America used to be the place every immigrant wanted to be to find MORE freedom. Freedom is being removed and America at least in many states has sold the constitution to the plandemic or has been...
Think about this a “gun” is being pointed right at your pituitary gland with artificial light that I’m sure brings off radiation and especially pointed directly at your pineal gland would make...
Be the experiment. Go on a truly alkaline diet for 30 days and then eat acidic foods and you will know real fast what it feels like to be alkaline and what it feels like to be inflamed!
Your body feels light, and your digestion is perfect after a few weeks of deeply cleaning the bowels but you feel tired and weak? Your adrenals are asleep because a fruit diet doesn’t stimulate the...
The kidneys are the channel organ for elimination and the adrenal glands that sit on top of the kidneys are the battery of the nervous system (autonomic) if neurotransmitters help activate movement to...
The foods that give! Raw living foods don’t obstruct the body. Raw living foods don’t create sticky residues in the colon that feed parasites and fungus. Raw living foods are easily eliminated...
When you stop eating foods that clog up the colon, the debris of undigested fecal matter, harden rubber-like plaque and the like the body will want to get rid of it. We eat raw living foods and fruit...
If you eat less but yet you are emotionally damaged and disconnected from your higher self you may become undernourished. But when you disconnect yourself from the physical realm of the limited mind...
I reminder always wondering back when I was a child very much influenced as well by my inner circle but also very resistant. I was always annoyed and dismayed by my surroundings how people would form...
When you are sad always put out positive energy because you’re being tested and negative energies around you are trying to pull you into energies of darkness. You don’t have to enter these realms...