It's constantly being said that healthy fatty acids are the most important for the nervous system, which I would agree that the fats have the anti-inflammatory calming properties, but they're not...
If your kidneys do not filter, then nothing you do matters! Fruits move lymph and hydrate the body! Herbs strengthen and support structure function of glands and organs while the body detoxifies! But...
Better name for sulfates would be gorilla glue! This substance that’s in pharma drugs, processed foods, certain spices, and supplements sticks to the body, and creates a breeding ground for candida...
You don’t want to make proteins a priority at all actually. But if you have a parathyroid weakness, this means you're not utilizing calcium effectively, and if you're already not producing...
It’s what you don’t eat that is important if you desire to be healthy. We live in a culture of consumerism, and the same thing goes for “dieting” and trying to get healthy, and changing bad...
What causes anything really when it comes to bodily dysfunction? Acidosis. Acids are cationic and corrosive so when acids get trapped in interstitial spaces and acids are not being removed out of the...
It's amazing that just by changing your diet this could drastically change your lifestyle because of the way the world is set up today. Humans try to pretend like life doesn't revolve around food, but...
If we look at things practically in nature, then it makes common sense that we fuel up during the day, and let the body rest in the evening. When the sun comes up you're able to forge and gather your...
Most people are very confused about candida, and simply just wrapped up in the mind regarding how this overgrowth is caused. For one candida is naturally present in the body, and this fungus is only...
We have obviously become a society that has drifted away from nature and has created a structure, and format taught to the people in these societies, how they should eat, a fancy food pyramid of what...
Is it really worth taking a toxic poison all in the name of getting your kicks sexually to avoid the natural life form of humanity? Sex is not only created for pleasure, and love between a man and a...