Most women grow up dreaming about having babies, and this is a good thing, I believe that reproducing and creating life, is a beautiful thing. However women continually are making babies in today's...
People try to hard to create a result, and you don’t have to. Why try when all you need to do is trust and wait! The goal always when it comes to getting healthy, when it comes to fork to mouth is...
Let’s say you're always thirsty even though your eating tons of fruits and drinking juice. But you're still always thirsty? Why would you be thirsty if your consuming fruit full of alkalinity,...
We could talk about aggressive fasting, extended fasting in regards to juice-only, water only and extended dry fasting, but it really doesn't matter what kind of fast you choose to do if your kidneys...
You can look at your eyes, to understand your symptoms, and the state of your lymphatic system, functions regarding your endocrine glands, organs and nervous system and the like.
If you want to get rid of ovarian cyst then you should target your kidneys! Your probably not filtering if you have them, and the whole reason you got them was because your lymph system is backing up,...
I am not a fan of intellectualism! I think simplicity is what teaches us the most regarding what's what, and what's just written on paper. When my health took a dive and I became bedridden from...
I’m sure you have heard of giantism or dorphism right? You understand that this is a genetic defect, and also all genetic defects are related to a cause, to create the effect. What is the cause?...
If you don’t know the purpose of the lymphatic system and how that deals with the state of human health and how to regenerate the body from a state of dis-ease to a state of health and vitality then...
It’s very apparent that we as humans have created a habit of eating too much, and eating complicated recipes. The more simple you eat, the less symptoms you will experience when It comes to gas,...
Cannabis is a natural herb and a powerful herb nature produced. I believe it’s a medicinal herb like so many others to enhance and to support structure function to cells and tissue like any other...