Do you understand how important your lymph node bacteria is? It brakes down your 3.5 ph acids in your body, so you can eliminate them through your kidneys.
Babylon is a system full of desires and in order to function there or to “fit in” you will have to lower yourself in the subconscious mind programming to chase those desires rooted in pride and...
Proteins from animal products clearly have been shown to cause damage to cells leading to degeneration (“cancer”) the human body is not built to handle proteins from animal products. But Jon there...
The body will not detox and drain the lymphatic system to bring you the results your looking for if you are “high fruit” but not 100% raw low fat, and low protein and if you don’t open up the...
Moving lymph, and most importantly removing lymph out of the body, is not going to happen by working out. You need to understand the lymphatic system as Robert Morse ND teaches it, and his students...
Dry fasting is the top of the mountain for fasting. Some people like to dry fast for several days and some people like to time restrict a dry fast every day. I like to dry fast for 16-20 hours every...
If you support the USA military or any Military system that hates nature and kills people for bankers and fake wars built on propaganda your simply holding yourself back in the reincarnation levels of...
Sounds pretty cut and dry right? Sounds like a blanket statement? Well for one “addiction” is a mindset first before it becomes active and if you feed your subconscious mind with statements like...
If you live in the mind space you will never know what the heart wants. The mind can be a bully and especially when the heart is absent from the situation at hand. The mind complicates life and the...
If you are dealing with inflammation which is dealing with a “FLAME” inside first you have to understand what would cause a burn inside your body in the first place.
When the pineal gland turns on (6th chakra) and the in-FORM-action is activated from within you come into the higher self which is the god state. Don’t get it twisted even Jesus being a god called...
If you can’t make a child adopt one! There is always a solution to every problem. You can always help a single mom raise one to men! If you love her you will love the reflections produced from her!...