If you are dealing with chronic systemic acidosis and your life is on hold and your body is failing in a highly acidic state you should go on a tropical diet and that means fruit only and nothing else...
Is it the fruit that cause tooth decay?, or is it acidosis, and the fruits are pulling these acids out? Well I hate to say it but it's a little bit of both! Whether your on a fruit based diet or not,...
Holding onto resentment will only create unnecessary stress, in the spiritual, physical, and emotional bodies. If you don't deal with the spiritual, and the emotional aspects in regards to...
Water is not hydrating, and it's the one thing that people overdo every single day in my opinion. Athletes drink gallons of water, it's been said that you must hydrate with water every morning before...
Calcium is a great source to buffer acids that enter the body. The body is full of calcium so if you put acid chemistry in the body from acidic food then your body is going to want to buffer the acid...
We definitely are living in a world today where we have an obsession with cheese! Why do we love cheese so much? Is it because it tastes good?, or is it more because is extremely addictive? Either way...
If a mother is successfully able to produce milk for there baby and there milk is not acidic compromising the lymphatic system of the baby I believe you should breastfeed until at least 2-3 years old.
You don’t want to make proteins a priority at all actually. But if you have a parathyroid weakness, this means you're not utilizing calcium effectively, and if you're already not producing...
If you don't have a life-threatening illness, and you do have time on your side, I actually highly recommend balance, and not a 100% fruit for detoxification. An all fruit diet, could really mess up a...
Water is not hydrating, and it's the one thing that people overdo every single day in my opinion. Athletes drink gallons of water, it's been said that you must hydrate with water every morning before...
Let’s be honest here dairy is not a “food” it’s liquid mucus made into butter, cheese, yogurt, and milk and it’s fluids from another species designed for a baby calf for growth development,...