When you get to a point in your healing journey being on a fruit diet and herbs for a while but still are at a stage of needing more healing you need to understand that you may just be eating too much...
I used to model my discipline with such pride and suffering for me dealing with chronic pain (acidosis) in my entire pelvic area and lower back made it easy for me to do whatever it takes to heal and...
When you understand the simplicity of chemistry knowing there are only 2 sides of chemistry acid and base/alkaline and you know what foods are dominate regarding the 2 sides of chemistry then you can...
Without question, all human dis-ease is related to trash build up in the body. Accumulation of metabolic waste matter. Acids and mucus! The best way to clean out the lymphatic system is to go on an...
Except a blowback of negativity when you walk on a path of truth! duality is an effect you can’t avoid. When your shining your light in a world of darkness, negativity, and the negative forces will...
Scoliosis is an abdominal curvature of the spine. First thing we must establish here to fully understand why this would happen to someone is to understand cause an effect. Their is always a cause...
I love all my reflections the made well people, the empaths, the light bearers and all those that took a stand to love themselves enough to take a moment to be courage’s to listen to there hearts...
The world is facing a level of consciousness that is predominantly expressing a negative energy of aggression, hate, and this is breeding all kinds of anger and depression in our species, and I truly...
So you go get an “allergy” test and they say that you should avoid eating all these foods that are giving you allergies right? But you never hear that the foods you are having problems with for...
Don’t bury your passion because you feel not good enough because that’s a game in your mind and it’s the lower self trying to convince you that you are not powerful beyond measure.
If you spend quality time arguing and fighting with people it’s ego and pride that is holding you back and most of the time this defense mechanism is from not listening. If you want to project and...
We have a spirit of love for some people that goes much deeper than feeling and even action. Your soul has an unconditional love for some people and you can have a strong consistent common love for...