Why do humans that have irresponsible damaged their bodies with the standard world diet of crap food! Flip flop with diets and yo-yo eat? I will tell you, it’s because we have been conditioned to be...
The reason why humans are inheriting genetic weaknesses, it's not just because they're unlucky, but because of what was passed down to them by their lineage, and family that has compromised their body...
Time for a solid food vacation, at least for a couple days or longer. You know me I don’t plan, I just go with intuition, and listen to my body. This is a for life lifestyle! Just bought a cheap...
If your having a lot of uncomfortable head like symptoms such as headaches, brain fog, dizziness, equilibrium imbalance, blurry vision, vertigo, confusion, bad memory, stuttering speech Etc. You most...
People try to hard to create a result, and you don’t have to. Why try when all you need to do is trust and wait! The goal always when it comes to getting healthy, when it comes to fork to mouth is...
If you are sick or have a serious health condition and refuse to change your consciousness, then there is no hope for you to heal yourself. There is no such thing as a quick fix solution when you have...
It's amazing that just by changing your diet this could drastically change your lifestyle because of the way the world is set up today. Humans try to pretend like life doesn't revolve around food, but...
If you have run tests through medical doctors recommendations, and you get caught up on thinking that you have all these so called diseases, and diagnoses, then it will be very difficult to put...
I am not a fan of intellectualism! I think simplicity is what teaches us the most regarding what's what, and what's just written on paper. When my health took a dive and I became bedridden from...
Our body is made up of a bunch of cells and these cells need nourishment that comes from the nutrition of the foods that the human species is designed for. But when it comes to regenerative...
Even though I don’t believe juicing is “fasting” it’s still no doubt a detox! Your removing all fiber from your diet, and your body will then put more focus on healing and repairing, because...
This world has become so out of balance, that sticking people in the arm with neurotoxins and chemicals, is the answer to avoid mysterious viruses and diseases!??? Really? This is a scam, and these...