohol.
Your kidneys are vital in the human body because they are hooked up to the giant lymphatic system in the body and are the channel to filter out the waste. If your kidneys are the main eliminative...
When life feels like a race you should slow down. When it’s a struggle to breathe you should stop and take a DEEP BREATH and when life is a blur it’s time to find your focus.
Resisting the cards you are dealt with and not embracing the present moment with wisdom means that you are failing to surrender because fear is blocking you with a resistant pull. This is simply the...
I know for myself as a man that grew up around tough no bull shit alpha males I tend to hide behind my emotions but I’ve learned through the years to let go of that and to embrace the healing...
I release my fear because it’s fear that holds me back! It’s fear that feeds my insecurity and it’s fear that creates a manifestation of egoic centered realities.
You are dealing with fermentation possibly for the following reasons... you must consider your pancreas and your gallbladder being digestive organs and glands and if they are being burdened by foods...
Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and...
Cooked foods are stimulants and sedatives meaning that you may feel good for a minute when eating them but once you create mucus and acids in the body this will have an effect on your emotional and...