Why do humans that have irresponsible damaged their bodies with the standard world diet of crap food! Flip flop with diets and yo-yo eat? I will tell you, it’s because we have been conditioned to be...
The more you identify your poor health with “disease” the more confused, and frustrated you will be regarding your recovery. You must understand that “disease” is a word that makes you think...
Excuses are easy to make in today’s world for anyone, and there will always be an excuse to eat cooked foods, because humans are addicted to them. You got yourself in trouble with your health...
A tumor is a pocket of fluid, basically a pocket of stagnant acid fluid that is building up in specific tissues of the body. This happens due to stagnation of acid fluid that is not circulating out of...
Your skin is your largest eliminative organ, it’s the 3rd kidney of the human body. Depending on how hard your detox is, and how fast you transitioned off dead foods and proteins, your body will...
Nature is simplistic, and the humans that inhabit the earth, have unfortunately walked away from simplicity. Humanity started focusing on protein and nutrition, and look around, is anyone gaining...
It’s what you don’t eat that is important if you desire to be healthy. We live in a culture of consumerism, and the same thing goes for “dieting” and trying to get healthy, and changing bad...
What causes anything really when it comes to bodily dysfunction? Acidosis. Acids are cationic and corrosive so when acids get trapped in interstitial spaces and acids are not being removed out of the...
Most people are very confused about candida, and simply just wrapped up in the mind regarding how this overgrowth is caused. For one candida is naturally present in the body, and this fungus is only...
If you have run tests through medical doctors recommendations, and you get caught up on thinking that you have all these so called diseases, and diagnoses, then it will be very difficult to put...
This is another distraction that humans have come up with that is a man-made concept, that has no real evidence to support the importance of it. We have been taught that we need to eat a certain...
Do you understand how important your lymph node bacteria is? It brakes down your 3.5 ph acids in your body, so you can eliminate them through your kidneys.