When it comes to true regenerative detoxification, it's not what you add on that will promote this process, but rather the focus of eliminating obstructions that are blocking the flow of energy and...
Time for a solid food vacation, at least for a couple days or longer. You know me I don’t plan, I just go with intuition, and listen to my body. This is a for life lifestyle! Just bought a cheap...
Let’s say you're always thirsty even though your eating tons of fruits and drinking juice. But you're still always thirsty? Why would you be thirsty if your consuming fruit full of alkalinity,...
My current intuitive protocol as of late regarding diet has been mainly a diet of liquids (juice or coconut water) until 4 and then I have one meal and that’s usually a simple salad or a mono fruit...
Suppressing and masking symptoms with anything cannot promote effective detoxification when it comes to removing the obstructions that cause "disease" in the body. The whole point of detoxification is...
Detoxification is the answer for regenerative healing and the most effective way to rebuild a damaged and broken body. If you don't detoxify the body and heal it on a systemic level then your left...
Stay on the path and when you find the truth and you find confidence on the path to wellness and you honor the laws of nature and come to understand cause and effect when you step outside the bounds...
When you are in deep trouble with your health you want to be consistent with your diet. Don’t be discouraged with your healing, the body will heal as long as you create the right environment in the...
Let's try not to get our minds focused on medical analogies of health conditions. The most important thing that you can learn about regarding how the body functions, and how the body eliminates...
It's important to have a rational mind when fasting and detoxing on a living foods diet. When you have come from a diet predominantly processed foods, that are very acidic and mucus forming, to a diet...